NTUDormG3 板


國青生治會及國青宿舍整體滿意度調查結果 調查結果概要: ●财本次調查共回收問卷201份(2F-15份、4F-2份、5F-22份、6F-20份、7F-14份、 8F-16份、9F-13份、10F-24份、11F-23份,未填寫樓層52份)。 ● 有99.4%的受訪者贊成每年舉辦宿舍服務與品質調查,而有0.6%的受訪者反對 舉辦調查。 ● 65.0%的受訪者對生治會的服務感到滿意,國青生治會服務的整體滿意度平均 為3.81。 ● 52.9%的受訪者對國青宿舍感到滿意,國青宿舍的整體滿意度平均為3.59。 ● 感謝大家參與本次調查,也感謝大家的鼓勵。 一、對生治會的部分 對生治會舉辦的活動與福利的滿意程度 不滿意% 尚可% 滿意% 平均 不清楚% 1. 對於上學期舍胞大會的滿意程度 3.6 28.6 57.9 3.66 30.3 2. 對於冬至吃湯圓活動的滿意程度 2.7 23.1 74.1 3.97 25.8 3. 對於上學期期末回饋的滿意程度 4.9 26.5 68.5 3.80 18.2 4. 對於宿舍整修會議的滿意程度 24.2 41.8 34.0 3.16 22.3 5. 對於下學期舍胞大會的滿意程度 7.7 35.9 56.3 3.61 29.0 6. 對於端午節活動的滿意程度 1.5 12.9 85.6 4.10 3.0 7. 對於各樓層報紙的滿意程度 6.8 22.5 70.7 3.99 4.5 8. 對於各樓層第四台的滿意程度 17.9 26.1 56.0 3.53 8.0 9. 對於清潔劑與清潔用品的滿意程度 23.7 37.6 38.7 3.14 2.5 10. 對於運動設施的滿意程度 43.1 32.9 24.0 2.77 15.2 11. 對於生治會公佈欄的滿意程度 3.6 27.7 68.7 3.84 2.5 12. 對於生治會服務的整體滿意程度 1.7 33.3 65.0 3.81 7.7 13. 對於未來生治會的建議總整理 财 ● 建議舉辦活動增進舍胞情誼。 财 ● 建議多討論整修規劃與搬遷問題。 财 ● 建議更新與增加地下室運動設施。 财 ● 建議把遙控器固定在交誼廳,避免電池遺失及遙控器摔壞。 财 ● 建議生治會公告要中英對照。 二、對宿舍的部分 對於國青宿舍各項設施與服務的滿意程度 不滿意% 尚可% 滿意% 平均 不清楚% 14.對於一樓大廳交誼空間的整體滿意程度 3.0 46.5 50.5 3.59 1.5 15.對於i-Lounge的整體滿意程度 7.4 42.3 50.3 3.56 5.5 16.對於自行車停車空間的整體滿意程度 25.0 32.4 42.6 3.23 5.1 17.對於各樓層交誼廳的整體滿意程度 14.7 44.2 41.1 3.31 2.0 18.對於各樓層曬衣間的整體滿意程度 27.4 38.2 34.4 3.04 4.8 19.對於走廊環境的整體滿意程度 20.0 44.2 35.8 3.16 - 20.對於寢室環境的整體滿意程度 10.9 37.0 52.1 3.48 - 21.對於浴室環境的整體滿意程度 41.4 36.3 22.3 2.75 0.6 22.對於廁所環境的整體滿意程度 53.2 27.6 19.2 2.53 0.6 23.對於盥洗室環境的整體滿意程度 38.2 34.4 27.4 2.83 0.6 24.對於電器間(洗衣間)環境的整體滿意程度 13.5 38.5 48.1 3.46 0.6 25.對於垃圾桶清潔的整體滿意度 16.7 34.6 48.7 3.38 - 26.對於浴室冷熱水系統的整體滿意程度 21.0 29.9 49.0 3.34 0.6 27.對於冷氣系統的整體滿意程度 9.6 26.3 64.1 3.73 0.6 28.對於宿舍網路系統的整體滿意程度 5.1 20.4 74.5 3.99 0.6 29.對於飲水機的整體滿意程度 3.8 26.8 69.4 3.88 0.6 30.對於洗、烘衣機的整體滿意程度 9.0 25.2 65.8 3.76 1.9 31.對於販賣機的整體滿意程度 8.6 25.8 65.6 3.75 4.4 32.對於郵件收發服務的整體滿意程度 3.4 20.8 75.8 3.98 5.1 33.對於宿舍公共安全的整體滿意程度 8.4 34.4 57.1 3.62 2.5 34.對於宿舍電梯安全的整體滿意程度 4.7 33.3 62.0 3.72 5.1 35.對於宿舍舉辦消防講習的整體滿意程度 5.6 33.3 61.1 3.68 8.9 36.對於宿舍輔導員的整體滿意程度 4.6 23.0 72.4 3.86 3.8 37.對於宿舍工友的整體滿意程度 3.3 24.2 72.5 3.85 2.5 38.對於宿舍清潔人員的整體滿意程度 13.4 22.9 63.7 3.59 - 39.對於宿舍警衛的整體滿意程度 2.6 17.9 79.5 3.99 1.3 40.對於餐廳的整體滿意程度 16.8 36.2 47.0 3.40 5.7 41.對於福利社的整體滿意程度 14.5 33.6 52.0 3.47 2.6 42.對於國青宿舍的整體滿意度 3.2 43.9 52.9 3.59 - 43. 其他對於國青宿舍的建議總整理 财 ● 建議加強門禁管理,各樓層交誼廳常有非住宿生使用,希望能限制並勸導他們 使用i-lounge。 财 ● 建議加強宿舍清潔,尤其是浴室、廁所和盥洗室。若清潔人員無法進步,建議 更換清潔人員。 财 ● 建議公佈洗烘衣機的定期清潔的紀錄。 财 ● 建議設置自行車車棚。 财 ● 建議改善冷熱水系統。 财 ● 建議改善戶外景觀,並增加戶外庭園中的交誼空間。 财 ● 建議擴大曬衣場空間,且處理被長期佔用的情況。 财 ● 建議公共設施的使用規範要更明確,如洗衣板。 财 ● 建議改善i-Lounge照明,避免太暗。 财 ● 建議福利社的商品價格能降低與校內便利商店一樣。 财 ● 建議餐廳不要太常休假,或增加為兩餐廳可以輪休。 财 ● 建議增加販賣機的無糖豆漿數量,另建議改善易卡住的零食,如鳳梨酥。 财 ● 建議開放i-Lounge廚房。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Result of Satisfaction Survey for IYC Dormitory Summary: ● 201 questionnaires were collected. (15 from 2F, 2 from 4F, 22 from 5F, 20 from 6F, 14 from 7F, 16 from 8F, 13 from 9F, 24 from 10F, 23 from 11F & 52 unstated) ●财99.4% approved to held the satisfaction survey every year. Only 0.6% did not agree. ● 65.0% of the respondents were satisfied with the service of IYC Student Committee. The average score is 3.81. ● 52.9% of the respondents were satisfied with the service of IYC Dormitory. The average score is 3.59. ● Thank you for your participation. Also, appreciate all the encouragement and advice. Part 1 About IYC student committee Satisfaction of these activities and welfare providing by IYC student committee Bad% Fine% Good% Mean Unknown% 1.1st semester Dorm Meeting 3.6 28.6 57.9 3.66 30.3 2.Midwinter Festival 2.7 23.1 74.1 3.97 25.8 3.Feedback at the End of 1st semester 4.9 26.5 68.5 3.80 18.2 4.Renovation Meeting 24.2 41.8 34.0 3.16 22.3 5.2nd semester dorm meeting 7.7 35.9 56.3 3.61 29.0 6.Dragon boat festival 1.5 12.9 85.6 4.10 3.0 7.Newspapers in each lounge area. 6.8 22.5 70.7 3.99 4.5 8.Cable TV in each lounge area 17.9 26.1 56.0 3.53 8.0 9.Aromatic and Washing liquid 23.7 37.6 38.7 3.14 2.5 10.Exercise facility in the basement 43.1 32.9 24.0 2.77 15.2 11.Bulletin board in each elevator 3.6 27.7 68.7 3.84 2.5 12.Satisfaction of IYC student committee 1.7 33.3 65.0 3.81 7.7 13.Suggestions for the new IYC student committee 财 ● Please hold more activities to promote friendship between students. 财 ● Please discuss the renovation and relocation planning. 财 ● Please renew and buy additional sports facilities in the basement. 财 ● Please fasten the remote controller on the desk to avoid loss or break. 财 ● Please announce in English and Chinese. Part 2 About IYC dormitory. Satisfaction of the facilities and services in IYC dormitory Bad% Fine% Good% Mean Unknown% 14.Environment of lounge in the lobby 3.0 46.5 50.5 3.59 1.5 15.Environment of i-Lounge (1F) 7.4 42.3 50.3 3.56 5.5 16.Environment of parking area for Bicycles25.0 32.4 42.6 3.23 5.1 17.Environment of lounge in each floor 14.7 44.2 41.1 3.31 2.0 18.Environment of drying room in each floor27.4 38.2 34.4 3.04 4.8 19.Environment of all corridors 20.0 44.2 35.8 3.16 - 20.Environment of bedroom 10.9 37.0 52.1 3.48 - 21.Environment of shower room 41.4 36.3 22.3 2.75 0.6 22.Environment of toilet 53.2 27.6 19.2 2.53 0.6 23.Environment of washroom 38.2 34.4 27.4 2.83 0.6 24.Environment of laundry room 13.5 38.5 48.1 3.46 0.6 25.Cleanliness of trash cans 16.7 34.6 48.7 3.38 - 26.The Hot/cold water supply system 21.0 29.9 49.0 3.34 0.6 27.Air condition system 9.6 26.3 64.1 3.73 0.6 28.Internet system 5.1 20.4 74.5 3.99 0.6 29.Drinking fountains 3.8 26.8 69.4 3.88 0.6 30.Washing machine & dryer 9.0 25.2 65.8 3.76 1.9 31.Vending machine 8.6 25.8 65.6 3.75 4.4 32.Mail delivery service 3.4 20.8 75.8 3.98 5.1 33.Public safety in the dormitory 8.4 34.4 57.1 3.62 2.5 34.Safety of elevator using 4.7 33.3 62.0 3.72 5.1 35.The process of Fire drill 5.6 33.3 61.1 3.68 8.9 36.Satisfaction of resident directors 4.6 23.0 72.4 3.86 3.8 37.Satisfaction of janitors 3.3 24.2 72.5 3.85 2.5 38.Satisfaction of cleaning staffs 13.4 22.9 63.7 3.59 - 39.Satisfaction of security guards 2.6 17.9 79.5 3.99 1.3 40.Satisfaction of restaurant (B1) 16.8 36.2 47.0 3.40 5.7 41.Satisfaction of convenient store(B1) 14.5 33.6 52.0 3.47 2.6 42.Satisfaction of IYC dormitory 3.2 43.9 52.9 3.59 - 43.Suggestions for the IYC dormitory 财 ● Please enhance the access management. There are a lot of non-residential students will stay and use in the lounge. Please limit and persuade them to use i-Lounge. 财 ● Please strengthen the hostel clean, especially bathroom, toilet and bathroom. If cleaning cannot progress, please consider replace the cleaning staff. 财 ● Please public the maintenance record of the washing machines and dryers. 财● Please build rain shelter for bike. 财 ● Please improve the hot and cold water systems. 财 ● Please improve the outdoor landscape and provide some place for rest. 财 ● Please expand the space for hanging up clothes and deal with long-term occupation. 财 ● Please make the guide of public facilities more specific, such as the washboard. ● Please improve lighting in i-Lounge. It’s too dark now. 财 ● Please reduce the commodity price in the convenient store to the same level as other stores in campus. 财 ● Please reduce the rest of the restaurant or increase one more restaurant for rotation. 财 ● Please increase the quantity of sugar-free soy-milk in the vending machine. Please modify the machine or product to avoid cookie stuck. 财 ● Please re-open the kitchen in i-Lounge. 國青生治會敬上 IYC Student committee 99.6.23 -- 國青生治會男總幹事 #18960, 02-33663366#18960 國青輔導員Emma & Danny #69669, 02-33669669 國青一樓櫃台-工友或警衛 #68833, 02-33668833 --

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