Sakurazaka46 板


Nikkan Sport's Sakamichi Tuesday Column 日刊體育坂道週二專欄 來源: Credit:@toomuchidea She talks about Nazekoi, Nobofa release, and Debut live 夏鈴談到《なぜ 恋をして来なかったんだろう》、《Nobody's fault》以及出道LIVE When she first hear about the new 3 center system, she sees it objectively, and genuinely think that it seems interesting, since she couldn't imagine something like that until now 當她得知3 center體制,是以平常心來看待,並真心覺得很有趣,因為過去從沒想過有這 樣的方式 "On recording the MV for Nazekoi, "Before feeling the worries of becoming a Center or the pressure, I become like this," she spread her hands to the side of her face, narrowing her vision. "I'm the kind of person that when concentrate too much, lose sights of my surroundings." 拍攝《なぜ 恋をして来なかったんだろう》MV 「之前對成為Center感到擔憂或壓力時,我會變成這樣」(把手放到臉上遮住視線) 「我是那種在非常專注情況下會無法察覺周遭環境的人」 "When I look back, I thought that I couldn't see anything at all..." "I think my consciousness had flown somewhere from the time of the practice. I have almost no memory from the filming of Buddies" 「現在回首,我好像什麼都看不到...」 「我覺得我的意識在練習時就飄到某處,現在對拍攝《Buddies》沒什麼印象」 When asked if she was in the state so-called "zone", she humbly said, "It not that big of a deal". "The make up artist and others always say that they don't know if I'm spacing out or being focused", she said as she laughed. 當被問到她是否處於稱為「領域」的狀態,她謙虛的說:「沒那麼厲害」,笑著說:「化 妝師和其他人總是說他們不知道我是在神遊還是處於全集中狀態」 She said that her dance team teacher advises her "it's better to do it freely than making it too much". Even to the staff(s) closely working with her, her unique aura has immeasurable potential" 她說舞蹈團隊老師建議她,自由發揮比過度刻意來的好,即便是與她近身工作的工作人員 ,也覺得她的特殊氣場有無窮的潛力 Karin didn't expect a love song, so she was really surprised when she sees the lyrics of Nazekoi. She said that she want to express the change in protagonist's feelings in live performances as well 夏鈴之前沒預期到會有情歌,當她看到《なぜ 恋をして来なかったんだろう》歌詞時感 到非常意外,她說也想在LIVE中表現出主角情感的變化 She said that she has seen the completed CD products the other day. It's the first time she will be on the cover art, and she couldn't imagine it lining up in stores, so she feel nervous about it 她說先前已看過完成的CD,這是她第一次出現在封面,無法想像成列在店裡的樣子,因 此感到緊張 On appearing in Kouhaku, Karin mentioned how they all talked about doing their best so that they can appear in the show, so she didn't expect to be invited this year and was very surprised. When they was first told, she couldn't even react to it 關於在紅白登場,夏鈴提到她們都說要努力登上紅白,因此沒預期到今年會受到邀請,感 到很驚訝,當她們初次被告知時,她不知道如何反應是好 Her parents were particularly very happy about it, and it makes her happy too. Karin wants to give a performance that is as memorable as it could be to everyone 她的父母對此感到特別高興,這也讓她很開心,夏鈴想呈現出讓所有人留下印象的表演 Karin shares that as she does her best every day, she want to discover a lot of good points about Sakuzaka. But first of all, she want to give her all for the debut live, "As we have songs with 3 different centers, I'd like to do my best to create 3 different atmosphere" 夏鈴分享到她每天都在努力,想發掘許多櫻坂的優點,但首先她想要全心投入出道LIVE, 「因為有3個不同Center的歌曲,我想努力創造出3種不同的氛圍」 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 第三手資訊,表達不周之處請見諒 --

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1F:推 balance2011: なぜ 恋裡,夏鈴領域全開 12/08 11:23
2F:推 eh07: 夏鈴推 12/08 11:33
3F:推 holy9throne: 夏鈴加油 12/08 14:06
4F:推 yossifan: 推夏鈴 12/08 15:29
5F:推 s20031248: 夏鈴推! 12/08 16:02
6F:推 flowerabby01: 推笑起來很好看的夏鈴 12/11 02:59

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