TakeThat 板


来源:Take That官方网站 Thursday, 7 May Watch The Premiere of The Brand New Video For 'Said It All'' Take That have revealed that their next single will be the amazing Said It All’, out on 15th June. With Gary on lead vocals, the lighters-in-the-air, show-stopping third single from the multi-platinum album The Circus will be released to coincide with the band’s record- breaking UK tour, which kicks off in Sunderland in June. You can catch the exclusive premiere of the video tomorrow morning (Friday 8th May) on GMTV between 8 and 9am. It will then be available to view afterwards from 10am here on www.takethat.com. Details about the video are being kept firmly under-wraps, but we can reveal that it was directed by Lindy Heymann, who has previously worked on videos for Faithless and Suede. Got an idea of how you think the video will look? Maybe you’ve come up with a unique suggestion all of your own? We’d love to hear your thoughts and predictions, so head over to the forum and share them now. Then when you’ve seen the video, head back and let everyone know what you think. TT宣布下一首单曲是‘Said It All’,6/15发行。此首单曲主唱是Gary ,The Circus专辑即将发行的第三首单曲发行日,将是於六月Sunderlandd开唱的 破纪录英国巡回演唱会期间。 单曲MV抢先看於明天5/8晚上8-9点GMTV播出。之後可在隔天上午10官网观看。 有关MV细节现在必须保密。但是我们可以透露由Lindy Heymann所导,他导演过 Faithless和Suede的MV。 这样大家对新MV有任何想像画面吗?也许你已经联想出自己创意构想了?我们很 乐意听看看你们的想法和预测,所以现在大家可以上论坛和大家分享讨论之。在 看过MV後,再上来和大家分享你的感想! 我最喜欢两首歌曲都发行单曲,哈哈~太爽了~Said It All副歌部分我早就拿 来当手机铃声*^^* 尝鲜版(牺牲很大):http://0rz.tw/8TxIV 完整版:http://0rz.tw/XnA2y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsV6YEBJigE
我觉得是很棒的MV,觉得最有戏感是Jay,在镜子前的照镜转身弯头整个 表情动作超赞!觉得Gary的魅力还是唱歌时最迷人(我对那个大红啾啾和大红花 很有意见),在四人都涂了白脸红鼻子小丑妆後,明显可以发现Mark脸蛋轮廓真 的最帅!其他人轮廓就变平面多了。大叔镜头很少,不过和Jay搭配演出的傀儡 布偶好真实,不亏是舞者出身,四十岁身体柔软度还是灵活很,或许是大叔小丑 妆的嘴巴画法让人觉得无敌苦命哀怨。MV所表达方式很有意境,有创意,而且TT 都同意画小丑妆,亲身上阵。这样不断尝试新玩意的TT,难怪演唱会总是让人惊 艳!开始期待这次巡回演唱会有何惊奇出现阿! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 tinarisa:终於等到我最爱的 Said It All ^___^ 05/08 02:13
2F:推 haageha:wow!! 05/08 04:13
※ 编辑: osga 来自: (05/09 01:28)
3F:→ osga:有人觉得MV是在隐喻TT前时期吗?越看越觉得是..... 05/10 21:08
4F:推 kkdai:好像都被移除 05/17 10:13
5F:推 kimuranene:嗯 youtube的被删掉了~ 05/18 15:47
6F:→ kimuranene:and 我还想多看一些Markie唱的的MV (羞) 05/18 15:48
7F:推 nosweating:都还没看到就移除了 囧 05/19 21:37
8F:→ osga:官网只放24小时.等六月单曲发行再播放这MV.patient.^^ 05/20 00:09
9F:→ osga:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjPSa5BqCf8 找到一个完整 05/28 18:02
10F:→ osga:影片截图..可以看看...话说时间飞逝...演唱快开始了 05/28 18:05
11F:→ osga:http://blog.roodo.com/backforgood/d94cf5ef.jpg壮观货车队 05/30 02:00

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