大家好,我是衝刺班的口說顧問Li-Yi. 首先若還來的及,歡迎參加我12/24(六)上午10-12點的聽力X口說公開課, 10-11點由我主講,一起來玩! 上次玩了一下最近很紅的ChatGPT( 這篇主要是針對會反覆用一些常用原因回答獨立題的朋友 (SK2術語Word Bank) 說明ChatGPT如何幫你蒐集一些只要用到這些原因時,例子細節就可以使用的字 #如何問ChatGPT 例如大家獨立題常用become healthier(得到健康), have good reputation(得到名聲), save effort(省力)這些原因的話 你可以用這些句型丟進去問 what are the signs that shows a person is healthy/respected by others? what does it mean by gaining reputation? #如何歸納 1. ChatGPT輸入: what does it mean by gaining reputation 會得到: Gaining reputation refers to the process of building and enhancing one's reputation or standing within a community or social group. This can be achieved through various means, such as by consistently displaying positive qualities and behaviors, and by consistently delivering on promises and expectations. As a person's reputation grows, they may be seen as more reliable, trustworthy, and respected by those around them. This can lead to a variety of benefits, such as improved relationships with others, increased social standing, and greater opportunities for success and advancement. In general, gaining a good reputation can be a key factor in achieving success and happiness in life. #從中歸納出可以反覆使用的字 和reputation類似的字如 more reliable, trustworthy...等 會導致好名聲的具體作為則為 display positive qualities and behaviors consistently #將歸納的字運用在題目 例如: A company has controversial business activities that are criticized by people. It is offering you a job and the pay is good. Would you accept the job? 擬答: 第一句: No. WHY: This is because I care about my reputation 主題句(HOW): This is because working in such company will hurt my reputation. 例子開頭: For example, I used to work for this company called Dinshin Food. The company has had lots of controversies over the years, including selling low quality, industrial-grade oil to bakeries and food factories. When I worked there, even though the pay was good, 過程(overlook positive qualities and behaviors): people in the society overlooked my positive qualities and behaviors at work. That is, even though I worked hard and obeyed my supervisor’s instruction(展開positive qualities & behaviors), the people still thought that I was not a good person because of my company. 結果(bad for my reputation/unstrustworthy): This clearly was very bad for my reputation. Actually, I knew quite a few people that saw me as untrustworthy because of this. And I hated it. 祝大家玩得愉快! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SK2 TOEFL #最多破百高分同學 #作文無限次改到飽 #終生無限次顧問時間、助教讀書會 加入托福高分破100 、破110 人數最多的SK2 TOEFL 臉書: 加入GRE 高分人數全台北第一的Mason GRE臉書,了解最新GRE資訊: --

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