TakeThat 板


http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/music/a147358/b-side-of-the-week-take-thats-84.html B-side of the Week: Take That's '84' Sunday, February 22 2009, 06:48 GMT By David Balls, Entertainment Reporter We've got a busy week of new releases coming up and there's more than one worthy contender for our B-side of the Week title. To make the most of the situation, we're sneakily going to squeeze in two - starting with a very special exclusive from Take That's new single 'Up All Night'. Since making their comeback in 2006, Take That have been fairly unstoppable, scoring the fastest-selling UK tour in history and the fastest-selling album of the millennium. Gary Barlow and Mark Owen tend to take centre-stage on their singles, but a listen to their new B-side might lead to calls for Jason to grab the mic a bit more often. In much the same vein as 'Shine' and 'Up All Night', '84' is an perky, upbeat offering that's essentially Jason Orange's nostalgic ode to his youth. Taking lead vocals on the ska-infused verses, Jason recalls his first sexual experience - "heaven knows it was like a heart attack" - with a pretty girl with flowers in her hair. Fast-forward 24 years and Jason informs us he's single, living in London and there are "10,000 troops out fighting in Iraq". He also lets us know he's on the lookout for someone special to bring him a nice cuppa in the morning - any takers? The result is charming, uplifting and offers yet more evidence as to why Take That are the biggest group in the country at the moment. The full version is available on the 'Up All Night' CD single, out March 2, but for now here's a 30-second taster: 我們有個繁忙的一周,許多新曲發行,將會多超過一首以上的B-side介紹。 為了最多數介紹情況下,我們擠出兩個非常特殊的獨家的接招新單曲UP ALL NIGHT。 自從TT於2006復出後,TT已經相當銳不可擋,達到英國史上演唱會票最快售磬 和專輯最快銷售量達到白金,Gary和Mark往往是新單曲的主唱,但是聽他們新 單曲的B-side歌曲或許會是Jason主唱多點了。 'Shine' and 'Up All Night'有許多相同脈絡節奏,'84'是有生氣活潑的,樂觀 作品,基本上是Jason懷舊歌頌他的青年時期。主唱歌聲是採用斯卡詩句般, Jason回憶他第一次性經驗---天知道它就像一個心臟病發作” -一個頭髮插有花 朵的漂亮姑娘。過往的24年Jason說他單身,生活在倫敦同時間有萬軍隊在伊拉克 戰爭中。他也讓我們知道他在尋找真命天女能夠在早晨給她一杯茶----這人出現 了嗎? 歌曲:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4ZKR6yjq7I
84 84 was a pretty good year I lost my heart back then in 1984 Was a pretty good year I lost my heart to 1984 It was 1984 and I was nearly 16 years Oh Thatcher was the minister in charge Oh the miners were on strike And my Dad had gone away And the Swiss were riding high up in the charts It was there on Gordod Road While I was waiting in the cold For my mate when you came along And heaven knows that it was like a heart attack That year when you said to me If you give a little bit more Just a little bit more You'll get a little bit more If you try a little bit harder Just a little bit harder Then you'll get it for sure You'll get it for sure I was nervous, I was sweating Seemed like she was on a mission When she took me by the hand up to her room There were posters on her wall I saw flowers in her hair But I never got the chance to see them bloom 'Cause the clock stopped And the years rolled by But the time never left my mind When she said If you give a little bit more Just a little bit more You'll get a little bit more If you try a little bit harder Just a little bit harder Then you'll get it for sure You'll get it for sure Twenty-four years later And we're in the hands of labour And we've got ten thousand troops out in Iraq I am living now in London And at present I am single And it took my Dad a long time to come back 84 was apretty good year I lost my heart back then in 1984 Was a pretty good year I lost my heart to 1984 If you give a little bit more Just a little bit more You'll get a little bit more If you try a little bit harder Just a little bit harder Then you'll get it for sure You'll get it for sure 1984 1984 1984 補充Jay接受訪問影片:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p981h86wsss

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1F:推 kimuranene:osga要不要來翻一下啊~ (挖鼻孔) 03/09 21:22
※ 編輯: osga 來自: (03/09 21:26)
2F:→ osga:呵呵~新聞OK了~至於歌詞翻譯要有點意境.就大家意會囉^^ 03/09 21:27
※ 編輯: osga 來自: (03/16 01:45)

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