Patent 板

LINE 音樂家透過演算法產生所有可能的旋律去申請版權,目的卻是「避免其他人被告」 據外媒報導,兩位程式設計師音樂家將存在的所有可能的MIDI旋律寫入硬碟,並為硬碟中 所有的旋律申請版權保護,然後再將其全部公開發布,成為公眾領域資產,以試圖阻止音 樂家受到起訴。程式設計師、音樂家和版權律師的Damien Riehl以及音樂家、程式設計師 Noah Rubin試圖用這種方式來阻止他們認為扼殺了藝術家的創作自由的版權訴訟。 通常在歌曲旋律的版權案件中,如果因侵權而被起訴的藝術家可能被指控「潛意識」侵權 原始內容。其中一個這方面最臭名昭著的例子是 Tom Petty聲稱Sam Smith的《Stay With Me》聽起來與他的《I Won`t Back Down》 的旋律十分相似。Smith最終不得不向 Petty支付版權使用費。 在法庭上為這樣的案件進行辯護可能會花費數百萬美元的律師費,結果永遠無法保證。 Riehl和Rubin希望透過公開發行旋律,可以防止很多此類案件。在關於該專案的最新演講 中,Riehl解釋說,為了獲得他們的旋律數據庫,他們透過演算法確定了單個八度音階中 包含的每個旋律。 為了確定旋律的有限性質,Riehl和Rubin開發了一種演算法,該演算法記錄了每種可能的 8音,12節拍的旋律組合。這使用了一些駭客用來猜測密碼的策略基本相同:遍歷音律的 每種可能組合,直到沒有音律為止。Riehl表示,這種演算法的工作速度為每秒30萬次旋 律。 作品以有形格式提交後,即被視為受版權保護。在MIDI格式中,音符只是數位。 Riehl在談話中解釋說:「根據版權法,數位就是事實;根據版權法,事實要嘛版權薄弱 ,幾乎沒有版權,要嘛根本沒有版權。因此,也許這些數位自開始以來就存在,而我們只 是將它們拔掉了,也許旋律只是數學,這只是事實,沒有版權。」 它們產生的所有旋律以及生成它們的演算法的程式碼都可以在Github上作為開源材料獲得 ,而資料集則可以在Internet Archive上獲得。 音樂家透過演算法產生所有可能的旋律,在申請版權後公開所有人使用,避免其他人被告 根據該專案的網站,Rubin和Riehl使用Creative Commons Zero許可證發佈了這些旋律, 這意味著它們「不保留任何權利」。從功能上講,這意味著它們類似於公有領域的作品, 儘管版權律師對於這是否使它們真正進入公有領域持有不同意見。如果某件作品是政府作 品或版權已過期(在作品發佈後數十年內發生),則該作品被視為「公有領域」。 Creative Commons Zero許可證是藝術家在不使版權主動失效的情況下將其作品投入公有 領域的最接近的方式。 這種策略在法庭上是否真的有效還有待觀察。 --

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1F:推 piglauhk: 這中譯是不是有哪裡怪怪的 03/02 16:55
2F:→ jjeffrey1015: 怎麼說呢?還請前輩多指教 03/02 21:42
3F:→ jjeffrey1015: 看一下智財局的文章,似乎有討論到Random Art,但迴 03/02 21:47
4F:→ jjeffrey1015: 避討論是不是受到著作權保障 03/02 21:47
5F:→ jjeffrey1015: 這則新聞讓我想到無限猴子理論 03/02 21:50
6F:推 piglauhk: 根據版權法,數位就是事實; 這數位是什麼意思阿 請不吝 03/06 08:42
7F:→ piglauhk: 指教 03/06 08:42
8F:推 piglauhk: 這原文的fact應該是全大寫的(?) 03/06 08:44
感謝 原文應該是這一段: The pair developed an algorithm that recorded every potential 8-note, 12-beat melody combination, going through every possible combination of notes and working at a rate of 300,000 melodies per second. (In the MIDI format, notes are numbers.) “Under copyright law, numbers are facts, and under copyright law, facts either have thin copyright, almost no copyright, or no copyright at all,” Riehl explained. “So maybe if these numbers have existed since the beginning of time and we’re just plucking them out, maybe melodies are just math, which is just facts, which is not copyrightable.” 這篇報導比較詳盡,除了說明他們概念的起源, 如何運用在流行音樂上, 也有提到學者對這項舉動的意見以及看法 Their point, ultimately, is that melodies could be seen as math, which is to say facts, and facts cannot be copyrighted. This is not to say that songs cannot be copyrighted, but that each possible series of notes is not a creation so much as a selection from a fairly limited set. (Information theorists might add that selection from a set of possibilities is the very nature of all information—but that’s beyond the theoretical scope of the melody project.) 略 “I just don’t get it,” Lawrence Lessig, an eminent copyright scholar at Harvard Law School, told me in an email. “Whether or not melodies can be represented in math, they are not just math. So that seems like a dead end.” Lessig did agree that it’s unfair that anyone can be dinged for “copying” work even if they could not be shown to have consciously done so. “The whole doctrine of subconscious copying is absurd. So I get the motivation,” he said. Kristelia García, a law professor at the University of Colorado, saw things in mostly the same way. “It’s an interesting thought experiment,” she told me in an email. “And I think it does a good job of exposing the absurd point we’ve reached in music copyright infringement.” But she didn’t think the project could prevent copyright-infringement suits over melodies. “I am not at all convinced it does what they hope it will do (i.e., give artists a free pass out of infringement suits) since so many of their melodies are almost certainly already ‘owned’ by someone else,” she said. ※ 編輯: jjeffrey1015 ( 臺灣), 03/06/2020 12:16:27
9F:推 mango2014: 太棒了 03/06 17:18
10F:推 yin0416: 這程式不難,重點是只有他們想到。 03/08 06:47

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