December 27, 2005 Bird agrees Artest must go Pacers president says team's disgruntled player should not have gone public with his complaints Bird同意Artest必須要走 溜馬隊總裁說再不高興也不該公開談論自己的不滿 By Mike Wells [email protected] DALLAS -- Like everybody else in the organization, Indiana Pacers president Larry Bird stuck by Ron Artest through his trials and tribulations. 就像球隊其他成員一樣,總裁 Bird 也被 Ron Artest 造成 的麻煩給困擾著。 But no more. Bird, who recently returned from a 10-day scouting trip in Europe, made his first public comments since Artest told The Star he wanted to be traded. Bird said Monday he "felt betrayed," and though Artest has since said he wants to return, Bird insisted that's not possible. 但是,沒有下次了。剛從為期十天的歐洲選秀之旅返鄉的 Bird 首次公開談論到 Artest 事件。週一 Bird 說他:「感 到被人家背叛。」。即使 Artest 有提起重回球隊的打算, Bird 堅持那將不可能發生。 "I think enough is enough," Bird said. "I think Ronnie will do fine but not here."Bird said he thought Artest had turned the corner emotionally after his seasonlong suspension last year and would be an MVP candidate. Bird 說:「我想這已經夠了。我想 Ronnie 會過得很好, 不過不是在這裡。」。他還提到,他以為 Artest 已經成長, 而且將從禁賽中走出,蛻變為MVP候選人。 "But I don't know what goes on in Ronnie's world when he leaves (Conseco Fieldhouse)," he said. "Ronnie needed support after everything he's been through. Who better to give it to him than the people in this organization?" 他說到:「但是,我不知道當 Ronnie走出球場時,他的世界 裡面到底發生了什麼事情。在他經歷過那麼多風風雨雨時需要 的支持,難道球隊上下沒有給他嗎?」 Bird recalled an offseason conversation with his three star players, a meeting that no longer matters. Bird 回想起季外一次與球員們的談話,一段現在已經沒有 太大意義的談話。 "They thought this was their year as a team," Bird said. "Stephen (Jackson), Ronnie and Jermaine (O'Neal) came up to me and asked if I would keep them together for one more year and see how it goes. I was behind it 100 percent." Bird說:「他們認為今年就是球員們真正要齊力打拼的一年。 Stephen、Ronnie 還有 Jermaine 跟我講,可不可以把他們三個 多湊在一起,就這一年,看看會發生什麼轉變。我完全支持 這樣的想法。」 Now? 現在呢? "I don't know if this is the right wording, but I felt betrayed," Bird said. "We're disappointed. Things happen, maybe it's a good thing. He's a very talented player. I always liked working with him and how he went about things on the basketball court. He's a top-12 player in the league, but we're in a situation where we have to move on." Bird 說:「我不知道這樣說是否恰當…我好像被人背叛。 我們很失望。雖然事情已經發生,也許這會件好事。他是個 非常有天份的球員,我喜歡跟他一同練球,看看他在場上 能有什麼表現。他是聯盟內前12強的選手,但是,現在 的局面讓我們必須向前看。」 Bird, who said he has yet to talk to Artest, said he took exception to Artest going public with his unhappiness. 提起自己還沒跟Artest 碰面的 Bird 說他對 Artest 公開 發言的舉動很感冒。 "He was clearly frustrated," he said. "Ronnie thinks if we lose, we would have won the game if he had the ball every time. The offense bogs down at times, but it's still a great offense. He held the ball a lot at times. Nothing frustrated me more than him not rebounding. But I didn't go out in the public and say anything." Bird說:「很明顯的,他有很深的挫折感。他認為每次我們輸球 都是因為他沒有多進攻、多出手。當然,我們的進攻有時候沒 那麼出色,但已經不錯了。他也有很多持球的機會。我對於他 老是不搶籃板也很感冒,但我沒有對外界說過任何意見。」 While in Europe, Bird said he spoke to CEO Donnie Walsh daily. Bird wondered whether he needed to return early but decided against it because he and Walsh weren't going to make a quick trade. Bird 說他還在歐洲時天天都與球隊CEO Donnie Walsh 通電話 ,本來他考慮要不要提前返國,但是後來決定不要,因為他跟 Wlash 不急著談交易。 Artest, who did not return a phone message Monday, remains on the inactive list. His agent, Mark Stevens, said he spoke Monday with Walsh and "everything stands in the same place." 週一沒有回覆記者留言的 Artest 目前仍然在不啟用名單上,他 的經紀人 Mark Stevens 說他與 Walsh 談過,而一切沒有太大 變化。 "(The trade) could happen tomorrow; it could be two weeks from now," Stevens said.Bird and Walsh will continue to seek a trade this week. Bird said they prefer to trade Artest to a Western Conference team. The Denver Post reported the Nuggets are one of the teams interested in what could be a multi-team deal for Artest. Other Western Conference teams rumored to be interested include the Los Angeles Clippers, Minnesota and Golden State. Stevens 說:「交易可能立刻發生,也可能在兩週後發生。」他說 Bird 跟 Walsh 本週還會繼續看看各種可能性。 Bird 說他傾向 把 Artest 交易到西部聯盟。丹佛郵報(The Denver Post)報導 金塊隊是目前有意進行多方交易的一員。其他有意願的西部聯盟 球隊包含快艇、灰狼以及勇士。 "Any time you deal a player you would like him to go out of the conference," Bird said. "We're looking at the West, but if it's the East, that's how it's going to be. Whether we get a draft choice or a player, we're going to make sure it's the right deal. We've done enough to back Ronnie. We're in a position where we have to protect the franchise now." Bird 說:「當你交易球隊的球員時,你會希望把他換到另一個聯 盟。我們正在思考西部聯盟有沒有可能成為交易對象,但是,如 果最後東區的球隊的確適合進行交易,那也未必不可。不管是拿 到選秀權、交易到球員,我們都會確保一切都合理、正確。我們 已經夠支持他(Artest)了。我們現在該替球隊想想。 Bird knows losing Artest will hurt, but he said the team chemistry will be better without the constant distractions. Bird 知道失去 Artest 會傷害球隊,但是他說球員間的化學作用會 因為沒有令人分心的事情而變好。 "I'm not going to say we're better, that's not going to happen when you lose a player like Ronnie," he said. "As far as chemistry goes, we're a lot better.We're still deep. We have some emotional guys, but we'll be fine." Bird 說:「我不會說什麼我們會更好,失去 Ronnie 這種球員有什麼好? 不過,從球隊中球員間關係的角度來看,我們現在好多了。我們仍然 有夠深度的陣容。我們有些比較意氣用事的球員,但是一切都OK。」 Call Star reporter Mike Wells at (317) 444-6053. Copyright 2005 All rights reserved --

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1F:推 Granger33:推一個翻譯~! 12/27 18:14
2F:推 Altair:謝謝翻譯! 正在找這篇 XDD 12/27 18:23
3F:→ wies1ey:感謝三位大大熱心翻譯 12/27 22:54
4F:推 yushi:謝謝 hsupohsiang。也謝謝 Bird。^o^ 12/28 08:45

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