各位同學新年好!厭倦了親戚們的關(ㄋㄠˇ)心(ㄖㄣˊ)問題了嗎?怎 麼還不交女友?畢業後要幹嘛?不如利用2018年口說Task 1&2 關於「你」 的題目來反問一下親戚們吧?或是好好的趁此機會,好好想想自己真的需要 的、在乎的是什麼事呢? 2018年關於”you”的問題,49場考試近100題裡面,總共有19題,將近1/5, 仍舊是口說目前最常考的「對象」,趁過年期間思考一下,好好了解你自己 吧! 再用幾個題目舉例一下, Your school is offering three music classes. Which would you choose? play instruments music history rock & roll 同學如果想要在親朋好友面前耍帥,當然選擇學樂器,可以在大家聚在一起 時表演。如果是喜歡熱鬧的人,可能選rock & roll, 因為適合一群人一起 high. 好了,不多說了,趕快放這2018年的19題,讓同學有話題逃避姑姑叔叔嬸嬸 舅舅三叔公的問題吧! 1. Talk about an event happened at school that had a negative start but eventually turned positive. 0128 2. Your school is offering three music classes. Which would you choose? play instruments/ music history/ rock & roll 3. Our lives often change in unexpected ways, describe something you have done recently that, ten years ago, you never imagined you would do. 0324 4. Some people like to drive their own cars. Other people like to take pubic transportation. Which do you prefer? 0408 5. Which of the following would you do to beautify the campus? 0506 planting flowers picking garbage and plastic in the campus painting 6. Important business meeting should be face to face rather than using the technology 0506 7.Do you agree or disagree that because of the electronic devices, libraries are no longer necessary. 0623 8. Older doctors are better than younger doctors. 0728 9. Which of the following class would you choose? 0812 cooking food of other culture/?/? 10.Describe something that you did the first time in college. What happened and how did you feel? 0825 11. Some people like to read and study quietly in the library. Other people like to discuss in the library. Which do you prefer and why ? 12.Do you like a regular-hour job or a job that allows you work freely at home? 0826 13.Do you like to make friends your age or friends who aren’t your age? 0902 14. Your professor just canceled the class. Would you go shopping with friends or prepare for the test? 0916 15. Some people think humor is the best way to resolve conflict. Other people think take the conflict seriously is better. Which do you think is better? 1013 16. Three classes: 1027 a. public speaking b. business class c. photography 17. Some people agree competition will motivate students. Other people think competition has negative influence. Which do you agree with? 1201 18. If you have a chance to travel, which would you choose? 1215 train with a sports team/ experience the backstage of a TV show/ ? 19. Do you agree or disagree that being polite is more important than telling the truth? 1215 更多機經題目、更多最新考情分析,歡迎加入社團下載: ***** 學員回饋: 林同學:「J2的課很有趣,讓我在無涯的學海中看到了一些光芒(有學科分 類跟基本概念的幫助蠻大的)。... ...在課程中,也讓我對於準備托福考 試的整體概念得到了啟發」 想要利用更多有系統的學科機經、真題在考前推你一把嗎?立即報名學真科 真題機經班。閱讀、聽力共兩堂,直接依「學科知識」分類,「一小時一個 學科」,搭配講義上整理好的學科知識、學科單字,以「真題」讓同學直接 練習,以內化困難學科,並了解近期出題方向,培養「猜題能力」,以徹底 解決同學閱讀「特定學科聽不懂」、「答題不穩定」的問題。此外,也依照 考試出題趨勢,每月更新常考主題。立即報名: -- ████ █ ██ ███▌███ ███ ███ █ █ ▃█ ▊ █ █ █ █   █ █ █ ▊ █ █ ██◤ ██◤ █ ◥▆◤ ██ ▊ █ █ █ █ █ ▊ ███ ███ █ ███ --
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