NTU-Exam 板


課程名稱︰國際企業導論 課程性質︰國企系必修 課程教師︰趙義隆 開課學院:管理學院 開課系所︰國企系 考試日期(年月日)︰2012/06/19 考試時限(分鐘):100分鐘 是否需發放獎勵金:是 (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : 一 選擇題:45% (3 for each) 1.According to the classification of plant layout, the university campus is designed by ______. a) Process layout b) Product layout c) Fixed-position layout d) Mix layout e) Flexible layout 2. The success of Toyata Production System has made it as benchmark for many manufacturing industries. The centrality of its perations is _____. a) TIM(Time is money) system b) JIT(Just in time) system c) MIT(Make in time) system d) MRP(Material Requirements Planning) system e) ERP(Enterprises Resources Planning) system 3. National Quality Award is named after by _____. a) Edward Deming b) Malcolm Baldrige c) Michael Porter d) Harry Potter e) Six Sigma 4. Here is a statement about a job: "requires 3-5 years of marketing experience, strong customer focus, and the ability to work confidently with the R&D team inside and channel members outside." This statement is most likely to be _____. a) A job analysis b) A job description c) A job specification d) A job orientation e) A job nightmare 5. Profit-sharing is considered to be a part of _____. a) wage b) salary c) compensation d) employee benefits e) lump-sum salary increase 6. A(n) ______ is an approach which collects anonymous reviews about an employee from his or her peers, subordinates, supervisors, and related co-workers and then compiles these into a feedback report given to the employee. a) Simulation b) Objective mehtod c) Affirmative Action d) 360-degree evaluation e) Assessment center 7. Which of the follwing coupling relations is NOT correct? a) Ouchi: equity theory b) Maslow: hierarchy of needs c) McGregor: theory X and Y d) Vroom: expectancy theory e) Taylor: scientific management 8.以下何者不屬於Herzberg兩因子理論中的激勵因子? a) 成就感 b) 認同感 c) 工作本身 d) 責任感 e) 薪資 9. 一個成功的經理人,會竭盡所能,完成上級所交付的任務作為目標。 這句話不能完全同意的主要問題點在哪? a) 成功的經理人 b) 會竭盡所能 c) 完成 d) 上級交付的任務 e) 作為目標 10. Price sensitivity is widely used as a ____ variable for market segmentation. a) demographic b) geographic c) psychographic d) behavioristic e) dummy 11. A private brand is a brand that is owned and promoted by an individual wholesaler or retailer. Which of the following example is incorrect? a) 7 Select in 7-Eleven b) Fami in Family Mart c) Mitty 獨賣 in OK 便利商店 d) Kirkland in Costco 好市多 e) First Price(大拇指) in RT-Mart 大潤發 12. Which of the following is NOT considered as one of the promotion mix? a) Advertising b) Free delivery c) Sales promotion d) Personal selling e) Public relations 13. A(n) ____ firm is willing to invest in small (and sometimes struggling) that have great potential to become very profitable. a) Private Equity b) Private placement c) Venture capital d) Underwriting e) Guardian angel 14. Risk-return ratio is a common relationship for investment by all businesses and personal. The relationship is usually expressed as ____. a) Positive related b) Negative related c) Concave related d) Convex related e) unrelated 15. Which of the following does NOT fit in the short-term financing methods? a) Trade Credit b) Commercial paper c) Secured loan d) Factoring e) IPO 二 解釋名詞:30% (6 for each,並舉例印證或會圖表說明之) 1. MBO (Management by Objectives) 2. Hawthorne Studies 3. Four types of utility 4. Marketing mix 5. BSC (Balanced Scorecard) 三 申論題:36% (請充分說明之) 1.以貴組所選定的七家企業為範圍,不必以主力或代表產品為限,請就三種市場選取方式 (包含目標市場和行銷組合),分別用一家企業(或事業部門或產品線)說明之。 A)無差異市場區隔 B)集中市場區隔 C)差異化市場區隔 (若都無法適用時,可以用其他企業做為釋例) 2. 本課程邀請到三位外賓蒞臨演講:分別是碩網資訊-邱仁細,Glenfiddich-詹昌憲, 昇恒昌Ever Rich-江建廷,請挑選其中一位說明: A)他的企業面臨的主要挑戰有哪些?(可從總體環境PEST或利害關係人切入) B)經營該企業的重點機能是什麼?(可從產銷人資發財研判) C)從經理人或管理者觀察,他有什麼優點是你學習的地方?  (可從KAS:Knowledge/Attitude/Skills回答) --

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