P_Management 板


你的英文履歷,我只看文法不看內容,錯很多,格式也不是很容易閱讀 整篇看起來的感覺會有點亂亂的,建議你再改改 還有,若是你拿這篇英文履歷去跟面試,也告訴別人你的英文程度不錯 老實說,會滿..囧的 ^^" The ability to solve real world problem must to be integrated, so I attended ~~(不用to) different field of class to improve my well-rounded capability. In the class ~~~~~(classes) of Hi-tech Entrepreneurship and Operation, I learned the whole process of technique、market research、strategy analysis、IP planning、operating and 建議你把「、」改成「,」 financial planning by developing a new company. The most important is, I ~~ 典型的中式英文,請把,改成that learned to deal with my task with a macroscopic view to benefit my company, instead of only focusing on finishing my own assignments. ~~~~~~~~(改成focused,與learned對稱) ※Read numerous of business cases and books. Also, to achieve my competence, I read numerous cases and books, because they ~~~~(also可做連接詞,但是在正式的英文中,從來不會這麼使用,建議你用Besides, ~~~~ moreover..之類的字) 建議你不要用they,畢竟你是想強調你這樣努力的成果或是這樣的經驗 而非cases and books make more close to real operation of a company. I will try to assume I were ~~~~~~~~~~(典型的中式英文,請改成closer) ~that不可省 the person who face problems and ask myself what I would do. ~~~~(faces) ~~~~~~~~~~(asks) Skill & Ability 1. Committed team work 2. Performing well in challenging and fast moving environment 3. Proficiency in Word, Excel(include function、analysis), Outlook, PowerPoint 4. Fluent in English Experience of group work 1. President of NTU continent group, holding several symposiums、student union policy debate、book exhibition…etc. For me, they are a series good trainings of management& leadership、resources ~~~(to) ~~~~(these exps) ^(of) ~(and) allocation、analysis and arrangement an. Furthermore, I earned the soft ability such as communication、cooperation and working under pressure. ~~~~~~~(abilities 因為你後面的such as說一堆) 2. Involved in AIESEC program that negotiate with domestic companies( ~~~~~~~~~(negotiated) responsible for ADVANTECH研華科技) to match foreign trainee working in Taiwan company. I learned to report and convincing my customers. ^(to)~~~~~~~~~~(convince) 3. NTU Seed educating group. Planning a summer camp and being a teacher. Work experience: 1. Ministry of Foreign Affairs APEC youth representative selection conference staff 2. National Tsing Hua University(清華大學) research program—Collecting information of solar energy. 3. Several translating experiences of English to Chinese. Conclusion The most important point of my view of learning is integration, but it’s base on my financial training. The trainings of finance department make me ~~~~(based) ~~~~(made) more sensitive of number, and so that I tend to focus on concrete evidence ~~(to) ~~~~~(刪掉) and logic deduction, doing my best to choose moderate tool to solve the ~~~~~~~(and do) ~~~~(tools) ~~~ problem. ~~~~~~~(any problems) --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 編輯: abase0001 來自: (03/06 11:41)
1F:→ ifif:謝謝!英文履歷其實是急就章,所以才沒有在版上貼出來 03/06 11:45
2F:→ ifif:錯那麼多真不好意思....^^" 03/06 11:45
3F:→ abase0001:哈哈,別這麼說,有勇氣接受大家的指教就是一個很好的特質 03/06 11:50
4F:→ abase0001:做PM也是需要具備這樣的特質 ^^ 03/06 11:51
5F:推 orangeknight:Also這樣用ok吧 學術英文有時候也用 03/06 19:57
6F:→ abase0001:恩,我說的是formal English,當然這不是錯誤,要用也ok 03/07 01:24
7F:→ Jose:so that 不是so 是in order to的意思 03/08 23:51

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