作者fddk (扭曲的藍月)
標題[訪問] 2015 35xxxv Tour Band Interview
時間Tue Dec 22 11:17:58 2015
ONE OK ROCK 2015 35xxxv Tour Band Interview
2015/12/16 at Postbahnhof in Berlin, Germany
What was the influence that was different
from Japanese culture?
Ehm, you know, Japanese people, they looove J-Pop.
Like cheesy lyrics and cheesy dancing. And like …laughs.
… cheesy gimmicks.
EN.CORE That's true.
I hate it! (Laughter.)
So, you know, Mighty Long Fall is totally like rock, I think.
So other Japanese bands, I mean some bands are really cool,
but almost all rock bands in Japan suck.
They are totally Japanese pop-rock.
So I think Mighty Long Fall is more like American, like European …
EN.CORE It's more international …
Taka International, yes.
You published your album in a Japanese and an American release.
During this tour you stick mostly to the English lyrics of your songs.
With which intention?
It is actually, you know, I want to reach more people
in the audience with my words. When we started touring overseas
we couldn't say anything. I couldn't speak English.
And obviously I still don't speak German, Italian, French …
So now, we have to learn more English and I sing English style.
Also, we signed with Warner Bros. in the United States.
They want us to sing in English. This is why.
But maybe when my English is better I try to sing in Japanese
in the world tour. Because it's my first language.
I think, this is a good way.
You worked with John Feldmann as a producer.
Do you plan to continue to work with him?
I don't know yet. You know, he is a really good producer.
But as I told you, I have to learn more about everything.
About music and how to speak too.
So I wanna try to work with more other producers as well.
So, ya, to have … hm …
EN.CORE New input?
Taka Ya! That's it exactly.
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/ONE_OK_ROCK/M.1450754283.A.920.html
※ 編輯: fddk (, 12/22/2015 11:21:22
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