出處:印城星報 By Call Star reporter Mike Wells at (317) 444-6053. 翻譯:gonzdevour HAWKS 87, PACERS 85 Pacers fail chemistry 溜馬化合失敗 Team comes completely unglued in humiliating loss to Hawks 一盤散沙的隊伍慘遭老鷹羞辱 For the second time in less than two weeks, the Pacers let a blatantly inferior team beat them.In a game that featured a heated exchange between Jermaine O'Neal and Stephen Jackson, the Pacers fell 87-85 at Conseco Fieldhouse on Friday night. 短短不到兩個禮拜,溜馬第二度被擺明了就是次級的隊伍所擊倒。 溜馬星期五在Conseco Fieldhouse以八十七比八十五的比數輸球, 這場比賽值得一提的是歐尼爾和傑克森的火爆衝突。 "I think this is just a sign that we're a little bit (short) as far as maturity goes," Pacers rookie guard Sarunas Jasikevicius said. "You can come up with all kinds of stuff, but we gave these guys a chance to come in here and feel comfortable in our gym." “我想這只是顯示了我們離真正成熟還有一段距離,”溜馬的新人後衛小葉說道: ”你可以想出各種原因,但我們讓這些傢伙有機會在我們的地盤上撒野。” The Pacers were without forward Ron Artest, who was sidelined with a right wrist contusion. But Artest's absence wasn't supposed to stop them from beating a team that's inexperienced and less talented. The Pacers had the final shot to win the game. Point guard Jamaal Tinsley quickly pushed the ball up the court after Joe Johnson missed the second of two free throws. Tinsley got to the paint then kicked the ball to Jasikevicius, the Pacers best pure shooter, in the corner. 右腕挫傷的阿泰只能作壁上觀,但是他的缺席應該不至於影響溜馬去擊敗一支經驗 與天份都不足的隊伍。溜馬擁有最後一擊取勝的機會。Joe Johnson第二罰不中後, 小汀快速地把球推進到弧頂,衝入禁區,把球傳到邊線,給溜馬最好的純射手---小葉。 "You've got to give them credit for coming in here and playing the way they did," Pacers coach Rick Carlisle said. "When it really counted, they made plays we couldn't make. The thing to point out is we know what our major issue is and that is consistency." “你必須正視他們來到這裡的資格以及他們比賽的方式,” 溜馬隊的卡帥說道:”真正算起來,他們做到了我們所不能做到的。 這指出了我們主要的癥結,也就是團結一致。” The Pacers had taken several steps forward after winning three straight games, including an impressive victory over Cleveland on national television, only to take twice as many steps backward by losing to an Atlanta team that had only won once before Friday. 連贏三場之後,溜馬在團結上前進了幾步,包括在國家電視臺前對騎士那場 令人印象深刻的勝利。但敗給亞特蘭大的這場球又被打回原形---老鷹隊在週五前 只有一勝的成績。 "Championship teams win that game (Friday)," Pacers forward Austin Croshere said. "Everybody said after the game (against Cleveland) that if we don't win (Friday) it takes away from the game (against the Cavaliers). Do as we say. We're not good enough to just show up." “冠軍隊應該要贏得這場比賽,”溜馬前鋒克羅許說道:”大家都說如果我們星期五 無法贏球的話,打敗騎士就不算什麼。…….如我所說,我們剛剛表現得不夠好。” The Pacers showed the first signs of making Reggie Miller, along with other critics, look like he knows what he's talking about with their chemistry when they had their first public blowup late in the first half. O'Neal and Jackson had been going back and forth on the court when they took it to the bench. The conversation escalated to where it drew attention from people in the area as the coaches were meeting outside the huddle. Teammates had to intervene and break things up. 就好像神米老早知道他所批評是怎麼回事一樣,上半場結束前首次公開的怒罵使 化學效應的問題浮現了徵兆。O'Neal and Jackson had been going back and forth on the court when they took it to the bench.爭執升高到引起了周圍人們 的注意。教練正在應付別的事,所以隊友必須介入來解決。 (不好意思,兩人爭執細節的描述翻不出來。) "My position on it is that I support the players," Carlisle said. "There was a disagreement there. It manifested itself probably a little bit too much. After it happened we really bounced back and played really well. I don't want to overstate what did or did not happen. There was some frustration there. Part of it was that Atlanta was playing really well." “我的立場是支持球員,”卡帥説道:”是有一些比較過份的爭論,而在那之後 我們馬上回來打球,而且打得不錯。我不想誇大地說到底發生了什麼事, 的確有些挫折,部份是因為亞特蘭大打得非常好。” Neither O'Neal or Jackson, who was booed by the Fieldhouse crowd at times, wanted to address the issue afterward in the locker room. 在場上被噓了好幾次的歐尼爾和傑克森都不想等回到休息室再來解決問題。 "It's nothing, it's nothing. It's nothing at all," said O'Neal, who had 30 points and 10 rebounds. “沒事,沒事,真的一點事都沒有。”歐尼爾說道。他拿了三十分和十個籃板。 The Pacers didn't get their first lead until O'Neal made two free throws with 5:45 left in the third quarter.But the Pacers couldn't string together a run because of their inability to rebound the ball. The Hawks shot just 36 percent from the field, but they stayed in the game by grabbing 24 offensive rebounds for 23 second-chance points. 直到第三節剩下五分四十五秒時,歐尼爾投進兩個罰球,溜馬才第一次取得領先。 但是因為搶不到籃板球,溜馬無法將攻勢延續下去。老鷹只有百分之三十六的 投籃命中率,但二十四個進攻籃板提供了二十三分的二次進攻分數, 讓比賽能繼續進行下去。 It's only fitting that the Pacers summed up their porous play by allowing the Hawks to grab an offensive rebound after Tyronn Lue missed two free throws with 7.9 seconds left to give them another offensive opportunity. 於是理所當然地,比賽剩七點九秒時,Tyronn Lue雖兩罰不進,溜馬卻讓老鷹搶走了 進攻籃板,結束了這場千瘡百孔的比賽。 "The play at the end sort of typified it," Carlisle said. “最後一球象徵了一切。”卡帥說道。 --------------------------------------------------------------- 除了輸球以外好像還發生了衝突...... 輸球實在是沒什麼,沒能逆轉本來就是運氣運氣, 兩天背靠背又加上感恩節大餐,身體撐不住也是情理之常。 但我總是覺得本季的溜馬,包括這位Mike Wells都有點過於傲慢了。 有個目標是很好,可是贏球輸球都把冠軍不冠軍掛在嘴邊, 患得患失,敗給山貓或老鷹就說是"羞辱",這態度有點輕浮。 冠軍可不是喊喊口號,一支強隊也不是靠蔑視別人而成為強隊的。 希望溜馬能腳踏實地,先以成熟穩定為目標。 ------------------------------------ 這篇的口語片語很多,對我來說非常難, 翻譯錯誤應該不少,敬請不吝指正。 ------------------------------------ --

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1F:推 kuchibu:推傲慢..有一點這種感覺 無論如何 加油吧!pacers! 11/27 08:31
2F:推 Riolove:有看有推,& 心態很重要啊 11/27 15:24
3F:推 gargoyles:不不...翻的很好 再推最後一句 11/27 15:53
4F:推 ppacers:但我覺的溜馬部份球員現在態度真的有問題 11/27 21:25
5F:→ ppacers:可以去看看大陸網站PO的那篇有內鬨的報導 11/27 21:25
6F:→ ppacers:連主場球迷都忍不住要噓,要知道印地安那球迷算是有風度的ꐠ 11/27 21:27
7F:→ ppacers:了 11/27 21:27
8F:推 shinycc:我看了那一篇,我實在是對醜臉有點感冒了... 11/27 21:59
9F:推 jyunwei:恩 其實能進NBA技術體能水準都不會有太大落差 心態、團結묠 11/27 22:01
10F:→ jyunwei:與否等問題才是決定勝負的關鍵 11/27 22:02
11F:推 jyunwei:請問內鬨報導在哪篇呢@@" 11/27 22:04
12F:推 ppacers: 11/27 22:09
13F:推 jyunwei:多謝 11/27 22:27
14F:→ jyunwei:感覺GRANGER打球真是邀受拼的... 11/27 22:37

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