作者JeremyKSKGA (GIANTS!!!)
標題Fw: [外電] 前巨人終結者Wilson可能投效Mets
時間Mon Jan 14 23:08:35 2013
※ [本文轉錄自 MLB 看板 #1Gyt6dgP ]
作者: gogin (小胖) 看板: MLB
標題: [外電] 前巨人終結者Wilson可能投效Mets
時間: Mon Jan 14 10:47:00 2013
Brian Wilson may be switching coasts next season.
According to multiple reports, the bearded former Giants closer worked out
privately for the Mets, who may be looking to add some bullpen depth behind
Frank Francisco for the 2013 season.
Wilson, 30, underwent Tommy John surgery last April after just two
appearances. Despite struggling through injuries during the second half of
2011, he still managed to rack up 36 saves for the Giants that year, along
with a 3.11 ERA.
Mets general manager Sandy Alderson watched Wilson's workout and told The New
York Post he was "not sure" if the club would extend a contract offer to the
right-hander, who posted a career 3.21 ERA with 340 strikeouts in 320 innings
over his seven years in San Francisco.
Wilson was non-tendered by the Giants in November.
Brian Wilson將可能由西岸轉換到東岸.
根據多份報導 這位前巨人隊終結者在大都會練投 在2013球季
可能因此簽下他來增加Frank Francisco的牛棚深度
三十歲的Wilson 去年四月出賽了兩場後就動了第二次的Tommy John手術
儘管在2011下半年與傷勢奮戰下 還是為巨人拿下36場的救援與ERA3.11的成績
大都會的GM Sandy Alderson在觀看了Wilson的訓練後 並告訴紐約郵報他
並不確定我們是否會提供合約給這位右投手 他為舊金山巨人七年投了320局
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:→ corlos:有了新鬍子就不要舊鬍子 01/14 10:48
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5F:推 catsondbs:worke out是指練投 中文我也不懂 是像觀賞會那種 01/14 11:25
6F:→ catsondbs:原文也不是"第二次TJ手術" 而是只出賽二場後就動手術 01/14 11:30
7F:→ catsondbs:雖然事實上這的確是他的第二次手術啦 在大學已經開過TJ 01/14 11:31
※ 編輯: gogin 來自: (01/14 11:45)
8F:→ gogin:感謝c大指導 已修正文章內容 01/14 11:49
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12F:→ orion1991830:大鬍子就上場了 01/14 14:20
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※ 編輯: gogin 來自: (01/14 15:11)
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: JeremyKSKGA (, 時間: 01/14/2013 23:08:35
23F:推 sato111:我要鬍子~~~~~~~~~~連署救大鬍 01/15 10:10