#新制寫作高分原則 #什麼是例子具體展開 大家好,我是SK2衝刺班顧問Chris:D 最近在我們顧問時間中練習的新制寫作,大家會發現,有做到"development"的、且切題 的文章,都不會低於3分。 Development是指例子展開中的發展,它必須要有以下原則:具體、清楚、關聯。 為了讓大家方便了解例子發展,我們用1題來做舉例: Should governments invest more money on economy or education? (你覺得政府要花 大量資金在經濟發展還是教育?) 同學的立場是政府應要花錢在education, 並且提供了一個清楚的理由:Education can h elp build confidence in individuals. 在英文中,主題句後方要有例子支持,大家可以看完這個段落,去思考這個例子有沒有Ch ris說的原則:具體、清楚、關聯~ For example, Taiwanese government value the development of education, and it p rovi des individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate life's cha llenges, giving them the confidence to succeed. It is a important policy that encourages people to pursue their goals and fully explore their ablities. 這樣的寫法,沒有辦法讓考官清楚知道,為什麼可以 navigage life challenge, succee d 什麼, explore 什麼能力。這樣的段落就會太抽象(too abstract),很有可能拿不到3 分的。 在我們衝刺班word bank的建立下,首先要去思考的是「build confidence」的具體過程 。你的 word bank可能會有: 自信能在碩士班寫論文時學會: critical thinking and problem-solving skills, con tribute to personal growth, think logically 自信能在化學課做實驗學會:learn from failure and focusing on the positive rath er than the negative 自信能在課堂報告學會:look people in the eye and speak with a firm and steady expression 有沒有發現 "development" 的意思即:「我不要用主題句的字,但是能表達build confi dence 具體過程的概念。」 或者,你也可以想想看自信的人會說出:"I know I can do it!" 的那種畫面 xD 所以我的具體回答可能會像這樣: For example, students can cultivate their critical thinking and problem-solvin g skills by writing a master's thesis. Through research and analysis, they lea rn to evaluate evidence and think logically, contributing to their personal gr owth. Moreover, when doing experiments in a chemistry class, students are enco uraged to reflect on their mistakes, learn from them, and focus on the positiv e results of the experience. In some classes, numerous presentations can help students learn to make eye contact and speak with a firm and steady expression . Overall, education can not only allow people to gain new knowledge but to de velop a positive mindset and increase their self-confidence. 觀察完以上段落跟剛剛示範的第一段,有感受到差別在哪裡嗎~「具體展開」是一個26-3 0分的關鍵,希望大家今天有學會喔! *** 想聽聽專業的SK2顧問群所設計,一套最有系統的托福課嗎?想要學習寫作切題的關鍵秘 密:Golden Circle與Word Bank嗎?歡迎你加入將要開課的衝刺班,快速填報名表單即可 申請,我們有絕對的信心能幫助你破百! 選擇SK2 TOEFL衝刺班,1-2個月破百!
近期「衝刺班」開放試聽班級:(以下試聽時段請擇一) 07/04 (二) 聽力課 14:00 (傳授聽力愛考八大點、對話實戰演練) 07/05(三)閱讀課 14:00 (傳授scan, skim, structural notes) 07/079(五)寫作課 14:00 (講解新制寫作高分的關鍵秘密) *** 加入SK2 臉書社團,獲得托福相關的最新資訊: 上SK2官網,閱讀顧問專欄,幫助你1-2個月托福破百: 追蹤Rosa's Reading Corner,藉由朗讀英詩、培養閱讀與口說的習慣: 加入Chris的英文口說主題社團,瞭解將英文融入生活讓口說流利的秘密! 收聽Vivian「托福下課後」的Podcast,聽聽學長姐的激勵人生故事: 加入全台灣高分人數第一的Mason GRE社團,獲得準備GRE的最新相關資訊: --

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