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原文連結 http://www.sfgate.com/giants/article/Brandon-Crawford-living-the-dream-3930508 .php#page-1 http://ppt.cc/RL3s The writing on the brick is worn down after 13 seasons of footsteps and a few Champagne showers. You have to know where to look. From the back end of the Willie Mays statue, walk several paces northeast and count 20 bricks over from the King Street sidewalk. And there it is. "Mike Lynn Brandon Amy Kaitlin and Jenna Crawford." 經過了13年,認購磚上的字跡隨著腳步與香檳的洗滌下漸漸消逝。 你必須知道它在哪,才找的到它 在Willie May雕像的後方,沿著King street東北方走個幾步,約20塊磚 我們到了,上頭寫著 "Mike Lynn Brandon Amy Kaitlin and Jenna Crawford." How many Giants players have their own brick outside AT&T Park, purchased back when the idea of having a locker on the inside of the building was nothing more than a childhood dream? One. Brandon Crawford, the starting shortstop for the San Francisco Giants.Exactly how he dreamed it in his Bay Area backyard. 有多少位巨人隊的球員,當他們還小,成為巨人隊一分子還只是無稽之談的 時候,就曾經認購過了AT&T Park的紅磚?(應該是指地緣關係出身) 只有一位 Brandon Crawford,巨人隊的先發游擊手,完完全全的實現了他小時候在灣區 後院遊玩時的夢想 Crawford is the first local product in years to be drafted by the Giants and developed into a true regular. Danville's Nate Schierholtz got close, but didn't ever lock down a job in right field over the past few seasons. And Monterey's Mike Aldrete was a part-time starter in the outfield in 1987 and '88. But Crawford is a mainstay on this year's division winners, and he grew up with the Giants. Crawford是唯一一位灣區自產、巨人自選、且成長完全成為先發層級的選手。 薛猴子曾經很像,Mike Aldrete是個代班層級的外野先發。但和巨人隊一起成長的 Crawford則不同,是今年拿下分區冠軍的主要成員。 Somewhere in the Crawford family archives is a photo of Aldrete holding 1-year-old Brandon that season. But then again, somewhere in the Crawford family archives are photos of their kids with many former Giants, because the Crawfords were loyal season-ticket holders, showing up regularly at spring training and fan-photo days. 家族裡有爸爸抱著一歲大Crawford的照片,也有許多與前巨人球星合照的照片。 這不意外,因為Crawford家族是忠誠的季票擁有者,參與春訓以及球迷照片日更不 在話下。 Mike Crawford, who handles contracts for global defense and security company Northrop Grumman, said his 9-month-old son wasn't bothered by the loud noise in the 1987 playoffs. No one could have predicted that such early exposure would be good training for entering a postseason environment. Mike Crawford表示,他9個月大的小孩對於1987年季後賽的喧鬧聲,一點都 不以為意。在當時並沒有人會想到如此提前的"適應",對於進入季後賽的環境, 是個非常好的練習機會。 Even-keel player Crawford, 25, is an even-keel player and low-key about living out his dream.He acknowledges former Giants shortstop Royce Clayton was his role model, but ballplayers are good at living in the moment, holding the emotion of the big picture at bay. Family members, however, don't downplay their amazement. 穩定的選手 25歲的Crawford,是一位穩定的球員,且低調的實現著他的夢想。他感謝 他的偶像,前巨人游擊手Royce Clayton,"but ballplayers are good at living in the moment, holding the emotion of the big picture at bay." (抱歉,翻不出來...><) 家族成員不會刻意隱藏他們的驚訝 "I got choked up," Lynn Crawford said of the first time she saw her son in a Giants uniform at AT&T. "How many mothers get to see their child fulfill the dream they've had since they were little?" The Crawfords lived in Menlo Park before moving to Pleasanton in the 1990s. Brandon learned early to bundle up at Candlestick Park. When he was 5 and the Giants announced that they were fleeing Candlestick and moving to Florida, he was devastated; a Chronicle photographer caught his forlorn face in what was considered the final series at the Stick. "我根本說不出話來!!" Crawford的媽媽這麼說,當她第一次看到他穿著巨人 隊的制服,出現在AT&T Park時。有多少媽媽有這個榮幸,可以看到自己的小孩兒 時的夢想成真? Crawford很小就學會在燭台球場要把自己包的緊緊的(很冷)。當巨 人隊在他5歲的那年,宣布要離開燭台球場,離開舊金山,前往佛羅里達時,他顯得 相當沮喪,(無關翻譯插個話,當時我也很沮喪,都要哭出來了)一位新聞記者在當 時所謂的最後系列賽,捕捉到了Crawford充滿遭到背叛遺棄的失落神情。 When Crawford was in middle school, AT&T opened and the family bought a brick in Willie Mays Plaza, along with season tickets. As a fifth-grade teacher, Lynn listened to her son's big dreams and reminded him, "OK, honey, but make sure you do really well in school, too." Crawford的中學時期,AT&T Park興建完成。Crawford家族在Willie Mays廣場 認購了一塊紅磚,當然,也買了季票。當時是5年級老師的Crawford媽媽,聽完 Crawford的夢想後,提醒了他"沒問題! 但你要確定你功課也要表現的一樣棒" Crawford did well enough in both school and baseball at Foothill High to play at UCLA. There, at a freshman athlete's orientation during his first few weeks, he met gymnast Jalynne Dantzscher. Within months, they were dating, and they were married last December. They are expecting their first child, a daughter, in December. Crawford兩方面都表現得相當優異,得以進入到UCLA。在體育新生自介會上, 認識了她的太太Jalynne Dantzscher。幾個月後,開始約會,於去年十二月結婚。 而今年十二月,他們正期待著他們第一個女兒的到來。 "He says all the time just how fortunate he is to be playing here," Jalynne said. Crawford made his big-league debut in May 2011, hitting a grand slam in his first game in Milwaukee, but also was sent down for a while to Triple-A ball in Fresno. It was a stressful time, as he tried to nail down the starting job. But the easygoing shortstop wasn't letting the pressure of his testosterone-fueled sport get to him at home. "他總是說能在這打球是多麼的幸運" Jalynne這麼說。Crawford在2011五月 在密爾瓦基初登場,第一場球就打了支滿貫,不過也短暫的被丟回3A。這對當時 期望拿下先發位置的他,是一段煎熬。但這位隨和的游擊手最終並沒有被打倒。 Crowded quarters He and Jalynne rented a one-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment down King Street from the ballpark. Jalynne's twin sister, Janelle, had just started a teaching job in the East Bay and needed a place to live. Brandon and Jalynne had a pullout couch, so why not? When the twins' older sister, Jamie, landed a job coaching gymnastics in the Bay Area, she joined them too, sharing the sofa bed. 擁擠的住處 Crawford夫妻在King street租了一房一廳的公寓。Jalynne的雙胞胎姐姐也正 開始他在東灣區的教學生涯,也需要個地方落腳。而Crawford夫妻剛好有個沙發床, 為甚麼不一起住呢?當這對雙胞胎的大姊Jamie也來到了灣區擔任體操教練後,她也 加入了這一起擠沙發床的行列。 Brandon learned not to linger in the bathroom. "I managed; I grew up with three younger sisters," Crawford said. "So it wasn't that different." Crawford學會了不在浴室逗留太久。 "我應付得來;我從小和三個妹妹一起長大" Crawford麼說 "所以其實沒甚麼差別" In the offseason, the newlyweds moved to a house in Walnut Creek - four bedrooms and two bathrooms - and the sisters came along, though both moved back to Southern California over the summer. Crawford is too young to remember "Three's Company," but knows the general premise. He said the reality of "Four's Company," sharing a home with three sisters, was a lot less wacky than a sitcom. "It almost seemed natural to me," he said. 球季結束後,這對新婚夫妻搬到了四房兩廳的新家,兩位姐姐也一起搬了過去, 不過暑假後就都搬回南加州。Crawford或許太年輕不知道"三人行"這部影集,但是 知道大概的含意(不確定翻得對不對)。真實人生的"四人行",和三個妹妹一起生活, 相較於三人行影集,還比較正常。 "這對我根本就快如同本性一樣的自然"他這麼說 The sisters kept Jalynne company when Brandon was traveling, watched the couple's dogs when Brandon and Jalynne were both on the road, and provided benefits that some young ballplayers would love to have, like a clean house, washed and folded laundry and home cooking."Baked macaroni and cheese was a big favorite," said Jamie, who did much of the meal planning. 這群姊妹們在Crawford打客場時陪伴Jalynne,或是幫Crawford夫婦看家。 或是提供一些年輕選手會很樂意見到的幫忙,好比說打掃家裡,洗衣服,或是煮飯。 "焗烤通心粉跟起司是我的最愛"最常掌廚的Jamie這麼說。 All three sisters were competitive gymnasts at UCLA. Jamie was on the 2000 Sydney Olympic team that won a bronze in 2010 when the third-place Chinese team was ruled to have used underage athletes. Though they didn't handspring or backflip around the house, they did joke with nimble Crawford that he should throw some gymnastics moves into his shortstop repertoire. 三位妹妹都是UCLA的頂尖體操選手。Jamie入選雪梨奧運代表,並在2010 因中國選手不符年齡限制(低齡)奪下銅牌。雖然他們部會在家裡倒立或是後空翻, 但她們仍常常開Crawford玩笑,說他應該安插些體操表演動作到他游擊的守備裡。 "We tease him about throwing in a trick, like a 'Popa,' " Jalynne said, referring to a 360-degree straddle jump named after Romanian gymnast Celestina Popa. "When he's turning a double play and jumping over a guy sliding into second, he could include it." "我們都開玩笑的說,說他應該在雙殺守備時,在起身閃過跑者的過程,加入 個以羅馬尼亞體操選手為名,名為Popa的體操動作。" (一個雙腿交叉、360度迴轉跳耀的體操動作) Crawford's acrobatic turns at shortstop have become his signature, so it was strange to see him struggle with errors early in the season. In the novel "The Art of Fielding," by Chad Harbach, a young shortstop suddenly can't make the throw to first. For a time, early in the season, Crawford seemed to be channeling protagonist Henry Skrimshander, committing 12 errors in his first 60 games. Crawford特技般的守備動作已經成為他的招牌,所以在季初看到他在失誤中 掙扎,感覺蠻奇怪的。在小說"防守的藝術"裡,一位年輕的游擊手突然就得了傳球 失憶症。Crawford似乎成了書裡的主角,在前六十場比賽就發生了12次失誤。 "I hadn't ever gone through that before, making errors in bunches," Crawford said. "I had some tough plays. "Then the errors all but stopped. He made six in the final 102 games. Crawford had, in effect, two seasons in the field. "He never hung his head," infield coach Ron Wotus said. "I never saw his confidence shaken. He took extra groundballs every day. And he never made excuses." "我從沒這樣過,發生一大堆的失誤" Crawford這麼說 "就在我完成了些高難 度的守備後,失誤就這樣離我遠去" Crawford在剩餘的102場比賽,只發生了6次失 誤。"在這兩年的時間裡,我從未看過他對自己喪失信心,他總是每天額外的進行滾 地球練習,而且從不間斷。"內野教練Ron Wotus這麼說 When he came home from work, Jalynne and her sisters, who learned the need for positive reinforcement in gymnastics, kept their feedback encouraging. "He never brought it home with him," Jalynne said, adding, "He's a homebody. He likes hanging out, watching movies, playing X-box, playing with the dogs. He cherishes being at home." 當離開球場後,Jalynne和他的姊姊們從體操學習到了正面回饋的力量, 也持續的讓他們的回應充滿鼓勵(翻得好怪..!?)。Jalynne這麼說 "他其實是個 宅宅,喜歡看電影,打X-box,和狗玩,他很珍惜在家的時光"。 And playing at home. When the Giants clinched the National League West on Sept. 22, Crawford's parents, sisters and Jalynne were all in the stands. In the celebration afterward, they came into the clubhouse and saw his locker. Above it, the nameplate reads Brandon Crawford. 當巨人隊在9/22主場拿下國聯西區冠軍時,Crawford的雙親、妹妹、以及太太 Jalynne全都在場。賽後的慶祝會,他們來到了球員休息室,並且看到了他的衣櫃。 在上頭,有塊名牌寫著Brandon Crawford。 Just like the brick outside. 就如同場外的紅磚一樣。 ---------------------------不才翻譯分隔線--------------------------------- 第一次po這麼多文字的文章 若有排版不佳或翻譯出錯的地方,還煩請大家不令協助提醒更正 謝謝大家不嫌棄與指教 以上~~ --

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1F:推 baroque7:太感謝你的翻譯了 小時後帥照! http://ppt.cc/MvEt 10/30 03:16
2F:→ baroque7:Never give up your dream!!! 10/30 03:16
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3F:推 EGZn:推!! 感謝翻譯!! 10/30 03:31
4F:推 dw1012:推 也推薦防守的藝術 10/30 04:35
5F:推 durant1224:防守的藝術很不錯看.. 10/30 08:18
6F:→ corlos:尻佛在WSG3也失誤一次 10/30 16:12
7F:推 paul0819:推!! 10/30 22:39
8F:推 purin0819:感謝翻譯,第三頁應該是"這一年"喔~剛看想說他才剛上XD 10/31 03:25
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9F:推 SpartanB:感謝翻譯 10/31 13:25
10F:推 poverty:有趣! 03/21 21:01

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