PlayStation 板


然後這個是我網上找丹津的東西的時候找到的。原始的文在GAMESPOT的樣子。 看完之後。。。糟糕更喜歡丹津了怎麼辦!?(大滾動。) 而且翻譯的人有說到丹津有罵德瑞克是一個沒救的大笨蛋。 這才是重點。 可惜沒有翻到冰洞之前德瑞克說這是大歡迎,上面寫什麼啊?那段。 尼泊爾人眼中的 uncharted 2←中文網站的標題名。 可以點進去看。他有翻。但沒翻完。於是我就接著翻了。雖然我翻的不好。 What follows is Tenzin's dialogue in his opening cutscene. For the unobservant, Pema is the name ofTenzin's daughter. Drake: How did I get here? 德瑞克:我怎麼來到這裡的? Tenzin: Pema, Give himsome space, go to Schafer's, he's our friend. (referring to Drake not Schafer) 丹津:貝瑪,別在那裡,去雪佛那裡玩,他是我們的朋友。(不是指雪佛,指德瑞克。) Tenzin: Slowly, don't hurry 丹津:慢點,別急。 Tenzin: You are very lucky 丹津:你很幸運。 Drake: How long have I been out? 德瑞克:我在這裡多久了? Tenzin Take it drink, drink. 丹津:拿去喝,喝。 Drake: Thanks 德瑞克:謝謝。 Tenzin: Drink this, drink this. 丹津:喝這個,喝這個。 Drake: No no thats plenty 德瑞克:不,不,已經夠了。 Tenzin: Your friend has been waiting, can you get up? 丹津:你的朋友在等你,你可以起來嗎? Drake: Im sorry I dont understand 德瑞克:抱歉,我不懂你在說什麼。 Tenzin: Get up Get up 丹津:起來,起來。 Drake: thanks 德瑞克:謝謝。 Tenzin: Are you feeling ok? 丹津:你還好嗎? Tenzin: Take this, come Schafer has been waiting for you. (hands drake a coat and hat) 丹津:拿著這個,雪佛在等你。(把外套跟帽子給德瑞克。) Tenzin: Hes been waiting to talk to you. 丹津:他們要跟你說話。 Drake:Where the hell am I? 德瑞克:我他媽的到底在哪? Tenzin: Come come with me. 丹津:來,跟我來。 ===第二段=== The very brief conversation at the end of the game between Drake and Tenzin. (Spoilers) Tenzin is saying a prayer "om mani padme hum" the sameprayer that is written across the giant prayer wheels that you have to spin and put in correct order several times during the game. You will notice tenzin is also spinning a small prayer wheel. 這邊就是說到丹津他有唸出六字真言唵嘛呢叭咪吽。 (鏡頭有帶到丹津轉小的攜帶型轉經輪。) 德瑞克在遊戲中會轉到大的轉經輪。 Tenzin says "Schafer would have loved you" but I think it is more to the effect of "Schafer would be proud of you" 說到雪佛會愛你。但翻譯的人說應該是要說雪佛會以你為榮。 And Drake says, Thank you In Tibetan. 最後德瑞克用西藏話講了謝謝。 ===第三段=== Anyway, without further ado, the ice caves translation. 在冰洞裡面的對話。 As Tenzin approaches the rope he says 丹津拿到繩子的時候。 "This will be useful." 這個能拿來用。 "We will use this to go there." (across the chasm) 可以用這個到對面去。 As he waits on the other side he says 丹津到對面去之後對德瑞克說。 "Come no need to be scared" 過來,沒有什麼好怕的。 as he approaches the ladder he says 到梯子後。 "And come from here" 從這邊走。 before squeezing through the crack Tenzin says 經過裂縫的時候。 "Oh we have to go through here, it looks hard." 嗯,從這邊穿過去。看起來很穩固。 In the meantime he says things like 中間還有說。 "we need to find our frind (Schafer's) camp" 我們要找到我們的朋友(雪佛)的營隊。 "Come" 來。 After finding the body he says "He must be Schafer's man." 找到屍體的時候有說這個人一定就是雪佛的部下。 "Look at this" 看這個。 As the ground collapses 倒塌的時候。 "Lets run" 快跑! As he catches his breath on the other side. 到另外一邊的時候。 "we Got into a trouble" 我們有麻煩了。 When drake offers to boost tenzin up 德瑞克想要讓丹津爬上去的時候。 "I don't need. Infact I will give you a boost. Yes I will" 我不需要,我幫你就好。 When he catches drake 抓到德瑞克的時候。 "Nothing happened. I am here." 別擔心,我在這裡! After hearing the monster's growl drake asks what was that? and Tenzin replies 聽到怪物的吼聲的時候。德瑞克問丹津那是什麼。丹津的回答。 "I don't know" 我不知道。 "Its scary" 感覺很恐怖。 Upon finding the dead wolves 看到狼的時候。 "I don't know" 我不知道。 "The way the animal is killed, its deadly" 狼已經死了。 "Its not good" 這不妙。 "What is that?" (noise) 那是什麼?(有聲音。) "That's not good" 那(聲音)不妙。 "This place might have a ghost" 這個地方一定有鬼。 when the monster attacks 被怪物攻擊時。 "Help me" 救我! After defeating the monster. 打倒怪物後。 "I told you, there was a weird ghost" 我就說這裡一定有鬼。 (附帶一提,nico上面關於這時的翻譯是:這小事一件。別緊張。) 亂翻。但可以知道大家覺得丹津很強。而且我覺得滿可愛的。 After getting a boost and before dropping the box down 丹津去上方把箱子推下來前說。 "Watch out" 小心。 then when they get seperated 要分開行動的時候。 "Ok I will go from here" 好,我從這邊去。 When drakes yells to pull the lever 德瑞克大叫推動手把的時候。 "Ok" 好。 Catches drake again 再度救了德瑞克時。 "I got you come up" 我拉你上來。 while the floors drop behind them 樓層掉下來的時候。 "Fast faster run fast" 跑快一點。 Upon finding the rest of Schafer's crew. 找到雪佛(那群死掉的)的隊員時。 "Come here" 來這裡。 "Look at this?" 看這個? "What's this?" 這是什麼? "I didn't understand you?" 我不懂你在說什麼? When drake explains about the Nazi's 德瑞克解釋他們是納粹。 "I don't like them" (nazis) 我不喜歡他們。(納粹。) When drake tells him schafer killed them 當德瑞克說是雪佛殺了他們的時候。 "What?" 什麼? "No no" 不會,不會。 ===第四段=== As for Tenzin calling Drake a useless idiot, I swear it was in the ice caverns on my first playthrough. Before fighting the guardian. I think there may be somthing specific that you have to do to get him to say it. I will play through a few more times and see what I find. 講到丹津罵德瑞克是沒用的笨蛋,應該是第一次玩到冰洞時還沒有遇到守護者前。 翻譯的人要多玩幾次看到底是在什麼時候罵的。 If anyone wants to look for it, it sounds like this. "Kukpa Chyomeghyo" 然後聽起來像是:Kukpa Chyomeghyo。←沒用的笨蛋。 我是有聽到KUKPA什麼的。後面記不得了。 原來我有被罵過嗎?w -- --

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◆ From:
1F:推 faang:第二輪應該要能開啟翻譯字幕就好了 跟ICO一樣 03/28 12:08
2F:推 baxoto:丹津真男人阿! 03/28 13:55
3F:推 jasonfly07:推 Tenzin是西藏的藍波 03/28 14:09
4F:推 luisfan:推 03/28 14:26
5F:推 INCAS777:推 真的有人願意翻譯丹津說話... 超感動~~ 09/28 19:56

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