Artest to Pacers: Trade me 'I think they will be a better team without me' By Mike Wells [email protected] "I still think my past haunts me here,"  我仍然覺得我的過去(的名聲)跟著我到了這裡來,困擾著我。 "I think somewhere else I'm starting fresh. I'm coming in with baggage, but people already know about it and how I'm going to be. Either they're going to be for me or they're not going to trade for me. Here I think my past haunts me.  我想要找個地方,重新開始。我帶著一些名聲來到這裡,大家已經很熟悉這些事情,  也知道還有我會是怎樣的球員。也許他們要交易我,或者,也許他們支持我的想法。  在這裡我覺得我的過去困擾著我。 "I think they will be a better team without me."  我想這支球隊沒有我會更好。 "I think I cause a lot of problems here,"  我想我造成很多麻煩。 "If the trade rumors, if there is any truth -- maybe it won't be a bad thing. They probably could win more games without me."  關於交易的傳言如果有任何可信度,也許那不是件壞事。沒有我,球隊也許可以贏  更多比賽。 "I'm so demanding of the ball. It's not my fault,"  我非常想要球(進攻),這不是我的錯。 "Every time somebody is on me it's a mismatch. It messes up the offense. I like Coach (Carlisle) as a person, but I don't like playing for Coach. I like my team, though."   我對上誰都有優勢,這讓進攻變得很難安排。我喜歡 Carlisle這個人,但是我不   喜歡他當教練的風格、打法。還有,我喜歡我的球隊。   ↑   └沒有信心的一句「Every time somebody is on me it's a mismatch.」 "Don't get it twisted. He's a very good coach,"  不要誤解我,他(Carlisle)是個相當好的教練。 "He knows what he's doing. I personally don't like playing for him. I would not want to see him get fired for me after all the immaturity I've been through with this organization."  他知道自己的職責。我個人不喜歡替他效命。我不希望我在球隊這段時間的不成熟  表現導致教練因我被開除。 "If I go to the West Coast, I would come back to New York after my contract is up,"  如果我到西區,我還是會在合約到期後回到紐約。 "I would go to Cleveland. I wouldn't mind coming off the bench behind LeBron James. There's a lot of players I wouldn't mind coming off the bench behind. If it was a perfect world, I would be going to New York."  我願意去騎士隊。我不介意當 LeBron James 的替補。我願意當聯盟裡許多球員的  替補。不過,如果一切如我所願,我想要去紐約。 "Here I don't think I'm going to have a chance to maximize my opportunity for my potential,"  在這裡,我不認為我有機會真正發揮全力。 "When I first got here, all I wanted to do was play defense. I never really cared about offense, but what I see is players like Kobe (Bryant), Tracy (McGrady), (Gilbert) Arenas and Jermaine (O'Neal) getting the opportunity to maximize their potential on the court and to get paid. I'm out of my character a little bit here.  我剛來的時候,我只想要好好防守。我從來沒想過要進攻。但是我卻看到 Kobe Bryant  、 Tracy McGrady、 Gilbert Arenas還有 Jermain O'Neal這樣身手的球員有機會真  正發揮自己所有的潛力,拿到應有的身價。我覺得在這裡並沒有打出我全部的潛力。  ↑  └ I'm out of my character a little bit here.沒信心的第二句。 "I don't think I'm going to maximize my opportunity just playing defense. I have to show I'm one of the premier players on offense on the wing. So when it's that time, there's no question what type of player I am."  我不覺得打防守、當個防守悍將會讓我有機會完全發揮自己的實力。我必須證明我是  個優秀的進攻球員、鋒線球員。當我打出那樣的身手,當那個時候來臨,毫無疑問的  ,(大家)會知道我真正的實力何在。 Artest講出幾個想法 1、他想要追求更高的成就,賺更多錢。口恩,就職場上來說,算是想要   換跑道,讓自己有更多發揮空間,讓自己能發揮所有的能耐賺更多錢。 2、完美情況下,他想要到紐約。 Trade? Trade? Trade? Trade? Trade? 口恩,再說明一下,我把文章拆開。 把各個人的發言集中在一起..想說這樣似乎比較方便理解,得出全貌。 喔,有幾個比較沒有信心的句子。 1、Every time somebody is on me it's a mismatch. 2、I'm out of mycharacter a little bit here. 要請版友指教囉。 --

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◆ From: ※ 編輯: hsupohsiang 來自: (12/12 15:56)
1F:推 angelne:似乎完全是薪水太低的問題 12/12 16:07
2F:推 gonzdevour:推。 12/12 16:33
3F:→ gonzdevour:Pacers之家把"I like my team, though"翻成 12/12 16:34
4F:→ gonzdevour:"我喜歡有自己的球隊",好像扭曲得太過份了。 12/12 16:34
5F:→ gonzdevour:就我看來,他的意思是他喜歡教練和球隊,只是打法不合 12/12 16:36
6F:推 gonzdevour:IndyStar又有新聞了,小歐和Mike Wells一定要說得 12/12 16:59
7F:→ gonzdevour:這麼絕嗎? 12/12 17:00
8F:→ Granger33:Artest已經不是小孩子了,要為自己說的話負責,公開對媒 12/12 17:10
9F:→ Granger33:體放話絕對不是解決「打法不合」的理由,打法不合也只是 12/12 17:11
10F:→ Granger33:因為無法讓他打出好的帳面數據去拿到他認為「合乎身價」 12/12 17:14
11F:→ Granger33:的薪水而已 12/12 17:15
12F:推 gonzdevour:一開始放話是他不對,人總要為笨付出代價, 12/12 17:18
13F:→ gonzdevour:可是有必要演變成這樣的溜馬霹靂火嗎? 12/12 17:21
14F:→ gonzdevour:Mike Wells和JO的嗆聲可有經過高層授意? 12/12 17:22
15F:→ gonzdevour:像他們這些掌握資源的人要棒打落水狗有何難處? 12/12 17:22
16F:→ gonzdevour:雖然總還希望能好聚好散,不過大概是不可能了。 12/12 17:23
17F:→ Granger33:被打落水狗就是阿泰要付出的代價之一了,要放那種話就要 12/12 17:33
18F:→ Granger33:有被人劃清界限的覺悟 12/12 17:34
19F:推 TT123:有些時後把話講破了..就是交易的時後了..Ex: C-Webber 12/12 17:36
20F:→ TT123:但是如果他死都要回NY..那溜馬的選擇就少多了... 12/12 17:38
21F:→ Granger33:要走可以用別的方式,而不是公開挑戰教練,這太笨了 12/12 17:36
22F:推 ksaon:NY....薪資對等的...Crawford或是7-1的Jerome James 12/12 17:41
23F:推 XDTZ:第一句是說會造成錯守 你翻譯並沒有啥問題 第二句也行 12/12 17:45
24F:→ XDTZ:還有那個i like my team的確有暗示自己才該是老大的味道在 12/12 17:46
25F:→ XDTZ:如果他當時是說i like this team就不可能造成誤會了 12/12 17:47
26F:推 ksaon:mismatch是交換防守的一種戰術 12/12 17:47
27F:→ XDTZ:樓上...其實mismatch我覺得翻成錯守其實還不錯 12/12 17:48
28F:→ XDTZ:單擋之後出現一個PG對上PF就是錯守的一種情況 請指教 12/12 17:49
29F:→ XDTZ:現在看看第二句也有一點暗示他現在打球的方式不是他的本意 12/12 17:51
30F:→ XDTZ:看得出來他舉的例子都是能大量持球進攻的角色 12/12 17:51
31F:→ XDTZ:他可能想表達防守不是他所好 進攻才是他的本意 請指教 12/12 17:52
32F:推 wies1ey:阿泰的意思是大家都重視他的防守..忽略進攻 12/12 19:33
33F:→ wies1ey:他想證明其實他的進攻也可以跟AI T-Mac之流一樣好 12/12 19:33
34F:推 sango354:所以他把個人的成績看的比球隊戰績重囉? 12/12 20:07
35F:推 wies1ey:我以為是如此..看他那句我的球隊就知道 12/12 20:48
36F:推 joyboytoy:我覺得1原波翻得很正確啊 @@" 12/12 23:28

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