NTUWindBand 板


************************************************************** 此文為 hemels [email protected] 所有 嚴禁轉載 未經作者認可隨意轉貼者去死 ************************************************************* 【第三樂章】 'Rufford Park Poachers’ 是由 Joseph Taylor 先生唱給Grainger的。 Joseph Taylor比任何其他歌手都要知道更多的民謠。這首歌唱的是一件發生在1851年, 當Taylor還是個年輕人時發生的傳奇故事: 一群三十到四十人的盜獵者被十名獵場看守 者攻擊,其中一名看守者在爭鬥中重傷死亡。四名盜獵者以謀殺這名看守者的罪名被起 訴,判有罪後處流放十四年。Taylor只記得這首敘事歌中的三段,而Patrick O’ Shaughnessy在發現了一份當年審判的紀錄後,補足了剩下的部份。 歌詞: (此為Coope,Boyes & Simpson 的版本) 不管是雄鹿還是牡鹿, 雉雞或是野兔, 來到這世界上, 每個人都有權利獵補。 (合唱) 所以勇敢的盜獵者們啊, 聽我說, 保持你們英勇的心, 並想想那一晚在路弗公園, 那些盜獵者的勇氣。 他們說: 四十位勇敢的盜獵者 陷入了困境, 他們以前被攻擊時, 人數從未這麼多過。 為了一泯宿怨,這四十個盜獵者, 在金雀花叢間, 揀起了石頭, 他們要為可憐人的權益奮戰, 要打斷看守者的骨頭。 看守者拿著連枷, 對抗盜獵者和他們的行徑, 好讓他們再也不敢違逆 有錢人的規定。 這些看守者一開始 拿著石頭和枷鎖作戰, 但當盜獵者們反擊,哦, 他們立刻抱頭鼠竄。 在地上,躺著受了致命傷的 看守者之首,羅伯特, 他將不會再起, 直到最終的審判日。 在所有那群為放捕網陷阱的權利 奮鬥的幾十人中, 四人被帶到法庭上, 以謀殺罪名起訴。 法官說: “因為羅伯特之死, 你們必須被放逐, 做十四年的行刑苦役。” (最終合唱) 所以勇敢的盜獵者們啊, 我的故事已盡, 保持你們英勇的心, 並想想那一晚在路弗公園, 那些盜獵者的勇氣。 ************************************************* A buck or doe, believe it so, a pheasant or a hare Were sent on earth for every man quite equally to share. Chorus: So poacher bold, as I unfold, keep up your gallant heart, And think about those poachers bold, that night in Rufford Park. They say that forty gallant poachers, they were in distress, They'd often been attacked when their number it was less. Among the gorse, to settle scores, these forty gathered stones, To make a fight for poor men's rights, and break the keepers' bones. The keepers went with flails against the poachers and their cause, To see that none again would dare defy the rich man's laws. The keepers, they began the fray with stones and with their flails, But when the poachers started, oh, they quickly turned their tails. Upon the ground, with mortal wound, head-keeper Roberts lay, He never will rise up until the final Judgment Day. Of all that band that made their stand to set a net or snare The four men brought before the court were tried for murder there. The judge he said, For Roberts' death transported you must be, To serve a term of fourteen years in convict slavery. Final Chorus: So poacher bold, my tale is told, keep up your gallant heart, And think about those poachers bold, that night in Rufford Park. -- In the House of Remaining Snow, We dance and sing, make merry while the days are long. --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
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