作者PHM (自信而不自負)
標題Re: [問題] ISA-β blocker不能用在angina的原因??
時間Wed Feb 13 14:44:41 2008
※ 引述《premire (熱騰騰的泡麵)》之銘言:
: 關於這個問題一直存在 後來翻了Pharmacotherapy Handbook 第六版
: 後發現內文以下(翻中):
: "ISA會將HR的reduction minimized, 因此limiting a reduction in MVO2"
: 有人可以跟我解釋這段的意思嗎?感覺α的活性和HR無關呀..
....intrinsic sympathomimetic activity appears to be detrimental in rest
or severe angina because the reduction in heart rate would be minimized,....
by eMedicine
Intrinsic sympathomimetic activity:
Some beta-blockers, such as pindolol and acebutolol, also have beta-agonist
properties. While their agonist property is weaker than that of
catecholamines, they are capable of stimulating beta-receptors, especially
when catecholamine levels are low. These agents are said to have intrinsic
sympathomimetic activity; this agonist property is protective in overdoses
所謂的ISA (intrinsic sympathomimetic activity)是指partial beta-agonist
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◆ From:
1F:推 premire:原來和alpha無關,謝謝大家的解答 02/13 18:07
2F:推 outcastt:果然一看完整版就解決了 04/13 20:51