SNSD Commits an Industry All-Kill: Music Sales, Online Sales, Ringtones, Broadcast 少女時代在專輯銷售量、線上銷售量、鈴聲、廣播上達成完全壓倒性的成果 The nation's representative girl group SNSD has silenced the music industry with their powerful syndrome as the green light for SNSD to sell over 100,000 copies consecutively for their past three albums has been turned on. 韓國代表女團少女時代在音樂工業上默默地引發了一場強力的風暴 ,他們連續三張專輯都賣超過了十萬張 According to Hanteo charts, SNSD's second mini album has sold nearly 40,000 copies within a week of its release, drawing closer to the possibility of three consecutive albums selling over 100,000. It is an incredibly rare feat for a girl group to sell 40,000 albums within a week. When additionally taken into consideration the fact that SNSD's first mini album Gee took over the first half of the year by selling 24,000 copies in their first week, you can easily guess the immense popularity of this group. 根據Hanteo Charts(不會翻),少時的第二章迷你專輯發行首週即賣了將近四萬張 ,很有可能連續第三張專輯賣超過十萬張。 女子團體在發行首週即超過四萬張是非常罕見的。 從少女時代的第一張迷你專輯<GEE>發行首週即突破兩萬四千張來看,你可以輕易的想像少 女時代的受歡迎程度。 Moreover, since Hanteo gathers its data by aggregation, it is entirely possible that their current album sales have surpassed the 40,000 mark. Industry insiders estimate that 50,000 to 60,000 copies have been sold within this first week. The exact numbers will have to be released by their agency according to how many albums were shipped out. 簡單的說就是發行相關人士表示實際上他們的專輯首週銷售量有可能超過四萬張, 預測是五萬到六萬張,詳細的數字只有他們的經紀公司才知道。 Furthermore, SNSD is not only powerful in their album sales, but also in their online sales and ringtones. As soon as "Tell Me Your Wish" was released, it shot to the top of the charts on Melon, Dosirak, MNet, Bugs and other online charts and immediately stood at number one on their charts for the month of July. It also solidly occupied the top of the SK Telecom ringtone charts. 更甚者,少女時代不僅僅在專輯銷量上展現強勢,在線上銷售量及鈴聲上也有同樣 成果。 之前當"說出你的願望"剛發行時,便攻佔許多知名線上音樂網站的首位, 並且七月都維持第一名 。而且這首歌還站上了SK鈴聲排行版的第一名。 Not only has SNSD has taken over the top spot for album sales, online sales, ringtone charts, but they've also taken over the most air time slot for broadcast shows. According to the site Air Monitor that measures the air time on broadcasts, SNSD's 2nd mini album title track "Tell me your Wish" occupied the number one spot on the charts for June 29th to July 4th. 不僅僅在專輯銷售量、線上銷售量還有鈴聲排行榜上拿到首位。 幾乎所有廣播節目的插播都可以聽到少女時代的歌,第二張迷你專輯主打歌曲 "說出你的願望"從6/29到7/4佔據了廣播節目插播排行榜的首位。 With their control over album sales, online sales, ringtone sales and broadcast air time, SNSD has swept clean the music industry with an all-kill. 從她們控制了各大排行榜的情形來看,少女時代展現了完全壓倒性的成果!! 以上文章轉載於Daily K POP News (第一次翻譯,翻得不好請見諒) -- 短身短身~呀呀呀!!!平均身高165~~~~~( ̄▽ ̄")a ---SNSD後援會短身隊‧隊呼 --

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1F:推 TaeyeonFan:希望這週週末可以在音樂銀行先拿個第一 07/08 06:47
2F:→ whitewash:跟549的中文內容好像一樣? 07/08 08:11
3F:→ smail363:我覺得不太一樣吧 07/08 12:39
4F:→ whitewash:編號打錯,跟這篇"少女時代希望3連續突破10萬張"似乎一樣 07/08 15:37

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