Oasis 板


Oasis star applauds The Burn BLACKBURN band The Burn came of age last night when they opened the ^^^^^^^^ first of Oasis' two hometown shows. And even the legendary Liam Gallagher applauded from the sidelines as the Blackburn boys won over the sell-out Manchester crowd with their unique blend of indie guitar music. 即使是孩子王或曼城的綠洲迷也對這個暖場團報以掌聲哦 Standing beside Emma Cox -- Mick Spencer's girlfriend -- the frontman stayed until the final bars of their set before heading back to his dressing room. After the show delighted Mick said: "The shows have been brilliant. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Seeing people responding to the songs has been amazing." ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Less than three ago the group -- who are Danny Davidson, Mick Spencer, Jay Place, Graham Rodgerson and Lee Walsh -- were playing the local clubs as a covers band. Since they were plucked from obscurity by the man who discovered The Verve, Embrace and Gomez there's been no stopping their meteoric rise towards stardom. 哦 The Burn 這個團也被發掘 Verve, Embrace 和 Gomez 的同一個經紀人提拔 But despite the amazing success story they're keeping their feet firmly on the ground. Mick said: "We're not saying we've arrived yet or anything, we know we've still got a long way to go. There's no egos in the band we're just about making music and pulling it off." Today the lads are relaxing at home before joining the Gallagher brothers for the final two dates of the tour in Glasgow. REVIEW: Oasis send fans wild with hits THE t-shirts said it all: They were like a chronicle of Oasis' last 10 years. 啊好想買到這款十年紀念的 t-shirt 哦>_<~ As thousands of fans poured into the Manchester Apollo, the names of the venues they had played and the albums they had produced flashed before your eyes. 總共塞下大概 3500 人吧;) Ten years of Noise and Confusion was celebrated last night by the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^是這次演唱會的主題 people who have followed Oasis since their early days. - a band of the future if ever there was one - the audience couldn't have been ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ more 'up for it' when the Gallagher brothers arrived on stage. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This concert wasn't about the future, it was about celebrating a band ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ who defined a decade. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^有後頭這句話 Oasis 或許也就夠了吧^-^~ 「慶祝定義一個年代的樂團」... Some say Oasis are past it - a yesterday band. But last night they proved they can still entertain with the best of them. The intimate surroundings of the Apollo no doubt helped, but literally as the first chord was struck of each song, the crowd went wild. “有人說 Oasis 已經過氣了──一個昨天的樂團。但昨晚他們證明了他們依然可以 以最好的來滿足歌迷。曼城親切的環境當然有助於這一點,不過看看當每首歌 第一個和絃刷下來的時候,底下的群眾就全都為之瘋狂了。” And the hits came thick and fast -- too numerous to mention each -- but starting off with Morning Glory was an inspired move. It was a sight and sound that will live long with those who attended - - those who needed no persuading that Oasis remain head and shoulders above the rest, the best guitar-band around. “這是一場參與的人都會銘記在心的視聽饗宴── 一群不需要被說服 Oasis 仍舊傲視群雄,仍舊是近年來最棒的吉他團的參與者。” LANCASHIRE EVENING TELEGRAPH Cheers! Patsy "Gallagher" -- May music one day help to let you See the light. --Paolo Hewitt, 1997 --

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◆ From: lib138.fju.edu.tw

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