Patent 板

LINE 音乐家透过演算法产生所有可能的旋律去申请版权,目的却是「避免其他人被告」 据外媒报导,两位程式设计师音乐家将存在的所有可能的MIDI旋律写入硬碟,并为硬碟中 所有的旋律申请版权保护,然後再将其全部公开发布,成为公众领域资产,以试图阻止音 乐家受到起诉。程式设计师、音乐家和版权律师的Damien Riehl以及音乐家、程式设计师 Noah Rubin试图用这种方式来阻止他们认为扼杀了艺术家的创作自由的版权诉讼。 通常在歌曲旋律的版权案件中,如果因侵权而被起诉的艺术家可能被指控「潜意识」侵权 原始内容。其中一个这方面最臭名昭着的例子是 Tom Petty声称Sam Smith的《Stay With Me》听起来与他的《I Won`t Back Down》 的旋律十分相似。Smith最终不得不向 Petty支付版权使用费。 在法庭上为这样的案件进行辩护可能会花费数百万美元的律师费,结果永远无法保证。 Riehl和Rubin希望透过公开发行旋律,可以防止很多此类案件。在关於该专案的最新演讲 中,Riehl解释说,为了获得他们的旋律数据库,他们透过演算法确定了单个八度音阶中 包含的每个旋律。 为了确定旋律的有限性质,Riehl和Rubin开发了一种演算法,该演算法记录了每种可能的 8音,12节拍的旋律组合。这使用了一些骇客用来猜测密码的策略基本相同:遍历音律的 每种可能组合,直到没有音律为止。Riehl表示,这种演算法的工作速度为每秒30万次旋 律。 作品以有形格式提交後,即被视为受版权保护。在MIDI格式中,音符只是数位。 Riehl在谈话中解释说:「根据版权法,数位就是事实;根据版权法,事实要嘛版权薄弱 ,几乎没有版权,要嘛根本没有版权。因此,也许这些数位自开始以来就存在,而我们只 是将它们拔掉了,也许旋律只是数学,这只是事实,没有版权。」 它们产生的所有旋律以及生成它们的演算法的程式码都可以在Github上作为开源材料获得 ,而资料集则可以在Internet Archive上获得。 音乐家透过演算法产生所有可能的旋律,在申请版权後公开所有人使用,避免其他人被告 根据该专案的网站,Rubin和Riehl使用Creative Commons Zero许可证发布了这些旋律, 这意味着它们「不保留任何权利」。从功能上讲,这意味着它们类似於公有领域的作品, 尽管版权律师对於这是否使它们真正进入公有领域持有不同意见。如果某件作品是政府作 品或版权已过期(在作品发布後数十年内发生),则该作品被视为「公有领域」。 Creative Commons Zero许可证是艺术家在不使版权主动失效的情况下将其作品投入公有 领域的最接近的方式。 这种策略在法庭上是否真的有效还有待观察。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
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1F:推 piglauhk: 这中译是不是有哪里怪怪的 03/02 16:55
2F:→ jjeffrey1015: 怎麽说呢?还请前辈多指教 03/02 21:42
3F:→ jjeffrey1015: 看一下智财局的文章,似乎有讨论到Random Art,但回 03/02 21:47
4F:→ jjeffrey1015: 避讨论是不是受到着作权保障 03/02 21:47
5F:→ jjeffrey1015: 这则新闻让我想到无限猴子理论 03/02 21:50
6F:推 piglauhk: 根据版权法,数位就是事实; 这数位是什麽意思阿 请不吝 03/06 08:42
7F:→ piglauhk: 指教 03/06 08:42
8F:推 piglauhk: 这原文的fact应该是全大写的(?) 03/06 08:44
感谢 原文应该是这一段: The pair developed an algorithm that recorded every potential 8-note, 12-beat melody combination, going through every possible combination of notes and working at a rate of 300,000 melodies per second. (In the MIDI format, notes are numbers.) “Under copyright law, numbers are facts, and under copyright law, facts either have thin copyright, almost no copyright, or no copyright at all,” Riehl explained. “So maybe if these numbers have existed since the beginning of time and we’re just plucking them out, maybe melodies are just math, which is just facts, which is not copyrightable.” 这篇报导比较详尽,除了说明他们概念的起源, 如何运用在流行音乐上, 也有提到学者对这项举动的意见以及看法 Their point, ultimately, is that melodies could be seen as math, which is to say facts, and facts cannot be copyrighted. This is not to say that songs cannot be copyrighted, but that each possible series of notes is not a creation so much as a selection from a fairly limited set. (Information theorists might add that selection from a set of possibilities is the very nature of all information—but that’s beyond the theoretical scope of the melody project.) 略 “I just don’t get it,” Lawrence Lessig, an eminent copyright scholar at Harvard Law School, told me in an email. “Whether or not melodies can be represented in math, they are not just math. So that seems like a dead end.” Lessig did agree that it’s unfair that anyone can be dinged for “copying” work even if they could not be shown to have consciously done so. “The whole doctrine of subconscious copying is absurd. So I get the motivation,” he said. Kristelia García, a law professor at the University of Colorado, saw things in mostly the same way. “It’s an interesting thought experiment,” she told me in an email. “And I think it does a good job of exposing the absurd point we’ve reached in music copyright infringement.” But she didn’t think the project could prevent copyright-infringement suits over melodies. “I am not at all convinced it does what they hope it will do (i.e., give artists a free pass out of infringement suits) since so many of their melodies are almost certainly already ‘owned’ by someone else,” she said. ※ 编辑: jjeffrey1015 ( 台湾), 03/06/2020 12:16:27
9F:推 mango2014: 太棒了 03/06 17:18
10F:推 yin0416: 这程式不难,重点是只有他们想到。 03/08 06:47

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