Suit_Style 板


2013年5月2日自由時報 〔編譯陳成良/綜合報導〕 美國設計達人馬克.畢夏普(Mac Bishop)與兩名創業夥伴花了半年時間,開發出獨家「綿柔羊毛纖維」 ,為不愛洗衣服的男性朋友,推出名為「Wool & Prince」品牌的襯衫,號稱可不洗不燙 100天,仍然保持光潔如新、無臭無皺,絕對是懶人福音。 英國每日郵報報導,這件襯衫使用的羊毛,它的纖維既強韌又有彈性,可延展的長度是棉 的6倍,禁得起2萬次的彎曲;相較之下,棉只能承受3200次,因此達到防皺的效果,無論 怎樣被搓揉,也不需要熨燙。這種羊毛纖維直徑18微米,相較之下,棉花在15至20微米之 間,人類頭髮則是60到120微米。 上山下海狂舞 100天後仍保光潔 馬克招募全球15名志願者連續穿著這種終極襯衫100天,進行各種防皺與抗臭實驗,包括8 公里長跑、上山下海,到安地斯山當背包客,或是到紐約夜店揮汗狂舞,期間不洗不燙。 試穿者弗拉克表示,他不時將衣服捲成一捆塞進背包裡,希望弄出皺褶,或是穿來做運動 及參加派對等,結果衣服仍光潔如常。 Wool & Prince公司說,汗水本身沒有臭味,但當它在皮膚上殘留,滋生出細菌後,就會產 生臭味。但這件羊毛襯衫比其他衣服更能快速吸汗,然後讓它蒸發。 目前這款襯衫正在全球最大的群眾募資網「敲門磚」(Kickstarter)網站上籌集資金,目 標是1個月募得3萬美元後開始生產,結果短短1個多星期,已有1400多人加入投資行列,募 得近21萬美元。這款襯衫賣給出資者的價位為98美元(約台幣2900元),零售價則尚未決 定。由於反應熱烈,未來還將行銷到美國以外的國際市場。 Esquire - A Dress Shirt You (Almost) Never Have to Wash By Jonathan Evans
Another day, another reason to love Kickstarter. Today's reason: a smaller dry cleaning budget, plus less time spent dealing with the hassle of laundry. Thanks for that go to new venture Wool & Prince, a shirt company crafting slim, modern button-downs from… you guessed it: wool. Why eschew standard cotton in favor of a material that all too many guys associate with scratchy novelty sweaters from Grandma? Well, it's a whole hell of a lot more durable than cotton, for on e thing, lasting up to six times as long as Eli Whitney's favorite fiber. Wool also helps regulate body temperature, making it cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter than other textile options, and, woven the right way, it's just as soft as cotton. But the biggest advantage wool has over cotton is its natural odor and wrinkle resistance. That means you don't have to wash a wool shirt as much as you would a cotton one. In fact, Wool & Prince founder Mac Bishop wore one of his prototypes for 100 days straight, without washing or dry cleaning, just to prove that point. Even wearing your shirt twice a week, that's nearly a year's worth of wear. Without a bath. And at the end of the experiment, his shirt still looked — and smelled — good as new. Like we said: Less time at the laundromat is on the horizon. --

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1F:推 WhatBlueIs:好威的感覺 05/02 10:05
2F:推 whitestripe:18微米???? scabal表示:當年我在super值競賽的時候.. 05/02 13:19
3F:推 skyygygy:一般防皺襯衫往往都通病都是不夠透氣..。不知道這件如何 05/02 18:35
4F:→ kohshi:白條大~點點點後面呢?小弟不解.... 05/03 13:24
5F:推 whitestripe:有一段時間 布料商之間進行super值競賽 scabal算是 05/03 15:47
6F:→ whitestripe:佼佼者 破170 破200 破220 等等 詳細數字忘記 05/03 15:49
7F:→ whitestripe:了 總之他們創下了滿多記錄 05/03 15:50

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