TakeThat 板


來源:http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/article2283737.ece 相關新聞:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1158293/Cheryl-finally -ditches-high-heels-begins-ascent-Mount-Kilimanjaro.html GARY BARLOW and the gang are out of the starting blocks and have completed the first day of their gruelling trek up Mount Kilimanjaro for Comic Relief. I couldn’t be in Africa because of a family bereavement but Gary’s keeping me posted with a daily climb diary. Gary和整隊隊員排除障礙,已經完成為Comic Relief艱苦跋涉Mount Kilimanjaro 的第一天。因為家中喪親我不能在待在非洲,但Gary會持續讓我發表每天爬山日 記。 The TAKE THAT star’s back is still playing up but he’s soldiering on with a little bit of help from his fellow climbers including CHRIS MOYLES, RONAN KEATING and FEARNE COTTON. Gary的背痛仍舊持續,但他藉著團員幫助依照既定行程走,團員包括 CHRIS MOYLES, RONAN KEATING 和FEARNE COTTON。 The group left base camp yesterday morning for the first leg of their trek — avoiding heaps of elephant dung and ants’ nests in the rainforest. They could only walk for four hours due to high temperatures and tricky terrain. 團隊昨天早晨離開扎營處開始進行跋涉,是為了避免大量的大象糞便和的熱帶雨 林的螞蟻巢。由於高溫和複雜的地形,他們只能步行4個小時。 The day before starting the long old slog to the top of the 19,330ft mountain Gary was reminded why he and the others are taking on this huge task when he met local guide JACKSON, who has made it to the summit 80 times. 在開始爬如此遙遠溶渣路並高達199330英尺山前一天,當與曾登頂80次的當地 嚮導JACKSON見面時,Gary和其他隊員被提醒為何擔任這重大任務。 He told Gary how, at just 16, he survived two bouts of deadly malaria. 他告訴Gary在16歲時他從兩次致命瘧疾中存活下來。 Gary said: across Africa malaria kills more children than any other disease, with 3,000 youngsters being taken by it every day. 繊ne of the biggest reasons for this is people can’t afford the simple nets that would offer them and their kids protection. The cost of supplying a net to a family and educating them on the importance of using it is just ?. Gary說:整個非洲瘧疾致死孩童比其他疾病高很多,每天有將近3000人青少年因 此致命。造此情況最大原因是不能提供簡單蚊帳免於他們被叮咬。所以付出方式 就是一個家庭一個蚊帳,並教育他們使用極重要性。 All of us who are taking on this climb want, with Sun readers’ help, to give as many families as possible the chance to protect themselves. ? 我們對爬山所需,有Sun報紙讀者幫忙,給予許多家庭有機會去保護自己。 Radio and telly host REGGIE YATES is backing his mate Fearne to be first over the finishing line. He popped in to Bizarre HQ yesterday and told me: 絶earne is easily the fittest girl in the group. She has been working extra hard to get in tip-top shape. 廣播和電台主持人REGGIE YATES支持他搭檔 Fearne第一個完成此路線。他在昨 天Bizarre HQ告訴我:絶earne是團體中最輕易地最瘦的,他一直是額外努力保 持最佳體態。 I’m sure they will all let their hair down with a few drinks at the end.? 我確定終點時他們全部會放下頭髮喝點飲料或酒。 To sponsor the BT Red Nose Climb go to rednoseday.com. 贊助BT Red Nose Climb請到rednoseday.com。 IT’S a sickener to see the celebs starting their trek up the highest peak in Africa without me. 看到名人開始他們跋涉到非洲最高峰而沒有我是件令人討厭事情。 But after five months training on the road to Africa I got a pretty good idea of who the Sir Edmund Hillarys were likely to be and who were more Eddie The Eagle. 但是經過五個月平地訓練到非洲時,我想到個很好主意誰可能是Sir Edmund Hillarys,誰又更像是Eddie The Eagle。 GARY BARLOW is the leader of the pack – but the most likely not to make it to the top. Before he left, he sent me a message. Gary是整隊領導,但卻最不可能登頂。這是在他離開前寄給我的訊息。 He said:All I can say is... gutted! I’m sorry to hear your news and even more sorry that we’re going to lose you on the climb! If I really make it to the top (with this bloody back there’s a slim chance) I will give you a thought. Your training will come in handy when we climb to Everest base camp next year for Comic Relief.? 他說:我所能說的是覺得失望!我很抱歉聽到你的消息,更抱歉的是我們不得 失去妳這隊員。如果我真的達到山頂(帶著嚴重背傷是有著些許機會)我會給 妳機會考慮。當我們為明年Comic Relief爬 Everest時,妳的訓練將會派上用 場。 The TAKE THAT star’s back might be in bad shape but he has the heart of a lion. Gary的背或許情況不好,但他有雄心壯志。 BEN SHEPHARD, from GMTV, is the fittest of the lads. He could probably run it. GMTV的BEN SHEPHARD是最適應良好,他可能能夠辦到。 RONAN KEATING struggled with the altitude training before he left and is another likely to suffer. Again, he has the determination to carry him through, though. 在出發前RONAN KEATING與訓練態度掙扎,可能會是另一位受苦者。同樣,他有 信心能夠通過考驗。 Of the girls, DENISE VAN OUTEN is the best prepared. She has been in training for nine months. 至於其他女孩,DENISE VAN OUTEN準備最充足。他已經受訓九個月。 The GIRLS ALOUD duo of CHERYL COLE and KIMBERLEY WALSH face the biggest challenge of their lives. Kimberley has been getting pain-killing injections in her feet and Cheryl is struggling with blisters. GIRLS ALOUD的CHERYL COLE和KIMBERLEY WALSH面臨人生中最大挑戰。 Kimberley以在腳上打止痛針,而Cheryl則是要注意水泡。 But DJ CHRIS MOYLES will be the most interesting one to watch. He has lost nearly two stone preparing for the climb. He likes a cigarette, and is still carrying a lot of weight – so he might struggle nearer the top. 而DJ CHRIS MOYLES將會是最有趣。他已經為此行減掉將近兩個大石頭。他喜歡 抽煙且仍然過重,所以他可能會接近山頂。 If all the team make it to Uhuru Peak they will have reason to celebrate. But with all their aches and pains in the early stages, the odds are against them... 如果整隊到達Uhuru Peak的話,他們將絕對有理由可以慶祝。但是近來他們的 病痛和傷,將會阻礙他們的機率。 PS1:他們已經全隊登頂,Gary拔爬山日記晚點PO上。 PS2:請大家支持棒球,如棒球版的金龍旗再現計畫!任何方式都可以。 我不想連這點驕傲和感動逐漸被政府無能、黑道介入等消磨殆盡。 PS3:祝我生日快樂吧!^Q^~願望:我要和Gary拔抱抱自拍!(←作夢) --

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1F:推 naif:生日快樂唷~ 03/09 22:10
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2F:推 spf6127:原po生日快樂!!! 03/10 14:06
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4F:推 anglais120:原PO生日快樂!!! 03/10 22:15
5F:推 kimuranene:生日快樂~~~~~~ 雙魚座都是正妹喔~~我喜歡~~~ 03/11 21:38

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