TakeThat 板


來源:http://www.garybarlow.com/ GARY拔拔Newsletter "Hi everyone I'm writing this while flying back from France. We've had a 2 week holiday in the middle of our recording schedule so it was perfect time to fit in a break with the kids and get some sun. Dan had his 8th birthday in August. Thanks for all your messages and cards. Where did those 8 years go ??→GARY拔拔全家剛從法國度假兩星期回來,並且 帥兒子八月過生日,謝謝大家的祝福。 New Take That Album Although not looking forward to the weather back home I can't wait to finish the new record and get it out for you all to hear!! We've been joined again by the fabulous John Shanks. So glad he's sharing his magic touch with us one more time. I must say I've had the most fun making Take That's 5th album. After all these years it really feels, for the first time, like we're a real band ! Fantastic! And from next month the boys and I will be back out around Europe doing TV's and radios so look out for us.GARY拔拔希望快點讓大家聽到新專輯,經過多年第一次覺得我們是一個真正 一體的團體,從下個月會開始上一些節目和電台。 San Remo Publishing In my effort to support and bring on new talent, last year I set up San Remo Publishing. I use this company to sign Songwriters and Artists who write their own songs. I can't tell you how rewarding getting involved in peoples careers has been. I'm so passionate about this as I have lived through many ups and downs in my time and take so much pleasure in steering my artists and songwriters in the right direction. It's also been interesting how much they're teaching me in this process. I guess we're never finished learning? My best wishes go to Bryn Christopher who has his 1st album coming out next week. Jo Whiley has been Bryns biggest supporter so far. He's also played every major festival this Summer and received rave reviews. It's been amazing watching him grow into a timeless artist. Please check out his music, I promise you'll love it. →去年GARY拔拔成立San Remo Publishing,並簽下許多歌曲創作者,從中也互 相學習成長,Bryn Christopher第一張專輯會在下星期發行,請大家多捧場, 我保證你們一定會喜歡的! New Song for Peter Kay's New Show Look out for Peter Kay's new show on Channel 4 in October. Peter and I wrote a song for the programme that is off the hook. I got to spend 2 amazing days with him and I got to tell you he is a genius. I have total respect for the work he does and the endless details and dedication he applies to it. I've only know him for a couple of years now but feel I have a friend for life. Love him ! Don't miss the show. →GARY拔拔和Peter Kay花兩天一起寫了一首歌,為了Peter在十月份新節目所寫 的。 Britannia High We finished and mastered last week the Britannia high Album. It's been so much fun to make. The reason for that is that I've made it with a bunch of mates. All the top UK songwriters were part of the process. I'm so thankful to them all for sharing their talent with us. In the next newsletter I'll share with you the unique way we made this record. →已經完成Britannia high專輯製作。(不知道這是為哪樁?) On a personal note Dawn and me are pregnant again! And before you ask it was all planned. Funny everyone asks us if it was a mistake. I guess we've waited quite a long time now with Emily being 6 this year. Anyway we can't wait. It's due 3 days before my birthday!! It's also quite nice because Mark's new baby is due in December we're sharing stories already. Most of the young baby stuff I've forgotten now so he's being a good source of info. →GARY拔拔的漂亮嬌妻懷第三胎啦!!!距離小女兒出生已經六年,我們已經期 待很久了,預產期是在GARY拔拔生日前三天。Mark小寶寶預產期則是在12月。 ..And Finally I'm back to my training tomorrow. I've eaten my way through the Summer and now in real need of some clean living. I have 6 months now before my big challenge in 09!! More news on that to follow. →明天開始GARY拔拔會開始鍛鍊身體,因為這夏天放縱愛吃行為,在2009大挑戰 前還有六個月時間可努力。 Gary" 相關新聞及幸福全家福照: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/article1432075.ece --

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◆ From: ※ 編輯: osga 來自: (09/25 11:43)
1F:推 Karman:噗~這樣不組小TT,組小ABBA好了...(爆) 09/25 12:41
2F:推 bigadolf:再生個小帥哥吧~~~ '09夏天 衝啊!!! 09/26 22:27

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