NTUcontinent 板


※ [本文轉錄自 NTULabor 看板] 作者: KarlMarx (保衛穆斯林!) 看板: NTULabor 標題: [轉錄]SMT詩選幾則 時間: Sat Apr 27 16:49:33 2002 轉錄自破報 網址:http://www.pots.com.tw/frameset.htm SMT 詩選幾則 詩選001 TAIWAN by Blessie B. Landingin Truly splendid, this place called Taiwan The busy streets, the towering edifice speaks of well- oppurtuned haven The shimmering lights that glows in the night brings forth beauty and glamour The soothing climate declared by season, the marvelous parks, tree heights They signifies abundance and civilization that nurtured its people & shelters in his warmth. Amidst dreams and ambitions, I was driven in this foreign land Suddenly I realized and met my fantasies in a different reality The reality that coursed my future to a Labyrinth Taiwan, Oh Taiwan the beauty in you is indeed tempting Yet this desolate heart awaits for your promises. Oh Taiwan, appease this longing heart of mine. In your glay, I render sacrifice and hard labor My pledge of reverence to you I offer The warmth of my motherland is my guaranty and truly a living legacy A promise to embrace you as my own, adopt as my second home Cultivate and enrich you with the culture, values and unique traits in return. When in solitude I think of your ways promises and privileges I think on how far we have been. Yet the bond remain untouched I am like a child lost in his mother's arm. Nothing I could do but rather pray Oh, dearest Taiwan, hear my little voice in night Feel the carressing wind, embrace the small shadow longing heart. For only through such, You'll see content of this desperate longing heart. A stranger in your land as I seemed to you Like an intruder I am judged with malice I am never tried, but convicted in your strong Pillars Confused and helpless, Yet stand still In the hope that someday I am orphaned by a home called Taiwan. Nothing though could stop me dreaming Thy pernicious claws is a harbouring shield, Thy perilous Land is a battleground of Love and Friendship In your serene nights I will be your nightingale, sing you Lullabyes till it permeates the profoundest of your heart I will lit you as a candle 'til your hostile eves melts into love Until I wake up to my sense, my dreams realized, And in God's way our Friendship rekindled and survive 詩選002 Working abroad Is Not Easy By Jun M. Sandchez Fixed eight hours in six working days Sometimes you have overtime to accomplish So that you got a lot of savings For additional you approve without thinking. The boss told me to take it if you can You feel tired for long working hours To follow the working rules and regulations And also to obey some laws or conditions. Always think, you're not in your country And be good in all aspect Their traditions, you should love and respect. All foods they cooked and try to taste. It's not easy to adjust in their climate To study a little words of their language To understand, what they are talking B friendly and communicate to them. Some of our loved ones knew, we earned dollars When we go home in our native land Filipinos we're very materialistic Buying expensive jewelries and things decoration. Some things they bought are look attractive To display in fashion model and at home But it's a souvenir for working hard That gave a relaxation and peace of mind. 詩選003 New Heroes By Joefelle Boton (節錄) Those who fought in the battle Are heroes of our past Now there are new heroes It is me, the O.F.W.'s. Yes we are all heroes In this difficult life we live Each of us can be a hero if we just try to be true 詩選004 謝謝 台灣 作者: Zenaida Castillo Benter 譯者:方秋娥‧可白 (節錄自《台北‧請聽我說──外籍勞工詩作文選》, 台北市政府勞工局編印) …… 當我起步時 心仍徘徊不已 我知道我的前途必定坎坷 但這不能阻止我駐足不前 反是鼓舞我向前的挑戰 …… 我被要求的工作和當初簽約的內容不一樣 但我除了嘆息什麼也不能做 …… 詩選005 異鄉人的希望 作者:Angelina C. Castillo 譯者:謝麗華‧可白 (節錄自《台北‧請聽我說──外籍勞工詩作文選》, 台北市政府勞工局編印) …… 來到此地 才知道時間如此緩慢 家人的影子在心裡盤旋 滿腦子的思念 淚水淌流,無法止息 我暗暗忖度 這樣的犧牲 到底能為明天存多少錢 每個夜晚都如此寒冷 我總是憂鬱又孤寂 渴望擁抱我的孩子 卻又無法如願 時間在不覺中緩慢流逝 數著日子 想問問何時才能結束 十萬元台幣從我的薪資中扣除 要工作八個月才能付清龐大的仲介費 詩選006 Little Bird By Alma E. Bucayani (節錄) The season's changing and you were lured You went with the flock "it's fun" you think From above you spot: "ISLAND OF PROMISE" Indeed, other birds from there bagged success. Winter came, your nest exposed trembling 'till dawn, your nights so cold You're also tiny, helpless and vulnerable This foreign jungle is fielded by predators. Many times you cry, your tears gone dry Your pinions fettered and break unclothed You've search for food and drudgery But you've got wounds instead. --

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