NewAge 板


Number four. We have some simple advice about the weather. Understand that 第四点,关於天气,我们有一些简单的建议。了解到这个, it's not going to get better. If you sit and wish for it, that will not make 天气是不会转好的。如果你坐着然後为它许愿,那不会令它变好。 it better. We have explained it before, so we will say it again. You're in a 我们以前曾经解释过它,我们会再说一遍。 water cycle that is profoundly set to create a mini ice age. It may seem odd 你们正在一个水循环,深层地被设定去创造一个迷你的冰河时期。 to you that it gets hot before it has to get cold, but if you will look into 它(天气)会看似对你们而言很奇怪,在它变冷之前,它会先变热,但如果你会查你们的 your geology records, you will find the exact same thing has happened before. 地质纪录,你会发现刚好同样的事情以前发生过。 You didn't have the record keeping back then in the 1400s, but it happened 1400s年代你们没有纪录纪录这些,但是它发生过而你们活下来了。 then and you survived it then. So we say to you, the winds will return, and 所以我们告诉你,这些风会回来,并且我们我们的建议是 our advice is to prepare for this by creating a situation where you acclimate 去为这些准备,藉由创造一个你们适应这新天气的处境 。 to the new weather. Learn to anticipate it; build differently. Feel free not to build where 学着预料到它;以不同的方式建筑。尽量不要建筑在 danger is, or learn to build in safer places. But the admonishment is this: 危险存在的地方,或者学着去建在比较安全的地方。但是忠告是这个: Don't be shocked when it returns. It will return. Don't be surprised when the 当它回来时,不要震惊。它会回来的。但是 当你们南方的堤再度崩溃时 别惊讶 levees break again south of you, because they will. You'd be much better off ,因为他们会。你们最好开始在镇里移土(徵求翻译,看不懂这边) to move the dirt around in that town, and build on higher ground. [The berm 并且建在高地。 system that Kryon mentioned in the past, where you build houses on what look (克里昂以前提过The berm system,你在看起来 like large strip-rows of raised dirt, where only the streets are below the 像大型带状列的隆起土上(徵求翻译)建造房子,那里只有街道是在水平面之下。 water level. The houses are all built on the dirt strips, emulating the way 房子是建在泥土带上,仿效 crops are watered.] That is smart. We'll see if it happens. "What are you 谷物被灌溉的样子。)这很聪明。我们会看看这是否会发生。 saying, Kryon?" I am saying that Human Beings can adapt as they have in the 「你在说什麽,克里昂?」我是在说,人类可以像他们以前一样适应, past, and the way you can now. If you start thinking smarter, you can adapt 而现在你们一样可以。如果你开始想的聪明点,你可以适应 for the weather changes. Take charge of how you affect it, not how it affects 天气的改变。掌管你们如何影响它,而不是掌管它如何影响你们。 you. Turn weather catastrophes into weather events. 把天气大灾难转变为天气事件。 Also, do not fear what is happening. Do not project what you see today into 并且,不要害怕正在发生的。不要投射你今日看到的到 你预料明天的一些剧本 上 some kind of drama that you expect tomorrow. The warming is a pre-cursor to 暖化是变冷的指标, cold, just as in the past... just as in the past. You can sit around and 就像以前一样...就像以前一样。你可以坐在那里担心它。 worry about it, or you can prepare for it. That was number four. 或者你可以开始为它做准备。这是第四点。(3q) --

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1F:推 chaos0807:最後一句,这是第[四]点。 09/11 21:10
※ 编辑: cozoo 来自: (09/11 23:43)

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