TakeThat 板


中文:http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090327/19/1gtsl.html 英文:http://www.mirror.co.uk/celebs/3am/2009/03/27/robbie-williams- says-he-is-ready-for-a-take-that-reunion-115875-21230459/ 相關:http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/article2343506.ece (法新社倫敦27日電) 英國「太陽報」今天報導,超級巨星羅比威廉斯 (Robbie Williams)說,他準備重新加入90年代轟動一時的英國少男樂團 「接招」(Take That)。 羅比威廉斯告訴太陽報:「我跟他們經常保持聯繫,每週似乎都有進展。 那些傢伙似乎都很贊成這件事,我想重組接招應該會很好玩。」 羅比威廉斯1995年退團單飛,結果和其他團員交惡,往後10年多半維持這種關係 。 接招在2005年在羅比威廉斯缺席的情況下重新出發,重現部份往日風光。去年 羅比威廉斯宣稱他們又開始一起玩音樂,但表示在正式重回接招之前,他還有 一些事必須單獨完成。 然而羅比威廉斯告訴太陽報,接招可望在數個月內重新聚合。他說:「拭目以 待吧,我的心思正確,如果蓋瑞(Gary Barlow,團員)打電話來,那就是適當 的時機。」(譯者:蔡和穎) Robbie Williams has sensationally revealed he is ready to rejoin Take That – 14 years after his bitter departure. The star, 35, has healed his rift with Gary Barlow and says his old pals want him back. He added: “I’m in regular contact with them and it’s looking more likely by the week. The lads all seem up for it. I think it would be fun.” Robbie is waiting for a call from Gary Barlow to seal one of pop’s most eagerly awaited reunions. The Angels singer, 35, broke his silence to confirm for the first time that he hopes to rejoin Take That. He said: “Let’s see what happens, but my head’s in the right place, so the timing could be right if Gary calls. I think it would be fun. It would be good.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/article2348798.ece MIXED news for old-school TAKE THAT fans. The lads have once again confirmed they will reunite with ROBBIE WILLIAMS — but laughed off any suggestion that it will be soon. On being told that Robbie says he is just waiting for GARY BARLOW to call, the singer joked: 疎uick. Where’s my phone?? He added: 戦’ve heard Robbie say that 50 times. We keep answering the same way. We’d all love to do something but Rob’s in the studio making an album and we’re on tour in the summer. It will happen, I just don’t know when.? At a press conference, after appearing on Denmark’s X Factor, MARK OWEN said: 巣e were out in LA mixing our album The Circus and spent a lot of time with Robbie. TT再次確定未來可能Robbie會歸隊。但對任何建議一笑置之。有人提及Robbie 就等Gary電話了。Gary馬上說:快點,我的手機在哪?我已經聽過Robbie說這 樣話很多次。我們回應還是跟以前一樣。我們很樂意一起和Robbie共事。但 Robbie現在正製作新專輯,我們夏季要巡迴演唱會。所以歸隊未來會發生,只 是不知道哪時候。 底下有訪問時的影片,網頁上也有是英文提問。Mark還幫腔說拿Gary的手機來, Mark回答問題時Jay還伸手跨過Mark硬要拿桌上零食來吃,Jay吃得真開心。另 一個影片就是關於丹麥X-Factor冠軍的看法,在開始前Howei大叔手拿飲料大喊 我們贏了!哈哈~ 影片:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXCG1hH2hyc

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 nosweating:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 03/28 10:11
2F:推 spf6127:Robbie!!!<( ‵▽′)-σ_▁ˍ▂▃▄▅▆◣ 03/28 11:15
3F:推 tinarisa:當年我很樂見rob退團,沒想到現在看到這消息讓我很開心! 03/28 15:41
4F:→ osga:終於聽到Robbie鬆口...看到歸隊日期不遠...等待適當時機囉^^ 03/28 16:24
5F:推 kimuranene:恭喜老爺 賀喜夫人 (* ̄▽ ̄)/‧★*"`'*-.,_,.-*'`" 03/28 22:16
6F:→ kimuranene:會在演唱會時回來嗎 科料 03/28 22:17
7F:→ osga:說不定會合作唱一兩首歌喔!確定歸隊的話.再衝一次演唱會^^ 03/29 01:15
8F:推 devin0329: 酷!!!! 03/29 01:43
9F:推 Karman:太陽報啊~I really don't know. 03/29 02:36
10F:→ osga:目前訪問所聽到相關.Mark是說今年大家都有自己要忙得計畫. 03/29 03:41
11F:→ osga:但是依舊門永遠是敞開的(這是件大事.等他們年底忙完再看吧) 03/29 03:44
※ 編輯: osga 來自: (03/30 21:18)

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