COMFORTABLY TOWARDS ROCK ONE OK ROCK 2015 35xxxv Tour Band Interview 2015/12/16 at Postbahnhof in Berlin, Germany 撷取比较有兴趣的部分、关於日摇、英文歌词、制作人: EN.CORE What was the influence that was different from Japanese culture? Taka Ehm, you know, Japanese people, they looove J-Pop. Like cheesy lyrics and cheesy dancing. And like …laughs. … cheesy gimmicks. EN.CORE That's true. Taka I hate it! (Laughter.) So, you know, Mighty Long Fall is totally like rock, I think. So other Japanese bands, I mean some bands are really cool, but almost all rock bands in Japan suck. They are totally Japanese pop-rock. So I think Mighty Long Fall is more like American, like European … EN.CORE It's more international … Taka International, yes. --虽然还是有很酷的日摇但大多数很娘,觉得自己的MLF很欧美风 EN.CORE You published your album in a Japanese and an American release. During this tour you stick mostly to the English lyrics of your songs. With which intention? Taka It is actually, you know, I want to reach more people in the audience with my words. When we started touring overseas we couldn't say anything. I couldn't speak English. And obviously I still don't speak German, Italian, French … So now, we have to learn more English and I sing English style. Also, we signed with Warner Bros. in the United States. They want us to sing in English. This is why. But maybe when my English is better I try to sing in Japanese in the world tour. Because it's my first language. I think, this is a good way. --英文歌词是唱片公司要求、可能等到英文进步再来唱日文,毕竟是母语 EN.CORE You worked with John Feldmann as a producer. Do you plan to continue to work with him? Taka I don't know yet. You know, he is a really good producer. But as I told you, I have to learn more about everything. About music and how to speak too. So I wanna try to work with more other producers as well. So, ya, to have … hm … EN.CORE New input? Taka Ya! That's it exactly. --为求创新学习、未来可能和其他制作人合作 更多: -- ※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: fddk (, 12/22/2015 11:21:22
1F:推 r31251z : 很好奇TAKA觉得很酷的日摇团有哪些 12/22 12:27
2F:推 nobuwei : 他们巡演有跟radwimps(?)可以算是认定rw是很酷的团 12/23 20:30
3F:→ nobuwei : 吗哈哈 12/23 20:30
4F:推 a782212000 : MLF很欧美...?日本人是不是都觉得曲子电一点就是欧 12/25 09:26
5F:→ a782212000 : 美阿?GAZETTE之前的访谈好像也是这样说 12/25 09:27
6F:→ a782212000 : 似乎蛮多日本团加盟大厂牌之後都风格都有点电味 12/25 09:28
7F:→ a782212000 : TAKA之前有说COLDRAIN CROSSFAITH 极限贺尔蒙 SIM 12/25 09:32
8F:→ a782212000 : 他蛮喜欢的 12/25 09:33
9F:推 pigo8032 : 说酷 BABYMETAL一定有的! 12/25 11:06
10F:→ pigo8032 : 虽然怪的成分比较多 想听Taka和Sumetal的声音搭在一 12/25 11:07
11F:→ pigo8032 : 起 12/25 11:07

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