大家好!我是SK2 TOEFL的授課顧問Pallas。 不知道各位同學在出國前會想先工作或實習嗎?無論你想在畢業後出國前花一年專心準備考試和申請文書,還是想要花些時間準備工作面 試,都可以參考一下今天這篇文章。相信有上過SK2課程的各位對Start with Why的觀念 都不會太陌生,今天想跟大家分享的就是如何在面試中運用Start with Why的觀念。 在面試中,運用「Start with Why」的觀念可以幫助我們更有自信地表達自己,並與面試 官建立深入的連結。以下是幾個應用該觀念的例子: 傳達你的目標與價值觀: 在面試中清晰地表達你背後的動機和工作價值觀非常重要,我們不僅該著重於自己的任務 和技能,更應該分享從內在驅使我們的熱情和承諾,因為雇主通常對了解我們帶來的熱情 和承諾非常感興趣。 通過有效地傳遞你的目標,我們可以和雇主或面試官建立更深層次的連結,進而成為與公 司的使命和價值觀相契合的候選人。 例子解釋: Interviewer: Why are you interested in this job? You can say: The reason I am deeply interested in becoming a business analyst stems from my core belief in the power of data-driven decision-making. I am genuinely passionate about uncovering insights from complex business data and translating them into actionable strategies. I find great fulfillment in working with diverse stakeholders, understanding their needs, and utilizing my analytical skills to provide valuable solutions. Moreover, I am driven by the opportunity to contribute to the growth and success of organizations by identifying areas for improvement and implementing effective business strategies. Ultimately, my "why" as a business analyst is to make a meaningful impact by leveraging data to drive informed decisions and propel business growth. Interviewer: How do you handle stress? You can say: I believe that stress can be a catalyst for personal growth and development. By embracing challenging situations, I can push myself to discover new limits and enhance my skills. Moreover, I am driven by a strong sense of responsibility towards the team and the project at hand. I understand that maintaining a calm and composed demeanor during stressful times not only allows me to perform at my best but also sets a positive example for my colleagues. Ultimately, my purpose in handling stress is to cultivate resilience, maintain a productive mindset, and contribute to the overall success of the team. Interviewer: How is your biggest weakness? You can say: When it comes to discussing weaknesses, I believe it's important to approach them with a growth mindset and focus on areas for improvement rather than limitations. One area I continuously strive to enhance is my public speaking skills. The reason I am dedicated to improving in this area is because effective communication is vital in building strong relationships, conveying ideas, and inspiring others. By actively working on my public speaking skills, I aim to enhance my ability to deliver compelling presentations, engage with diverse audiences, and articulate ideas with clarity and confidence. I embrace opportunities to step out of my comfort zone, seek feedback, and practice to strengthen this skill set. By understanding the "why" behind my desire to improve public speaking, I am committed to continual growth and development in this area. 以上就是幾個使用Start with Why framework的面試答案,希望有給大家一些啟發! 對於Start with Why framework做托福口說題目的同學歡迎來參加SK2 TOEFL的口說公開 課: 6/11(日)下午衝刺班講座:新制托福寫作+口說關鍵秘密公開課 嗨!我們是SK2 TOEFL的Chris和Li-Yi! 想知道七月26日開始的新制托福寫作如何破解嗎? 想知道30天破百計畫、口說破23計畫如何執行嗎? 歡迎你來參加我們舉辦的免費公開課, 立即帶走「30天破百讀書計畫」以及「口說破23計畫」! #新制托福寫作破解 Chris 透徹研究了討論寫作的出題形式和評分標準, 設計了配合的最新觀念與工具, 幫大家培養出國留學所必須具備的關鍵寫作能力! 也歡迎同學看一看這兩篇跟新制有關的文章先預習一下 1. SK2 Chris分享-2023新制托福考試 2. SK2 Rosa-面對新制托福的心態與應考能力 #口說關鍵秘密:破23計畫 你可以版上各家心得文看,口說破23是很少的.(本校的破百平均就是23) 很大一部分的原因是在發音、語調、文法這種無法邊講邊想去控制的評分項目 在這堂課裡面,Li-Yi會公開真正能夠突破22-23分關鍵的祕法: "肌肉記憶重建"練習法 它能根本性提升發音、語調、文法用字的表現 若你之前做那麼多TPO分數還是上不來,你會得到一個恍然大悟 若你真的需要那麼高分,你會很開心終於找到一樣有效的方法 Li-Yi有自信讓你在1小時內,GET到這個練習法的要領 (但如果你要內化它,直接來報衝刺班更好:D) 歡迎你來練習! ============================================================== 上課日期:6/11(日)14:00-16:00 上課地點:zoom線上 上課講者:Chris & Li-Yi 顧問 上課內容:衝刺班講座:新制托福寫作+口說關鍵秘密公開課 快速報名連結: Until next time, Pallas SK2 TOEFL -- 台北最多人托福高分、課後資源最完善、顧問最專業的 SK2 TOEFL Consultant Group. A dream you dream alone is just a dream, a dream we dream together is reality --

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1F:推 prmotolprlin: 推推 06/11 09:35

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