Pharmacy 板


※ 引述《andrewjliu (JOE平)》之銘言: : 各位Pharmacy板友好, : 我現在藥學三年級~ : 我有個朋友情緒不太穩 : 去看精神科...懷疑是schizophrenia....囧rz : 他爸爸打電話問我醫生開的藥(小大三 其實懂得真的很少..) : ABILIFY (aripiprazole) : : 雖然最近藥理有教...可是我也搞不清楚這類藥算那類 Atypical (or 2nd generation) antipsychotic. : 但是上課教...antipsychotic drug的副作用:EPS...Parkinson症狀..anticholinergic : 感覺還滿恐怖的.. 而且我朋友也沒很嚴重 : 想請問有人知道這個藥嗎? : 不知道Abilify造成的副作用是不是reversible....@o@ : 拜託各位厲害的板眾給我些資訊...謝謝m(_ _)m 藥學生要開始練習自己找資料囉! 光看藥廠的網站資料是不太夠的, 建議可以透過圖書館連到Micromedix or AHFS Drug Information, 這兩個對藥物不良反應/副作用都有蠻詳細的描述, (AHFS也有平裝的紅皮書, 圖書館應該會有.) 以下摘自AHFS (不好意思沒時間翻譯), The American Psychiatric Association (APA) considers certain atypical antipsychotic agents (i.e., aripiprazole, olanzapine, quetiapine, risperidone, ziprasidone) first-line drugs for the management of the acute phase of schizophrenia (including first psychotic episodes), principally because of the decreased risk of adverse extrapyramidal effects and tardive dyskinesia, with the understanding that the relative advantages, disadvantages, and cost-effectiveness of conventional and atypical antipsychotic agents remain controversial. (以下是Phenothizine的作用,Abilify作用應該一樣但發生機率較小) Extrapyramidal reactions can be divided into acute and chronic reactions. Acute extrapyramidal reactions are signs and symptoms that develop during the first days and weeks of phenothiazine or other antipsychotic agent administration, are dose related, and are reversible upon dosage reduction or discontinuance of the drug. However, severe extrapyramidal reactions have reportedly occurred even at relatively low dosages. Chronic extrapyramidal reactions are signs and symptoms that occur following months or years of therapy with phenothiazines or other antipsychotic drugs, are not clearly dose related, and may persist following drug discontinuance. Dystonic reactions and feelings of motor restlessness occur most frequently in young patients, especially those with acute infections or severe dehydration, whereas parkinsonian signs and symptoms predominate in geriatric patients, especially those with brain damage. Dystonic reactions usually occur rather early during treatment, but the incidence of feelings of motor restlessness and parkinsonian signs and symptoms is greater after several weeks of therapy. 以上這只是一小部分的資料而已, 希望有回答到你的問題, 建議你有空去查micromedix or AHFS, 會有比較完整詳細的資料, 回答這類問題時, 不要只看副作用, 也要看看藥效, 才能給病人一個平衡的解釋, 不然病人嚇都嚇死了, 自己亂停藥才糟糕... 另外黃字有標到, 年輕人比較可能有dystonic reactions, 要避免的方法就是多喝水,避免脫水的情況 記得跟你朋友提囉! --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 yesucan:題外話: 我覺得這個藥品學名很容易和PPI confused XD 03/08 23:50
2F:推 andrewjliu:謝謝smeliz大!...我以後會多利用那些網站、書找資料XD 03/08 23:52
3F:→ andrewjliu:1F學長好阿~ 03/08 23:53
4F:推 Lr1:也只有這個藥比較特別 背起來就對了XD 03/09 00:58

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