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※ [本文轉錄自 Ecophilia 看板] 作者: Waitingchen (Rejoyce ) 看板: Ecophilia 標題: Re: [轉錄][新聞] IPCC:氣候變遷沒救了 只能努力븠… 時間: Mon Nov 19 04:50:11 2007 本來昨天看到衛報的報導,想說可以翻譯一下, 但又覺得這算是重大新聞,國內媒體應該都會報,就先放著了, 沒想到報是報了,卻是用這樣的觀點, 跟衛報的報導角度完全不同, 其實我還蠻氣憤的,這種寫法對於推動環保而言傷害大於幫助呀.... 下面是衛報的報導重點節錄摘譯: UN scientists urge carbon tax to fight global warming * David Adam, environment correspondent * The Guardian * Saturday November 17 2007 聯合國科學家呼籲以徵收碳稅方式對抗全球暖化 2007/11/17 英國衛報 All sources of carbon pollution - from flights to inefficient light bulbs - must become more expensive if the world is to tackle global warming, an influential panel of scientists and government officials will say today. 由科學家和政府官員組成的重量級小組今天發表報告指出,如果世人要對抗全球暖化, 必須讓大至航空,小至傳統燈泡的各種碳排放污染付出更高的成本。 Putting a price on harmful emissions from goods and services would require a fundamental shift in the world's economy, but "could realise significant mitigation potential in all sectors" according to a report from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). 這份由聯合國政府間氣候變化小組(IPCC)發表的報告提到,讓製造有害排放的商品 或服務業付費,需要全球經濟體系做出根本上的轉變,但卻「可以讓各層面都發揮 有效減緩氣候衝擊的潛力」。 The IPCC, which won this year's Nobel peace prize jointly with Al Gore, will confirm it is 90% sure that recent global warming is down to human activity, and warn that the impact of future temperature rise will be severe. It will say action to cut emissions is needed in the coming decades to stop global temperatures rising by as much as 6C by 2100, and that most of the technology needed already exists. Even deep cuts in carbon production would have only a marginal effect on economic growth, the IPCC will say. IPCC與高爾一同獲頒今年的諾貝爾和平獎,該小組肯定近來發生的全球暖化,有90% 的機會是由人為活動造成,並警告未來氣溫升高將會造成嚴重衝擊。他們也表示,要 防止全球氣溫在2100年前繼續增加達6度,必須在接下來數十年內降低排放,而所需 的科技目前其實都已存在。IPCC也指出,就算是大幅縮減二氧化碳排放,對全球經濟 成長也僅會造成很小的影響。 The IPCC does not recommend specific policies, but a draft summary obtained by the Guardian highlights the introduction of an "effective carbon price signal". It says a carbon price of between $20-$80 (£10- £40) per tonne by 2030 should be enough to limit the expected temperature rise. How such a worldwide price could be introduced will be one focus of the Bali talks. Europe favours cap-and-trade systems, which place a mandatory limit on pollution from countries, companies and even individuals, who must buy the right to pollute more. 雖然IPCC並未推薦確切的政策方向,但根據衛報先得到的報告草稿,內容強調要引進 「有效的碳價指標」。報告提到若讓碳的價格在2030年達到每噸20至80美金,就足以 控制未來氣溫上升。在(十二月)的巴里島會議中,如何建立世界性的碳價標準將會 是焦點之一。歐洲各國傾向限額-交易系統,也就是對國家、企業甚至個人訂定污染 的強制標準,超標者需額外付費。 Main points A draft of today's synthesis report from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change presents the challenge in five key areas. 聯合國IPCC綜合報告幾項重點整理: Observed changes: Warming of the system is visible in increases in air and sea temperatures, melting snow and ice, and rising sea levels. All regions are getting hotter. The extent of Arctic sea ice is shrinking by 2.7% a decade. More areas are affected by drought. 觀測到的氣候變化: 氣候系統中,大氣與海面溫度增高、冰雪消融、海平面上升的現象顯著。所有區域 正逐漸趨暖。北極海冰平均每10年縮減2.7%。越來越多地區受乾旱影響。 Causes of change: Human greenhouse gas emissions grew by 70% from 1970 to 2004. Carbon dioxide output rose by 80%. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is highest for 650,000 years. 導致變化的原因: 人為排放溫室氣體從1970至2004年上升了70%。二氧化碳排放增加80%。大氣中的二氧 化碳濃度是近65萬年來最高值。 Projected change: Greenhouse gas emissions are projected to almost double by 2030. Depending on emissions, temperatures to 2100 could increase by 1.1C to 6.4C. With no policies to curb pollution, the most likely increase is 4C. Sea levels could rise 0.18m to 0.59m by 2100. Heatwaves and hurricane strength will increase. Hundreds of millions more will suffer water shortages, up to 30% of species will risk extinction and food production will be hit. 預測未來的變化: 溫室氣體排放預計在2030年將增加約一倍。根據排放量的不同,溫度在2100年可能 增加1.1度至6.4度。若缺乏控制污染的政策,最有可能的增溫幅度是4度。海平面 可能在2100年前上升0.18至0.59公尺。熱浪與颶風強度將增加。有數億人將受用水 短缺所苦,近30%的物種可能接近滅絕,而糧食生產也將受影響。 Adaptation and mitigation options: There are lots of cost-effective ways to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions using existing technology. An effective carbon price signal from governments could bring significant emission cuts across all sectors. 適應與減緩的可能方式: 有許多具成本效益的方法,可利用現有科技減少溫室氣體排放。由政府間制定有效 的碳價指標,可幫助各層面大幅減低排放。 還有另一篇路透社的報導也是類似角度出發 U.N. says new report must spur climate change action By Joe Ortiz From: Reuters Published November 17, 2007 08:58 AM ※ 引述《weitzern (高級雜工)》之銘言: : ※ [本文轉錄自 JaneGoodall 看板] : 作者: chitanes (龍的傳人) 看板: JaneGoodall : 標題: [新聞] IPCC:氣候變遷沒救了 只能努力適應 : 時間: Sun Nov 18 18:18:26 2007 : : IPCC:氣候變遷沒救了 只能努力適應 : 【聯合報╱編譯王先棠╱報導】 2007.11.18 02:17 am : 聯合國跨政府氣候變遷小組(IPCC)十七日表示,就算各國每年花費數十億美元全力減少 : 二氧化碳排放量,效果仍然有限,氣候變遷已「急遽且不可逆轉」,各國要努力適應,學 : 習與氣候變遷共存。這是IPCC對全球暖化威脅所做的最嚴厲最直接警告。 --

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