LINE RealGM的首頁 隨便亂翻一下.. Bird Feels 'Betrayed' By Artest's Trade Demands 27th December, 2005 - 2:25 am 對於阿泰的交易風波 大鳥感覺被背叛了 ESPN - After standing by Ron Artest through the aftermath of the Brawl at Auburn Hills last season, Indiana Pacers president Larry Bird is finally speaking out about his oft-troubled forward's most recent request that the organization trade him. 在上個球季的奧本山事件後,大鳥最後還是決定要在最近把常惹麻煩的Artest給 交易掉。 On Monday, Bird spoke with the Indianapolis Star, the newspaper that first reported on Artest's desire for a trade. 星期一,大鳥跟印城星報說了些東西,而這報紙就是第一個報導阿泰想要被交易 的報紙。 "I don't know if this is the right wording, but I felt betrayed," Bird told the Star. "We're disappointed. Things happen, maybe it's a good thing. He's a very talented player. I always liked working with him and how he went about things on the basketball court. He's a top-12 player in the league, but we're in a situation where we have to move on. 「我不知道這是不是一個適當的措辭,但是我感覺被背叛了。」大鳥跟星報說, 「我們都很失望,或許這件事的發生是一件好事。他是一個很有天份的球員,我 之前喜歡跟他一起工作,而且在球場上跟他討論很多事情。他是目前聯盟前12頂 尖球員之一,但是面對目前這個狀況,我們還是得做點變動。」 "I think enough is enough. ... I think Ronnie will do fine but not here." 「我覺得真的,夠了,我想阿泰可以做的更好,但是不是在這裡了..」 Bird recently returned from a 10-day scouting trip in Europe, which could be one of the reasons a trade for Artest has yet to be completed. 「大鳥最近結束了10天的歐洲挖掘人才之旅,這也意味著阿泰的交易就快要塵埃 落定了。」 Further complicating trade possibilities is the fact that Artest is due to make $6.8 million this season, a bargain for someone of Artest's talent. Indiana now has to figure out a way to trade for maximum talent without going over the team's salary cap. 由於能力不錯的阿泰本季的薪資只有6.8M,所以交易便顯的得相當複雜,溜馬目 前想辦法交易,而且也要想辦法不要再給薪資增加負擔了。 Bird told the Star that he and CEO Donnie Walsh would prefer to send Artest to a Western Conference team. 大鳥告訴星報他和Walsh偏向把阿泰送到西區。 "Any time you deal a player, you would like him to go out of the conference," Bird said to the newspaper. "We're looking at the West, but if it's the East, that's how it's going to be. Whether we get a draft choice or a player, we're going to make sure it's the right deal. We've done enough to back Ronnie. We're in a position where we have to protect the franchise now." [READ] 最後一段的主要一句話還是第一句,所以就不翻了。 -- 結論1:交易勢在必行 2:應該是交易到西區 3:這幾天就差不多會有消息了,畢竟大鳥回來了 --

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◆ From:
1F:推 hsupohsiang:這就是愛溜馬啦~~ 12/27 18:30
2F:推 kobekid:連ESPN都有大鳥談話的消息,希望做個好交易 12/27 18:42
3F:推 wies1ey:感謝三位大大熱心翻譯 12/27 22:53
4F:推 yushi:謝謝 ksaon。:) 12/28 08:47
5F:推 Riolove:三篇都推,人家說大鳥是有仇必報絕不退縮的性格啊 12/28 15:18

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