看來這串可以分享自己的想法? Sotryteller 90%, Character Player 65%, Tactician 50%, Weekend Warrior 45%, Casual Gamer 40%, Power Game 25%, Specialist 5% == 以下是個人對題目的感想,照我看到題目的順序,從「不同意」到「同意」由1排到5 1. A game's setting doesn't affect the type of character I play. (2) 當然有影響……我不會在強調英雄主義的團玩個小鱉三,或是在魔女與貓風格的團玩 個只會打架的野蠻人。 不過我自認有辦法把某個設定的角色適度調整到適合另一個設定,所以給予保留沒有 選1。 2. If I don't win, I haven't had a good RPG session. (1) 只要能瞥見黑暗秘密、能看到世界大意志的運作,失敗也是很好玩的(挖鼻孔) 不 過有時我有虐待角色的嗜好…… 3. I love being center stage. (4) 有的時候會搶鏡頭,只是不會不擇手段所以予以保留。 4. A battle isn't exciting if it doesn't include interesting tactical challenges. (4) 我從小就超愛戰略跟策略,在RPG也是一樣!XD 不過劇情也很有趣所以予以保留。 5. I rarely get involved when the other players argue about what to do in the game. (1) 這還用說嗎,要我不准參與決策我會發癢(抓) 6. It's better to go down in a blaze of glory than to waste time with caution. (3) 這一點很有討論餘地。 7. I can't wait to find out what's going to happen next in our campaign. (4) 大致同意,不過有的時候亂催GM會讓他發瘋吧? 8. The feats, skills, and combat capabilities of my character are what defines who he is. (1) 那幾時是重點了?(秒) 9. The "realism" of the rules don't make much difference in how fun an RPG is. (3) 不清楚realism的定義所以跳過。在我偶爾接觸的歷史戰略遊戲範疇中,有兩種東西 稱為「忠實呈現歷史」(realism)跟「虛擬歷史的可信度」(我不會拼那個字)。 要是要求每個英雄被槍打都會死,我會請他多看一些湯姆克魯斯的動作片。但是有一 個打不死英雄的遊戲,我就會要求GM考慮這種英雄對社會發展的影響。 10. I love playing unique and different characters. (4) 同意,但是有的時候怕角色死掉會傷心所以會開所謂的「免洗角色」。 11. Leveling my character up is my favorite part of the game session. (3) 無可無不可。 12. There's nothing as cool as a deepening mystery. (4) 在2提過。 13. I like understanding what goes on in my character's head. (5) 廢話!(秒)如果我的腦袋跟角色脫節我還會馬上請假呢~ 14. My last three characters were very different from one another. (5) 就是這樣。 15. A good game session needs a lot of action. (3) 動作片跟劇情片我都喜歡,RPG亦同。 16. I always play the same type of character. (1) 同14。 17. I stir up the action when things get slow. (5) 如果是大家缺乏幹勁,在我懶得跑而退團之前我都會拚命戳大家~所以姑且選同意囉 。 18. I'm happy to try different types of characters. (5) 同14。 19. I optimize my characters to make them unbeatable. (2) 有的時候還是會「把角色最佳化到我最喜歡的戰鬥風格」所以不好意思完全否認。 20. Playing a character race or class that I've never played before is a fun challenge. (5) 同14。 21. Simple character types are best--complicated characters just slow things down. (2) 我經常會為了複雜的角色/當GM時跟玩家討論角色而拖慢時間,不過簡單角色有簡單 角色的價值。通常甘草人物不適合太多層面。 22. If you don't try new things with your character, you really aren't roleplaying. (3) With my character?? 不適合角色做的事情我不會要他做的…… 23. I need a game setting to feel realistic. (3) 同9。 24. If a gaming group doesn't click, I'm not interested in playing. (4) 同17,只選4的原因不明。 25. I plan carefully for challenging encounters. (4) 偶爾會被規則搞昏頭就懶了。 26. I often choose suboptimal abilities, skills, feats, or equipment for story or character reasons. (3) 同19。 27. Knowledge and diplomacy skills are just as important as combat abilities. (5) 我喜歡嘴砲跟威脅啦啦啦~ 28. No RPG system creates characters perfectly--it's the player's imagination that makes the character. (2) 同1,不過RPG系統真的沒那麼完美,所以姑且不選完全否定。有人說我扭曲題意?嘛 我只是照心理測驗的慣例用直覺快速選過去(聳肩) 29. The campaign and my character aren't really that important--I just like gaming with my friends. (2) 不想排除交際的重要性所以有所保留,就這樣。 30. Roleplaying outgrew the dungeon crawl ages ago. (5) 這還用說嗎?(個人觀點勿戰) 31. There's nothing as annoying as another player rushing into an encounter half-cocked. (3) 沒意見。 32. An exciting game doesn't need big monsters. (5) 同27。 33. RPGs are about blowing off steam by kicking a little butt. (1) 動腦跟扮演好玩啊。 34. My character does what my character would do, even if that's not the optimal game decision. (4) 起碼會在妨礙到其他人之前先討論……所以予以保留不選同意。 35. I don't learn all the rules of the game. (4) 我連當GM都經常讓簡單的常理直接壓過規則(遮臉) 不過會試著去弄懂規則要表達 的東西啦,自認不會刻意做出違反規則宗旨的判定。 -- 我不要這樣…教授…我不要這樣…我不要────!! AIR之一千次重修 不要當我…!不要只當我一個人…! 你教了我這麼多事…在作業和考試之間求生存的方式… 你告訴了既笨又沒志氣的我…告訴了只有在玩電腦遊戲時才會幸福的我… 天天熬夜趕作業的生活…在那之中我有了要守護的分數,變得更堅強… 然後才抓住了幸福…讓考卷獲得幸福,就是我的幸福…能拿到書卷獎就是我的幸福了! --

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◆ From:
1F:→ yukarjama:當團越來越拖,間隔越來越長的時候 07/20 19:19
2F:→ yukarjama:自己設定的人物個性會整個走味掉... 07/20 19:20
3F:→ Transfinite:這是大問題 另外一個人物連續跑好幾個團也要擔心 07/21 09:56
4F:→ scbhung:用一個人物跑好幾個團本身就是問題.... 07/21 13:07
5F:→ shyrs:在開團初期,人物的性格還沒"養成"的時候,拖團就會有一樓 07/21 22:24
6F:→ shyrs:所說的後果。但如果密集的跑久了,性格定了就沒問題。 07/21 22:25

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