Nintendo 板

LINE 挑重點簡譯一下 E3 06: Hands-on with the final PS3 controller We get our grubby mitts on Sony's new controller and you know what? It feels pretty good. By Jeff Gerstmann, GameSpot Posted May 8, 2006 9:20 pm PT …… For starters, it's wireless and startlingly lightweight. The Bluetooth device has a mini-USB plug on it, presumably for charging. /藍牙無線,重量很輕 The L2 and R2 triggers are analog and feel quite nice. There's a new central button that has the PlayStation logo on it. It doesn't seem to be functional, but it seems like a likely spot for some sort of "home" or "menu' button. / L2R2鍵程更深,手感頗好。中央帶PS標誌的按鈕目前功能未知,猜測類似於返回主功能表功能 The biggest change is inside the controller. There are motion-sensing gyroscopes inside the controller that will detect tilting as well as raising and lowering. /能感應玩家上下移動手柄的內部動作感性裝置 We get the feeling that wii've seen this in another upcoming console, but we'll save that discussion for message boards or something. Warhawk is one of the games that supports the tilt sensor, and it feels surprisingly tight and easy to use. Flying the plane by tilting the controller is very intuitive. /展會上實機演示的飛行遊戲《戰鷹》支持新手柄的感應功能,試下來感覺驚人的緊湊, 很好上手 One thing you won't find in this new controller is force feedback. The rumble feature was said to interfere with the motion sensing devices. Sony's Phil Harrison even went so far as to tell us that "rumble was last generation, movement is this generation." /索尼高官Phil放話:振動屬於上世代,移動(感應)才是新世代。 …… So if you wanted to be a cynic, you could say that this is a wireless PS2 controller with analog triggers like the Xbox, a central guide button like the Xbox 360, and internal motion sensors like the Wii. But what's probably most important is that the controller feels pretty nice and already seems to work well. 結論/ 要是較真,那麼你可以說新的PS3手柄=無線版PS2柄+360柄中心導航鍵+Wii 控制器 動作感應。不過說點實際的:這手柄在手裏的感覺不錯。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 看完的感覺就是.....幹 --

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1F:推 kuy:振動屬於上世代,移動(感應)才是新世代。<=看到這句 囧了 05/09 21:53
2F:推 danadanad:振動屬於上世代,移動(感應)才是新世代。 05/09 21:53
3F:→ danadanad:唷 它也知道阿 我還知道觸控也是新世代咧 死光頭佬@@ 05/09 21:54
4F:推 AEL: 振動屬於上世代,移動(感應)才是新世代。 經典語錄+1 05/09 21:54
5F:→ kuy:上世代的東西如果夠好有必要刪掉嗎?結論:專利的關係啦 Orz.. 05/09 21:53
6F:推 Azelight:硬凹,專利被對手拿去就說震動是上一世代 酸葡萄心理 05/09 21:55
7F:推 danadanad:久多良木PS3發表直後的專訪 05/09 21:57
8F:→ danadanad:價格「搞不好我定得太便宜了,把這些尖端科技的開發費 05/09 21:58
9F:→ danadanad:用整個一起看的話」「請不要把PS3跟其他遊戲機相提並論 05/09 21:58
10F:→ danadanad:,就像你不會把高級餐廳的消費跟員工食堂相提並論那樣」 05/09 21:58
11F:→ danadanad:「可以讓大家有精美的遊戲體驗的話,價格不會是問題」 05/09 21:58
12F:→ danadanad:「我PS跟PS2出的時候還不是一堆人喊太貴,結果大賣啊」 05/09 21:58
13F:→ danadanad:「加上這次世代的圖像表現與網路服務所綜合的起來的效果 05/09 21:58
14F:→ danadanad:一定會大賣」 05/09 21:58
15F:→ danadanad:誇口首發兩百萬台「當然我們絕對有準備到這個數量,如果 05/09 21:58
16F:→ danadanad:沒有什麼地震或者被偷的話這個數量絕對沒問題,可以在這 05/09 21:58
17F:→ danadanad:E3之前用這個最棒的舞台來發表我真是太爽了」 05/09 21:58
18F:推 WatanabeKen:還不是抄別人的 05/09 21:59
19F:推 kuy:我可以說九多良木賤是自大狂嗎? 一直再做白日夢阿.... 05/09 21:59
20F:推 halken:三合一啊,很酷捏 05/09 21:59
21F:推 Solzeta:sony老大當太久,這麼自以為是...有過去老任n64的敗相 05/09 21:59
22F:推 Azelight:我可以說四不像嗎 ≧▽≦ 又不是泡咖啡,還三合一 05/09 22:00
23F:推 danadanad: 05/09 22:02
24F:→ danadanad:這個我今天一值想提卻忘了 05/09 22:02
25F:推 kuy:連這也要學.....只能說九多良木賤吃像很難看... 05/09 22:03
26F:推 AEL:連微軟的那顆鈕也要來加減抄一下 真他媽優質 05/09 22:04
27F:推 halken:法米通的手把介紹 05/09 22:06
28F:推 AEL:這支手把真是越看越可笑了.... 一開始不是還說支援七人對戰 05/09 22:07
29F:推 faang:我真的很不喜歡現行設計..握把太小很難按 05/09 22:10
30F:推 WatanabeKen:連那個1.2.3.4的燈都給他這樣光明正大的抄下去 05/09 22:11
31F:推 kumo:沒錯這個我之前也看到了 超賤超賤 05/09 22:10
32F:推 AEL:餿你真是數十年如一日 用了12年的手把永遠都是那附鳥樣 05/09 22:13
33F:推 Azelight:不是我要說 那手把真的真的很難用 搞不懂為何有人直稱讚 05/09 22:14
34F:推 NintendoFans:推索尼"高官" 05/09 22:17
35F:推 WatanabeKen:對嘛...而且那個分離式十字鍵明明就超痛的 05/09 22:21
36F:→ WatanabeKen:還一堆人說讚,手都快破皮了 05/09 22:21
37F:推 volcom:那個試玩的人很像小牛老闆cuban.. 05/09 22:21
38F:推 AgentWu: ╭─────────╮ 05/09 22:34
39F:→ AgentWu: │板凳、好茶傳便便,│ Wii版 05/09 22:34
40F:→ AgentWu: │看好戲囉~ │ 05/09 22:34
41F:→ AgentWu: ╰───╭─────╯ ◢◤ 05/09 22:34
42F:→ AgentWu: ╭───────────╮ 05/09 22:34
43F:→ AgentWu: ◢ ̄ ̄╲ │前面ㄟ嬰仔,擋到我了,│ 05/09 22:34
44F:→ AgentWu: █ ≡ ▏│坐右邊一點,肛溫囉。 │ 05/09 22:34
45F:→ AgentWu: ◤□︵□▏────────────╯ 05/09 22:34
46F:→ AgentWu: ╲ )ο╱ ζ ◢◤鄉 05/09 22:34
47F:→ AgentWu: ◣︶ ̄◤┌┐ ◢◤民 05/09 22:34
48F:→ AgentWu: | ▏╰╯ ◢◤立 05/09 22:34
49F:→ AgentWu: ╦══◥◥══╦ ◢◤入 05/09 22:34
50F:→ AgentWu: ║ ║ ◢◤禁 05/09 22:34
51F:→ AgentWu: ◢◤止 ╱ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄╲ 05/09 22:34
52F:→ AgentWu: Wii ?? |◎   ◎ꄠ 05/09 22:34
53F:→ AgentWu: _ ========== 05/09 22:34
54F:→ AgentWu: 光有麥克風 ╲ 05/09 22:34
55F:→ AgentWu: \     / 05/09 22:34
56F:→ AgentWu: 也沒有用拉 | | 05/09 22:34
57F:→ AgentWu: ╲╴╴╴╴_ 05/09 22:34
58F:推 ahtea:(好茶) 05/09 23:21
59F:推 Devon22:現在想想難怪塊魂製作人會對Wii沒興趣,想必是早就知道內幕 05/09 23:31
60F:推 rex510:反正這一切一定是Not Final 幹 回力標勒?怎麼不見了 幹 05/10 15:52

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