作者harry901 (↑是帥哥↓是美女N I
標題Re: dynamics,kinetics,mechanics
時間Sat Nov 8 22:34:53 2003
※ 引述《JGU (ROYGBIV)》之銘言:
: 這三個字都是力學
: 代表的意思有什麼差別啊?
Mechanics is a branch of the physical sciences that is concerned with the
state of rest or motion of bodies subjected to the action of forces.
The mechanics of righd bodies is divided into two areas:statics and dynamics.
Statics is concerned with the equilbrium of a body that is either at
rest or moves with constant velocity. The foregoing treatment is concerned
with dynamics which deals with the accelerated motion of a body.
Here the subject of dynamics will be presented in two parts: Kinematics, which
treats only the geometric aspects of the motion, and Kinetics, which is the
analysis of the forces causing the motion.
From R.C Hibbler Engineering Mechanics Dynamics, P3-Introduction.
As this result, we can defind a branch-diagram for yours question:
Electronics, Thermodynamics, Electromagnetics, Optics
※ 編輯: harry901 來自: (01/04 14:26)