NTUphy95 板


這個ch.的習題的內容翻譯還好,不過難題好多,加油!!!(至少ch.7比較少XDDD) 如果大家看到題目跟翻譯有以下問題: 1.翻譯錯誤,文意不通 2.原文有漏 3.其他人為錯誤(其實是我想不到還有什麼錯誤XD) 請到msn通知我或者在見面的時候再說也可以la!!! 廢話少說,請看!! 題號淺藍色為難題 <-->為雙箭頭(可逆反應) ch.8 exercises 94. The copper(I) ion forms a chloride salt that has Ksp = 1.2 x 10^-6. Copper(I) also forms a complex ion with Cl-: Cu+(aq) + 2Cl-(aq) <--> CuCl2-(aq) K = 8.7 x 10^4 a. Calculate the solubility of copper(I) cholride in pure water. (Ignore CuCl2- formation for part a.) b. Calculate the solubility of copper(I) chloride in 0.10 M NaCl. 94.已知亞銅離子可形成氯化鹽,其Ksp = 1.2 x 10^-6.亞銅離子亦可以與氯離子形成一複 雜離子: Cu+(aq) + 2Cl-(aq) <--> CuCl2-(aq) K = 8.7 x 10^4 a.算出在純水中氯化亞銅的的溶解度.(該小題忽略CuCl2-的形成.) b.算出在0.10M的氯化鈉溶液中,氯化亞銅的溶解度. 103. One method for determining the purity of aspirin (empirical formula, C9H8O4) is to hydrolyze it with NaOH solution and then to titrate the remaining NaOH. The reaction of aspirin with NaOH is as follows: C9H8O4(s) + 2OH-(aq) --Boil , 10 min--> C7H5O3-(aq) + C2H3O2-(aq) + H2O(l) Aspirin Salicylate ion Acetate ion A sample of aspirin with a mass of 1.427 g was boiled in 50.00 mL of 0.500 M NaOH. After the solution was cooled, it took 31.92 mL of 0.289 M HCl to titrate the excess NaOH. Calculate the purity of the aspirin. What indicator should be used for this titration? Why? 103.一個測定阿士匹靈(經驗所得的分子式為C9H8O4)的純度的方法:使用氫氧化鈉溶液令 其水解,然後用滴定法測量剩餘的氫氧化鈉.阿士匹靈跟 氫氧化鈉的化學反應如下: C9H8O4(s) + 2OH-(aq) --煮沸10分鐘--> C7H5O3-(aq) + C2H3O2-(aq) + H2O(l) 阿士匹靈 水楊酸離子 醋酸離子 現在用質量為1.427g的阿士匹靈樣本跟濃度為0.500M的氫氧化鈉50.00mL共沸.待溶液冷卻 後,以濃度為0.289M的鹽酸跟過量的氫氧化鈉滴定,用去該鹽酸31.92mL.計算出阿士匹靈的 純度.在滴定的過程中,應使用什麼指示劑?試解釋之. 123. A buffer is made using 45.0 mL of 0.750 M HC3H5O2 (Ka = 1.3 x 10^-5) and 55.0 mL of 0.700 M NaC3H5O2. What volume of 0.10 M NaOH must be added to change the pH of the original buffer solution by 2.5%? 123.有一緩衝液由0.750M的丙酸(Ka = 1.3 x 10^-5)45.0mL以及0.700M的丙酸鈉55.0mL所 制成.問需要加入多少體積濃度為0.10M的氫氧化鈉使該緩衝液原來的pH值改變了2.5%? 125. For solutions containing salts of the form NH4X, the pH is determined by using the equation pH =[ pKa(NH4+) + pKa(HX) ] / 2 a. Derive this equation.(Hint: Review Section 8.7 on the pH of solutions containing amphoteric species.) b. Use this equation to calculate the pH of the following solutions: ammonium formate, ammonium acetate, and ammonium bicarbonate. See Appendix 5 for Ka values. c. Solutions of ammonium acetate are commonly used as pH = 7.0 buffers. Write equations to show how an ammonium acetate solution neutralizes added H+ and OH-. 125.有一溶液包含了這種鹽:NH4X,其pH值取決於以下算式: pH =[ pKa(NH4+) + pKa(HX) ] / 2 a.推導該算式.(提示:回顧Section 8.7的the pH of solutions containing amphoteric species部分,在書的第315頁.) b.利用該算式計算以下溶液的pH值:甲酸銨,醋酸銨以及重碳酸銨(即碳酸氫銨).請到附錄5 查出它們各自的Ka值. c.醋酸銨溶液通常被用作為pH值=7.0的緩衝液.寫出化學方程式去表達當加入酸,以及加入 鹼的時候,醋酸銨溶液如何各自去中和它們. 127. a. Calculate the molar solubility of SrF2 in water, ignoring the basic properties of F-. (For SrF2, Ksp = 7.9 x 10^-10.) b. Would the measured molar solubility of SrF2 be greater than or less than the value calculated in part a? Explain. c. Calculate the molar solubility of SrF2 in a solution buffered at pH = 2.00. (Ka for HF is 7.2 x 10^-4.) 127. a.算出在純水中SrF2的莫耳溶解度,計算時要忽略F-引起鹼性的特性.(SrF2的Ksp = 7.9 x 10^-10.) b.試估量SrF2的真實莫耳溶解度應大於還是小於a小題所計出來的值,並解釋之. c.算出在pH=2.00的緩衝液中SrF2的莫耳溶解度.(HF的Ka為7.2 x 10^-4.) 129. a. Show that the solubility of Al(OH)3, as a function of [H+], obeys the equation: S = { [H+]^3 x Ksp / (Kw)^3 } + { K x Kw / [H+] } where S = solubility = [Al3+] + [Al(OH)4-] and K is the equilibrium constant for Al(OH)3(s) + OH-(aq) <--> Al(OH)4-(aq) b. The value of K is 40.0 and Ksp for Al(OH)3 is 2 x 10^-32. Plot the solubility of Al(OH)3 in the pH range 4-12. 129. a.證明氫氧化鋁的溶解度,實際上是遵從一條以[H+]為函數的算式: S = { [H+]^3 x Ksp / (Kw)^3 } + { K x Kw / [H+] } 在上式中,S = 溶解度 = [Al3+] + [Al(OH)4-],以及K為以下平衡反應之平衡常數: Al(OH)3(s) + OH-(aq) <--> Al(OH)4-(aq) b.已知K值為40.0以及Al(OH)3的Ksp為2 x 10^-32.用圖表表示出氫氧化鋁在pH值為4至12 的範圍內的溶解度. 若要轉貼,必先得到同意!!! ※ 編輯: ryo2006 來自: (10/26 13:19) ※ 編輯: ryo2006 來自: (10/26 13:21) ※ 編輯: ryo2006 來自: (10/26 13:22)

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