TW-language 板

International Symposium: Research and Teaching of Endangered and Marginalized Languages in East and Southeast Asia UCLA 亞太中心舉辦个實體/線頂活動,主要是欲講東亞佮東南亞个瀕危語言,臺灣有南島 語、臺語,日本有琉球話,韓國有濟州話,香港有圍頭話、客話,馬來西亞有峇峇仔馬來 話,有興趣个儂會當去網站遐登記,會隨寄網鍊予恁。 美國時間參咱遮拄仔好顛倒反,逐家拚暝工身體愛小顧--一下。 Register to Attend Online: Day 1 - Friday, May 3, 2024 (online via Zoom) Day 2 - Saturday, May 4, 2024 (online via Zoom) ----- 頭工議程 DAY 1 - International Symposium: Research and Teaching of Endangered and Marginalized Languages in East and Southeast Asia (May 3, 2024) Kaohsiung, Taiwan Sat, 4 May 2024 at 00:45 CST Pacific Time, PT Fri, 3 May 2024 at 09:45 PDT 9:45-9:50 AM Welcome Remarks by Min Zhou 9:50-10:00 AM Introduction to the Symposium by Shoichi Iwasaki 10:00-10:40 AM Yanti: "Language documentation training and post-training collaborations: A case from Indonesia" 10:40-11:30 AM Elizabeth Zeitoun: "Research and teaching of Rukai and Kaxabu, two Formosan languages: A comparison between officially and non-officially endangered/moribund languages in Taiwan" 11:30 AM-1:00 PM Lunch Break (Bunche 10383) 12:45-1:00 PM Elizabeth Zeitoun: Lunchtime Book Talk 1:00-1:30 PM Jennifer Chan: "Bringing Endangered Languages into the Open: How Open Educational Practices Can Help Save Human Knowledge from Going Extinct" 1:30-2:20 PM Seng-hian Lau: "What's in a Name? Revitalization of Taiwanese and the Misconceptions that Hinder It" 2:20-2:30 PM Break (10 min.) 2:30-3:10 PM Nala Lee: "The endangerment of Baba Malay and the challenges ahead" 3:10-3:20 PM Coffee (10 min.) 3:20-4:20 PM WilliAM O'Grady & Sejung Yang: "Opportunities and Obstacles: Language Revitalization in East Asia and Beyond" ----- 第二工議程 DAY 2 - International Symposium: Research and Teaching of Endangered and Marginalized Languages in East and Southeast Asia (May 4, 2024) Kaohsiung, Taiwan Sat, 4 May 2024 at 01:00 CST Pacific Time, PT Fri, 3 May 2024 at 10:00 PDT 10:00-11:55 AM Masahiro Yamada & Akiko Yokoyama: "Community-based language revitalization: A case of Okinoerbabu" 10:55-11:45 AM Sumittra Suraratdecha: "From Marginalization to Empowerment: A Comprehensive Approach to Language & Culture Reclamation" 11:45 AM-1:15 PM Lunch Break (Bunche 10383) 1:15-1:55 PM Chaak Ming Lau: "Promoting Linguistic Diversity Through Language Resource Development in Hong Kong" 1:55-2:05 PM Break (10 min.) 2:05-2:45 AM Yukinori Takubo: "Revitalizing Endangered Languages: A Study on Ikema Miyakoan and the Tamano Subvariety of Okayama" 2:45-3:00 PM Coffee (15 min.) 3:00-4:30 PM Open Discussion with Randy LaPolla (Virtual) 4:30-4:40 PM Closing Remarks by Juliana Wijaya --

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