Pelicans 板


原文網址 1993: Charlotte Shocks Celtics In Playoff Thriller With the fifth-best Eastern Conference record, the Hornets made their postseason debut against the Boston Celtics in the opening round. The playoff-hardened Celtics stopped Charlotte easily in Game 1 at Boston Garden. In the second game the young Hornets stung the Celtics, 99-98, in double overtime. The playoffs moved to Charlotte, where the Hornets dealt Boston a 30-point beating, 119-89, in Game 3. 以東區第五種子身分進入季後賽,黃蜂在第一輪首先要遭遇到的對手是波士頓塞爾 提克.季後賽老經驗的塞爾提克在第一戰Boston Garden家中輕鬆阻擋了蜂群.第二戰 年輕的黃蜂們的螫了塞爾提克,兩次延長之後99-98驚險過關.第三戰移師回夏洛特 家中,119-89以30分的大幅差距輕騎過關. In Game 4 Charlotte led by 18 points entering the fourth quarter but had to withstand a furious Celtics charge. Boston roared back to take a 103-102 lead with 3.3 seconds remaining on the clock. The Hornets got the ball to Mourning, who drained a 20-foot buzzer-beater for a dramatic 104-103 victory. 第四戰黃蜂在進入第四節時保有18分的領先,但是接下來遭遇到綠杉軍瘋狂的強力挑戰 ,波士頓將失分追回甚至在剩下3.3秒取得103-102.黃蜂將球傳到Mourning手中,他在 20呎之外將球送進了籃框,贏得這場戲劇性的勝利! Energized by their first-round performance, the Hornets played tough in the next round against the New York Knicks before falling in five games. 在第一輪勝利的激勵之下,蜂群們奮鬥不懈.第二輪與強權尼克激戰五場之後敗下陣來. After the season the Hornets set the NBA buzzing when they signed Johnson to a 12-year, $84-million contract extension, the most lucrative deal in league history. They also engineered trades with both the SuperSonics and the 76ers that resulted in a swap of Kendall Gill for Seattle's Eddie Johnson and Dana Barros, and the arrival of Hersey Hawkins from Philadelphia. Eddie Johnson brought veteran leadership and an uncanny scoring knack, while Hawkins was an All-Star still in his prime and one of the better off guards in the league. 季後黃蜂與Johnson簽下了12年8400萬的延長合約.這筆聯盟歷史上最可觀的交易震動了 整個NBA的市場.制服組同時也動手與超音速和76人球員交易.Kendall Gill交換了西雅圖 的Eddie Johnson,Dana Barros.再加上Hersey Hawkins從76人的到來.Eddie Johnson 帶來了老將的領導經驗和不可思議的巧妙得分手法.Hawkins為All-Star的全盛時期並且 是聯盟最好的後衛之一. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 以上是黃蜂歷史 1993部分 ^^~ --

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