有鑑於幾篇文討論起,是否要完全把牌面所隱含之事件講出, 我覺得這似乎有牽涉到道德倫理規範,譬如像雷洛思所提,有 可能有第三者在場,這就牽涉到隱私問題。因此我貼出美國塔 羅學會所設定的倫理規範,給大家些參考,因國情不同或許會 因地制宜,但整體而言,我覺得這對剛接觸的人是很好的學習 方向。:) http://www.ata-tarot.com/ethics.htm (以下貼出,並註解上自己的翻譯,或許翻的不好,請多見諒。) The ATA Code of Ethics 1. I will serve the best interests of my clients, conducting my professional activities without causing or intending to cause harm. 1.我將會提供問卜者的最佳利益,執行我的專業服務,並不造成 或意圖造成對問卜者的傷害。 2. I will treat all my clients with equal respect, regardless of their origin, race, religion, gender, age, or sexual preference. 2.我將會對待每一位問卜者予以同等的尊重,不論他們的出生、 種族、宗教、性別、年齡或性偏好。 3. I will represent honestly my Tarot qualifications, including educational credentials and levels of certification. 3.我將會誠實地講述我的塔羅占卜資格,包括我的教育證書與資 格認定的等級。 4. I will keep confidential the names of clients and all information shared or discussed during readings, unless otherwise requested by the client or required by a court of law. 4.我將會對問卜者的姓名與在問卜過程中透露與討論的所有資訊 保密,除非在問卜者請求或法律法庭的要求下才能透露。 5. I will recommend clients consult a licensed professional for advice of a legal, financial, medical, or psychological nature that I am not qualified to provide. If trained in one of these areas, I will clearly differentiate between the tarot reading and any professional advice additionally provided. 5.我將會建議問卜者諮詢有執照的專業人員,以獲得關於法律、 財務、醫藥、心理學等我不適宜提供的建議。若我受過以上該 領域的訓練,我也將會明確區分出塔羅牌解讀與額外提供的專 業建議。 6. I will respect my clients' right to refuse or terminate their reading at any time, regardless of prior consent. 6.即便起初同意,我將會尊重問卜者可以隨時拒絕或中止塔羅牌 占卜過程的權力。 7. I recognize that all ATA members have the same rights and obligations, and I will always respect and honor my co-members. 7.我承認所有美國塔羅學會會員皆具有同樣的權力與義務,且我 將總會尊敬其他的與會會員。 因此整體讀下來,我覺得面對這種是否該與問卜者說明隱含且 難以啟齒的具體事件,應該以問卜者意願與問卜者的最佳利益 為考量。(但還是得說,國情不同,有些細部狀況也要調整, 譬如多半台灣的問卜者沒有可以進行中中斷的概念,覺得沒進 行完可能會招來厄運(?),但有時問卜者其實已經不想再繼 續了,只是硬撐在現場而已)。 淺見。 --

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