我盡量參考官方Q&A回答: : 另外數問 在3.5版規則來說 : 1.精通擒拿可以跟精通闖越一起使用嗎 塔克路! 官方Q&A裡有一題很像這個問題: Q:When grappling, the order of events is as follows: starting the grapple (the “grab”), then grappling, then D&D FAQ v.3.5 73 Update Version: 6/30/08 pinning, right? How many of these can you do in a round? Can you, in one attack, go all the way to pinned or is it based on the number of attacks you have? A:It’s the latter. You can grab someone and establish a hold with one attack, but pinning an opponent is an option only when you can make an attack and you already have a foe in your grasp (see If You’re Grappling in Chapter 8 of the PH). To grab and pin someone in one turn, you have to have at least two attacks available that turn. 再來看看宣告這兩個動作條件: 擒拿:擒抱檢定就如同近戰攻擊檢定。 (近戰攻擊檢定 不等於 標準動作) 闖越:在你進行移動的過程中,可以通過一個標準動作來嘗試進行闖越。(通常而言,你無法在 移動的過程中作出標準動作,但這是一個例外。) 因為闖越本身都把動作用光光了(移動中夾標準),所以應該是不能再擒抱。 原PO應該要的是撲倒,所以最好的方法先花一回合接近,下回合用全回合動作一次壓倒。 : 2.盜賊可以對野蠻人使用虛招 而發動偷襲能力嗎 Q:Does uncanny dodge protect a character from losing his Dexterity bonus to AC to a successful feint? A:No. Uncanny dodge doesn’t protect you from all situations that would deny you your Dexterity bonus to AC. It only lets you retain your Dexterity bonus if “caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker.” A feint doesn’t render a target flatfooted, it just doesn’t allow him to use his Dexterity bonus to AC against your next melee attack made on or before your next turn. 所以是可以的。 : 3.擒拿成功可以對對方攻擊一次 沒有精通阻拌專長的話 那次攻擊使用阻拌 : 對方可以ao嗎 被擒抱的人 = 沒有威脅範圍 所以也無法AO : 4.倒地狀態下 旁邊有敵人 可以使用特技動作移動出去在站起來嗎 Q:Can a character use the Tumble skill from a prone position? Specifically, if my character is prone, can he use Tumble to move out of a threatened square without provoking an attack of opportunity? A:According to a strict reading of the rules, no. The key phrase in the Tumble skill description is this: “Tumble at onehalf speed as part of normal movement. . . .” You can’t move “normally” while prone, thus you can’t use Tumble in this manner while prone. The only “normal” movement allowed while prone is to crawl 5 feet as a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity. I don’t think it stretches the rules unreasonably to allow a character to use Tumble while crawling, but since you can’t crawl at half speed (half of 5 feet is less than a full square), you’d have to take the –10 penalty on the Tumble check for using accelerated tumbling. Thus, a character could make a “crawling Tumble”—think of it as an “action roll” if you prefer—to move 5 feet as a move action without provoking attacks of opportunity; such an action would require a DC 15 Tumble check with a –10 penalty. 大意是說,如果只看字面,應該是不行的。 倒地→無法作出正常移動→無法翻滾 但事實上連客服人員都不覺得沒有理由不能這樣作,因為要移開一格至少要滾5呎嘛, 所以可以利用快速翻滾的規則-也就是說作一DC15檢定,並承受-10減值。 翻滾是移動的一部分,因此翻滾檢定是移動動作的一個部分,所以還能用標準動作站起。 : 5.有個附魔名稱為捨命 可以對對方額外造成2d6傷害 同時對自己1d6傷害 : 這傷害可以用野蠻人傷減抵免嗎 : 若不行 那麼附加慈悲 所有傷害轉變成內傷 這時候可以啟動傷減嗎 法術,類法術能力和能量攻擊(甚至非魔法火焰)忽視傷害減免。 捨命的攻擊和反蝕是能量傷害,所以無法擋掉。 (不過有翻到一篇說破敵可以擋得掉) : 6.盜賊在被擒拿的狀態下 可以對對方(野蠻人)造成偷襲傷害嗎 Q:Can you use a sneak attack while grappling? A:You can’t use a sneak attack in conjunction with a grapple check (such as a grapple check made to damage your opponent), since that isn’t an attack roll. You also can’t deliver D&D FAQ v.3.5 25 Update Version: 6/30/08 a sneak attack with the touch attack made to grab the target, since that attack doesn’t deal any damage. If, however, you make an attack roll while in a grapple (for instance, to attack your opponent with an unarmed strike, light weapon, or natural weapon), you’d deal sneak attack damage if your attack met the normal criteria for delivering a sneak attack. Remember that grappling characters lose their Dexterity bonus to AC only against opponents they aren’t grappling, so a rogue grappling with another foe wouldn’t benefit from that. 所以是不能 : 7.盔甲用尖刺可以對被擒拿者造成傷害 此傷害有加上力量調整值嗎 它是輕武器,所以有。 不過你只能使用盔甲刺來攻擊,不能附帶其他武器。 : 8.我擒拿對手的時候 主動解除擒拿是一個什麼動作? : 解除之後可以使用全力攻擊嗎 我想是即時動作,這等同於你放棄繼續定住他。 然後可以用五呎快步後退後全回合攻擊。 : 9.使用闖越的時候 路徑上如果有三個敵人 那麼只要闖越成功即可對下個目標進行 : 闖越嗎 Q:Can I overrun multiple opponents as part of the same action? It seems like a hefty fighter should be able to blast past several opponents if he is willing to take all of the associated attacks of opportunity and other drawbacks. A:The overrun rules allow you to overrun only a single opponent as a standard action taken during your move. If the defender chooses to avoid you, the overrun attempt doesn’t count against your actions, which means that you could try to overrun another foe during the same move. 一次只能撞一個(看不到保齡球了哭哭) : 10.特殊動作 精通衝撞 精通擒拿 精通闖越 精通阻拌 這些裡面似乎衝撞是比較沒必要的 : 衝撞的使用時機為何? 專長可以混用嗎? 如果對方背後有洞/刺/崖時,可以把他撞下去XD 另一種用法是把敵人推離/推近我方 專長混用這部分要看動作類型,有的是標準動作,有的是攻擊檢定。 攻擊檢定類的可以用在全回合攻擊或AO中,下面這題你可以參考看看: Q:Can a monk make disarm, sunder, and trip attacks during her flurry of blows? What about grapple checks? What about bull rushes, overruns, or other special combat maneuvers? A:As long as every attack is made with one of the monk’s special weapons (that is, weapons allowed as part of a flurry), the monk can perform any special attack that takes the place of a normal attack. She’s free to disarm, sunder, trip, and grapple to her heart’s content. She couldn’t bull rush or overrun (since those don’t use special monk weapons), nor could she aid another (which requires a standard action) or feint (which requires a move action). : 最近玩的角色是野蠻人摔角手 囧 : 有些東西好像很強又好像不強.. : 想使用關節技絞技摔技 可是沒書沒規則 O_Q : 本來是要跟dm凹 不過因為太複雜而作罷..~_~ 我在FAQ看到有一題是問半龍人能不能抓住人然後零距離噴火攻擊XD 結果回合是在Rules Compendium第60頁有列出所以和摛抱相關的maneuver(不知怎麼翻) 很可惜這條不在裡面,所以請洽你的DM XDDDDD 底下還有幾個你大概會用到的FAQ,參考看看吧: == Q:When using Combat Expertise or Power Attack, does the penalty you take also apply to opposed attack rolls (such as when you are involved in a disarm or sunder attempt)? What about on grapple checks? A:Yes and no. Anything described as an attack roll (even an opposed attack roll) can be affected by Combat Expertise or Power Attack. A grapple check isn’t an attack roll, so you can’t use Combat Expertise or Power Attack in conjunction with it. == Q:(前略,總之在問用塔盾作全防禦的一連串問題) Can it prevent grapple attacks or snatch attacks? A:Total cover from a tower shield blocks such attacks (the foe just can’t get hold of you). The foe could, however grab the shield. Conduct such attacks just like any other grapple or snatch attack. Your foe can’t damage you unless he pins you first. You can escape the foe’s hold simply by dropping the shield (a standard action since it’s strapped to your arm), so long as the foe has not pinned you. 把人家塔盾整個抱走XDDDDD == Q:Can you score a critical hit with a grapple check made to damage your opponent? A:No. Despite its similarity, a grapple check is not an attack roll, and thus can’t score a critical hit (nor does it automatically succeed on a natural 20 or fail on a natural 1). == Q:If a character wearing spiked armor is swallowed whole, does the monster take damage? Can I use the spiked armor to escape? A:No and yes. Armor spikes don’t automatically deal damage to a monster that grapples you, constricts you, or swallows you whole. Armor spikes deal damage only when used as a weapon or to deal damage in a grapple. == (傳說中的巨劍+尖刺Build回答.....) Q:Just how and when can you use armor spikes? If you’re using two weapons already, can you use armor spikes to make a second off-hand attack? What if you’re using a weapon and a shield? Can you use the armor spikes for an off-hand attack and still get a shield bonus to Armor Class from the shield? What if you use a two-handed weapon? Can you wield the weapon in two hands and still make an off-hand attack with the spikes? What are your options for using armor spikes in a grapple? Can you use them when pinned? If you have another light weapon, can you use that and your armor spikes when grappling? A: When you fight with more than one weapon, you gain an extra attack. (Improved Two-Weapon Fighting and greater Two-Weapon Fighting give you more attacks with the extra weapon.) Armor spikes are a light weapon that can be used as the extra weapon. If you attack only with your armor spikes during your turn (or use the armor spikes to make an attack of opportunity), you use them just like a regular weapon. If you use the full attack action, you can use armor spikes as either a primary light weapon or as an off-hand light weapon, even if you’re using a shield or using a two-handed weapon. In these latter two cases, you’re assumed to be kicking or kneeing your foe with your armor spikes. Whenever you use armor spikes as an off-hand weapon, you suffer all the penalties for attacking with two weapons (see Table 8–10 in the PH). When using armor spikes along with a two-handed weapon, it is usually best to use the two-handed weapon as your primary attack and the armor spikes as the offhand weapon. You can use the armor spikes as the primary weapon and the two-handed weapon as the off-hand attack, but when you do so, you don’t get the benefit of using a light weapon in your off hand.When you fight with more than one weapon, you gain an extra attack. (Improved Two-Weapon Fighting and greater Two-Weapon Fighting give you more attacks with the extra weapon.) Armor spikes are a light weapon that can be used as the extra weapon. If you attack only with your armor spikes during your turn (or use the armor spikes to make an attack of opportunity), you use them just like a regular weapon. If you use the full attack action, you can use armor spikes as either a primary light weapon or as an off-hand light weapon, even if you’re using a shield or using a two-handed weapon. In these latter two cases, you’re assumed to be kicking or kneeing your foe with your armor spikes. Whenever you use armor spikes as an off-hand weapon, you suffer all the penalties for attacking with two weapons (see Table 8–10 in the PH). When using armor spikes along with a two-handed weapon, it is usually best to use the two-handed weapon as your primary attack and the armor spikes as the offhand weapon. You can use the armor spikes as the primary weapon and the two-handed weapon as the off-hand attack, but when you do so, you don’t get the benefit of using a light weapon in your off hand. You cannot, however, use your armor spikes to make a second off-hand attack when you’re already fighting with two weapons. If you have a weapon in both hands and armor spikes, you can attack with the weapons in your hands (and not with the armor spikes) or with one of the weapons in your hands and the armor spikes (see the description of spiked armor in Chapter 7 of the PH). When grappling, you can damage your foe with your spikes by making a regular grapple check (opposed by your foe’s check). If you succeed, you deal piercing damage to your foe (see Table 7–5 in the PH) rather than the unarmed strike damage you’d normally deal when damaging your foe with a grapple check. Since you can use armor spikes as a light weapon, you can simply use them to attack your foe. You suffer a –4 penalty on your attack roll when attacking with a light weapon in a grapple (see page 156 in the PH), but if your foe is bigger or stronger than you, this might prove a better tactic than trying to deal damage through a grapple check because there is no opposed roll to make—you just have to hit your opponent’s Armor Class. You can’t attack with two weapons when grappling, even when one of those weapons is armor spikes (see the section on grappling in Chapter 8 of the PH). You can’t attack and damage your foe if he has you pinned. If you break the pin and avoid being pinned again, you can go back to attacking your foe. If your attack bonus is high enough to allow multiple attacks, you might break the pin and then use your remaining attack to damage your foe. To accomplish this, you must first use an attack to break the pin. You can break a pin using the Escape Artist skill, but trying to do so is a standard action for you; once you use the standard action to attempt escape, you can’t make any more attacks during your turn. == --

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