NewAge 板


Number four. We have some simple advice about the weather. Understand that 第四點,關於天氣,我們有一些簡單的建議。了解到這個, it's not going to get better. If you sit and wish for it, that will not make 天氣是不會轉好的。如果你坐著然後為它許願,那不會令它變好。 it better. We have explained it before, so we will say it again. You're in a 我們以前曾經解釋過它,我們會再說一遍。 water cycle that is profoundly set to create a mini ice age. It may seem odd 你們正在一個水循環,深層地被設定去創造一個迷你的冰河時期。 to you that it gets hot before it has to get cold, but if you will look into 它(天氣)會看似對你們而言很奇怪,在它變冷之前,它會先變熱,但如果你會查你們的 your geology records, you will find the exact same thing has happened before. 地質紀錄,你會發現剛好同樣的事情以前發生過。 You didn't have the record keeping back then in the 1400s, but it happened 1400s年代你們沒有紀錄紀錄這些,但是它發生過而你們活下來了。 then and you survived it then. So we say to you, the winds will return, and 所以我們告訴你,這些風會回來,並且我們我們的建議是 our advice is to prepare for this by creating a situation where you acclimate 去為這些準備,藉由創造一個你們適應這新天氣的處境 。 to the new weather. Learn to anticipate it; build differently. Feel free not to build where 學著預料到它;以不同的方式建築。盡量不要建築在 danger is, or learn to build in safer places. But the admonishment is this: 危險存在的地方,或者學著去建在比較安全的地方。但是忠告是這個: Don't be shocked when it returns. It will return. Don't be surprised when the 當它回來時,不要震驚。它會回來的。但是 當你們南方的堤再度崩潰時 別驚訝 levees break again south of you, because they will. You'd be much better off ,因為他們會。你們最好開始在鎮裡移土(徵求翻譯,看不懂這邊) to move the dirt around in that town, and build on higher ground. [The berm 並且建在高地。 system that Kryon mentioned in the past, where you build houses on what look (克里昂以前提過The berm system,你在看起來 like large strip-rows of raised dirt, where only the streets are below the 像大型帶狀列的隆起土上(徵求翻譯)建造房子,那裡只有街道是在水平面之下。 water level. The houses are all built on the dirt strips, emulating the way 房子是建在泥土帶上,仿效 crops are watered.] That is smart. We'll see if it happens. "What are you 穀物被灌溉的樣子。)這很聰明。我們會看看這是否會發生。 saying, Kryon?" I am saying that Human Beings can adapt as they have in the 「你在說什麼,克里昂?」我是在說,人類可以像他們以前一樣適應, past, and the way you can now. If you start thinking smarter, you can adapt 而現在你們一樣可以。如果你開始想的聰明點,你可以適應 for the weather changes. Take charge of how you affect it, not how it affects 天氣的改變。掌管你們如何影響它,而不是掌管它如何影響你們。 you. Turn weather catastrophes into weather events. 把天氣大災難轉變為天氣事件。 Also, do not fear what is happening. Do not project what you see today into 並且,不要害怕正在發生的。不要投射你今日看到的到 你預料明天的一些劇本 上 some kind of drama that you expect tomorrow. The warming is a pre-cursor to 暖化是變冷的指標, cold, just as in the past... just as in the past. You can sit around and 就像以前一樣...就像以前一樣。你可以坐在那裡擔心它。 worry about it, or you can prepare for it. That was number four. 或者你可以開始為它做準備。這是第四點。(3q) --

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1F:推 chaos0807:最後一句,這是第[四]點。 09/11 21:10
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