TW-language 板


欲講菲律賓「咱儂話」个元音系統(有八个),講者共當做是一種相透濫个語言,有興趣 个儂會當參考。 ※ [本文轉錄自 Linguistics 看板 #1b6-Hfex ] 作者: CCY0927 (茹絮夢) 看板: Linguistics 標題: [演講] (Online) Vowel system or vowel systems? Sociophonetic 時間: Tue Oct 3 17:52:39 2023
Registration: Oct. 6 (Fri) 12:10pm (UTC+8) Dr. Wilkinson Daniel Wong Gonzales (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) "Vowel system or vowel systems? Sociophonetic variation in the monophthongs of Manila Lánnang-uè (Philippine Hybrid Hokkien)" (online talk) Abstract: Lánnang-uè, also known as Philippine (Hybrid) Hokkien, is a contact language employed by the Lannang community. The variety used in metropolitan Manila ( henceforth, Lánnang-uè) primarily comprises elements from Hokkien, Tagalog/ Filipino, and English. In this presentation, I will delve into the intricacies of Lánnang-uè, investigating it as a mixed language, and examine the linguistic and social factors that contribute to the variation within its monophthongs. (For a full description of the talk, please see here.) ----- Vowel system or vowel systems? Sociophonetic variation in the monophthongs of Manila Lánnang-uè Prof. Wilkinson Daniel Wong Gonzales Department of English The Chinese University of Hong Kong (on behalf of the team, consisting of myself and Prof. Rebecca Lurie Starr) Abstract: Lánnang-uè, also known as Philippine (Hybrid) Hokkien, is a contact language employed by the Lannang community. The variety used in metropolitan Manila ( henceforth, Lánnang-uè) primarily comprises elements from Hokkien, Tagalog/ Filipino, and English. In this presentation, I will delve into the intricacies of Lánnang-uè, investigating it as a mixed language, and examine the linguistic and social factors that contribute to the variation within its monophthongs. The investigation – work done by both me and Prof. Rebecca Lurie Starr ( National University of Singapore) – revolves around understanding the extent of convergence within the vowel systems of the three source languages—Hokkien , Tagalog/Filipino, and English—present in Lánnang-uè. To accomplish this, I draw upon a comprehensive dataset gathered from 34 native speakers. Employing Pillai scores, I quantitatively evaluate the degree of merger among the vowel systems. Contrary to certain predictions posited by prior research on mixed languages, the findings indicate that Lánnang-uè boasts a cohesive eight-vowel inventory that remains distinct from its source languages. Remarkably, the analysis reveals intriguing insights into the influence of age and gender on vowel stability. Specifically, older women tend to employ more stable vowels across the source languages. This intriguing discovery suggests their pivotal role in the development of Lánnang-uè as a mixed code. However, the study also unveils signs of change among younger women, implying potential shifts in the code’s evolution or its endangerment, possibly due to the community’s evolving identity. In addition to the linguistic analysis, I will provide some sociohistorical and language ecological context, situating the conclusions within the framework of metropolitan Manila Lannang community. Through this holistic approach, I shed light on the intricate relationship between language and society, revealing the nuanced dynamics that shape the trajectory of Lánnang- uè. The presentation not only contributes to the understanding of linguistic variation in contact languages but also offers insights into the broader sociocultural landscape in which these languages evolve. --

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※ 轉錄者: CCY0927 ( 臺灣), 10/03/2023 17:55:44 ※ 編輯: CCY0927 ( 臺灣), 10/03/2023 18:05:37
1F:推 MilchFlasche: Bē-bái 10/03 21:26

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