作者warmleaf (會計之夜 3 / 22)
標題[情報] 征文編輯工作室誠徵中譯英自由譯者
時間Tue Jun 17 05:19:21 2008
- 極佳的英文寫作能力
- 中譯英的論文翻譯經驗
1. 附上您的英文履歷
2. 請列出您的學歷
3. 請列出您目前的職務及工作內容
4. 請描述您有多少中譯英的翻譯經驗及翻譯的內容包括哪些
5. 請描述您有多少中譯英的論文翻譯經驗及曾翻譯的領域
6. 請附上一些您學術論文的翻譯作品
7. 請列出您擅長的翻譯領域
8. 請列出您預期的翻譯費用(以每中文字計算)
[email protected], 您的個人資料會受到保護
Translators for Chinese to English
Uni-edit specializes in providing translation and English editing services to
academia in Taiwan. Chinese to English translators are currently sought after
for the translation of academic research papers on a job-by-job basis. The
translation work is interesting and challenging.
You have:
- excellent English writing skills
- experience translating academic research papers from Chinese to English
Please apply in English.
1. Include your English resume.
2. List your academic qualifications.
3. List your current employment and positions held.
4. Describe how much and what types of experience you have translating from
Chinese to English
5. Describe how much and what types of experience you have translating
academic research papers from Chinese to English.
6. Include some samples of your translation work for academic research papers.
7. Provide a list of subject matter areas in which you are competent to
8. State your expected rate per Chinese character for translation.
Send your application in English to
[email protected] . Your application
will be treated confidentially.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: warmleaf 來自: (06/17 05:20)