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※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1MfFvdiS ] 作者: qweasd777 (qweasd777) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [爆卦] CNN Kristie 訪問黃國昌 逐字稿 時間: Mon Jan 25 00:40:00 2016 好多天以前的了,不過還是打了一下 PDF檔: 影片:
附上魯宅多益500分的不專業翻譯 STEVENS: Right, let's turn back now to Taiwan where voters are soon to cast their ballots in landmark presidential and parliamentary elections. Kristie Lu Stout is on the spot for us and joins us once again from Taipei. Campaign there going right down to the wire. It's just a few hours to go, Kristie, but they are still pretty active. Stevens: 我們現在把鏡頭轉回臺灣,選民很快就要在具有重要意義的總統與國會選舉中 投下他們的選票,Kristie Lu Stout正在台北為我們連線,那裡的選舉可能要到最後一刻 結果才會分曉,距離大選只剩下幾小時了,Kristie,但是他們氣氛仍非常熱烈。 LU STOUT: Oh, very active indeed. I'm at the site of the rally for the opposition DPP Party. Its candidate for president Tsai Ing-wen widely tipped to become the next president of Taiwan. And if so, she'd become the first female leader of the island. We have been listening to lots of speeches, songs under way, but you know, it's not a story of the presidential election, it's not only that going on here, there's also the parliamentary election, 113 seats in the Taiwan legislature up for grabs. 的確是,我目前正在民主進步黨的選前之夜的現場,它的總統候選人蔡英文很有可能成為 下一任臺灣的總統,如果真是這樣的話,她將會成為這座島上第一位女性的領導人,我們 已經聽了很多的演講,歌曲也正在播放,但你知道這不單是總統選舉的報導,還有國會的 選舉,在臺灣總共有113席等著競爭。 And aiming for those seats, a number of parties called the third force. This is an umbrella term used to describe this new generation of youth movement parties that came out of the Sunflower Movement in 2014. And among the third force party is the New Power Party. And I have the leader of the New Power Party, Huang Kuo-chang, joining me right here. And thank you for joining me. You're running for the legislature. And you're widely tipped to get a seat. How are you feeling right now? 有一些叫作第三勢力的政黨目標鎖定在那些席次上,這是一個總稱去形容從2014年的太陽 花運動後出現的年輕世代的政黨,在這之中有一個是時代力量,在我身邊的是時代力量的 黨主席黃國昌,謝謝你加入我們,你目前正在競選國會而且很有可能得到席次,你現在的 心情怎麼樣? HUANG KUO-CHANG, NEW POWER PARTY: It's complex, but I feel grateful although it has been less than half year since I've announced my candidacy. 黃國昌:很複雜,但是我覺得很感謝,儘管在我宣布參與選舉後還不到半年。 LU STOUT: You feel grateful... LU STOUT:你覺得很感謝… KUO-CHANG: Grateful and there are a lot of people walking through such an exciting journey with me. No matter what happens tomorrow, I'm grateful for all the people who stand behind me, supporting me and supporting Taiwan's democracy. I feel very proud of our country and our democracy. 黃國昌:很感謝而且有很多人陪著我走過這麼令人興奮的過程,無論明天結果如何,我很 感謝所有支持國昌的人,支持我並支持臺灣的民主,我很為我們國家跟我們的民主制度感 到驕傲。 LU STOUT: Now, Kuo-chang, you've been actively canvassing for votes. You were out there today knocking on doors, talking to people, even singing songs, pop songs, on the stage. I guess that's democracy Taiwan style. We tried to meet in Hong Kong. That meeting didn't work out because you weren't granted a visa. What happened? LU STOUT:現在,國昌,你一直很積極在爭取選票,你今天稍早還在拜票跟選民對話甚至 是在台上唱歌,我想這是臺灣選舉的風格,我們之前試著在香港會面,但並沒有成功因為 你的簽證沒有被准許,發生什麼事? KUO-CHANG: I think the question to be best answered by the Hong Kong authorities. What I did just like an ordinary citizen trying to apply for Hong Kong visa through the internet but it was denied. And actually, several years ago, I was invited by Hong Kong University to attend the academic conference and at that time there was no problem at all for me to enter Hong Kong. But two years ago after the Sunflower Movement, I tried to go to Hong Kong to support the Umbrella Movement but at that time, that was the first time my application for Hong Kong visa was denied. And this time I got the invitation from CNN, I feel so excited, I do want to go to Hong Kong. 黃國昌:我想這個問題最好請香港官方來回答,我只是像一般民眾試著在網路上申請香港 的簽證,但是被拒絕了,事實上好幾年前,我曾經被香港的大學邀請去參加學術會議,在 那個時候對我來說進入香港是完全沒問題的,但兩年前在太陽花運動結束以後,我曾想要 去香港支持他們的雨傘革命,但我的香港簽證就在那時第一次被拒絕,這次我得到從CNN 過來的邀請,我非常的興奮,我真的很想過去香港… LU STOUT: But your application was denied. And we did ask and we inquired -- we asked the Hong Kong government but they said they can't comment on individual cases. I understand that here in Taiwan, a lot of people are actively looking at what's going on in Hong Kong because of you trying to get a visa, that apparently being denied, looking at the case of missing book sellers and people in Taiwan look at the situation in Hong Kong, how does it make people here feel about their relationship they want with China? LU STOUT:但你的簽證沒過,我們真的去問過香港政府,但他們說他們不能對個案評論, 我知道在臺灣有很多人因為你的簽證被拒絕或是書商失蹤的事件很關注香港發生什麼事了 ,以及臺灣人觀察香港的情況,這些事如何影響這裡的人對他們想和中國維持什麼樣的關 係? KUO-CHANG: First, let me start by emphasizing Taiwanese people are very peaceful. We definitely want a peaceful relationship with Mainland China, but that doesn't necessarily mean we have to sacrifice our way of life and our democracy. I hope the international community can understand and respect Taiwanese people's will to decide our own future. I hope China can respect and understand that as well. 黃國昌:首先我必須要強調臺灣人是非常和平的,我們絕對希望和中國有和平的的關係, 但那並不代表我們得要犧牲我們的生活方式以及我們的民主制度,我希望國際社群可以理 解並尊重臺灣去決定我們自己未來的意志,我也希望中國方面可以如此。 LU STOUT: There's a perception out there that the Sunflower Movement, the youth movement is also an anti-China movement in Taiwan. Is it an anti-China movement? LU STOUT:有一種在外面的認知是太陽花運動、年輕人的運動在臺灣也是反中國的運動, 它是反中的運動嗎? KUO-CHANG: I don't see that as anti-China movement. That is more pro-democracy. We want to uphold our constitutional democracy and our rule of law. That is the biggest rationale behind the whole Sunflower Movement. Although China plays a role in that because China trying to ruin our democracy and trying to tell Taiwanese people, marry us or I will shoot you. That is not going to help to improve the relationship between Taiwan and China. The young people in Taiwan are very angry about China's attitude in that regard. We respect Chinese people's own decision, their way of life, we hope the Chinese people, especially the Communist Party, can respect our will and our democracy as well. KUO-CHANG:我並不認為那是反中的運動,那可以說是比較支持民主的運動,我們想要去維 護我們的憲政民主和我們的法律制度,這才是太陽花運動背後最根本的原因,中國在裡面 也扮演了一個角色,因為中國試圖去破壞我們的民主制度並想要告訴臺灣人民,支持我們 或者是我將攻擊你,這種方式對於改善中國與臺灣的關係是毫無幫助的,臺灣的年輕世代 對於在這件事上中國的態度非常的憤怒,我們尊重中國人民自己的決定和他們的生活方式 ,我們也希望中國人民,特別是中國共產黨也可以尊重我們的意願及我們的民主制度。 LU STOUT: Huang Kuo-chang, leader of the New Power Party. Many thanks indeed for joining me here on CNN. LU STOUT:黃國昌,時代力量的黨主席,非常謝謝你加入我們在CNN上的討論。 KUO-CHANG: My pleasure. 黃國昌:是我的榮幸。 LU STOUT: And thank you for allowing us show your thoughts with us. LU STOUT:也謝謝你和我們分享你的想法。 KUO-CHANG: Thank you for coming Taiwan to allow the world to see our democracy. 黃國昌:謝謝你們到臺灣來讓世界能夠看到我們的民主制度。 LU STOUT: Thank you. Thank you. Andrew, as you heard from Kuo-chang just then, as China is not doubt closely watching the election here in Taiwan, the people in Taiwan are closely watching events in Hong Kong and also closely watching events in Mainland China. But as we heard from the third force candidate running for one of these 113 legislative seats up for grabs tomorrow in the election, he says that his movement, the youth movement in Taiwan, it's not an anti-China movement, but pro-Taiwan movement. Back to you. STEVENS: Absolutely. Very clear message indeed sent. Kristie, thanks very much for that. Krsitie Lu Stout joining us from Taipei. And Kristie will be reporting the results of that election throughout the weekend. So make sure you stay with us here at CNN for that. -- --

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※ 轉錄者: kxdejavu (, 01/25/2016 10:57:35

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