NTU-Exam 板


課程名稱︰經濟學原理與實習下 課程性質︰ 課程教師︰駱明慶 開課學院: 開課系所︰ 考試日期(年月日)︰2012.04.20. 考試時限(分鐘):130分鐘 是否需發放獎勵金:是 (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : 一、選擇題 (45%):不需說明,寫出正確答案即可。 1. If the price of bread is zero, the budget constraint between bread (on the vertical axis) and cheese (on the horizontal axis) would (a) be vertical. (b) coincide with the vertical axis. (c) coincide with the horizontal axis. (d) be horizontal. 2. Dave consumes two normal goods, X and Y, and is currently at an optimum. If the price of good X falls, we can predict with certainty that (a) Dave will definitely consume more of both goods since his real income has risen. (b) the substitution effect will be positive for good X and negative for good Y. (c) may consume more or less of good X and he will definitely consume less of good Y. (d) the substitution effect will offset the income effect for good X. 3. For a risk averse person, (a) the pleasure of winning $1,000 on a bet exceeds the pain of losing $1,000 on a bet. (b) the pain of losing $1,000 on a bet exceeds the pleasure of winning $1,000 on a bet. (c) the utility function exhibits the property of increasing marginal utility. (d) the utility function gets steeper as wealth increases. 4. Effective signals (a) convey useful information from informed parties to uninformed parties. (b) impose little or no cost on the signaler. (c) cannot be conveyed accurately when there is an information asymmerty. (d) can be used by employers to alleviate the moral hazard problem in the workplace. 5. At issue in a particular city vote is how much to spend, per person, on road repair next year. Among the 10,000 votes, 1,500 prefer to spend $300 per person, but no more; 2,800 prefer to spend $450 per person, but no more; 3,500 prefer to spend $800 per person, but no more; and 2,200 prefer to spend $1500 per person, but no more. The median voter is one who prefers to spend (a) $300. (b) $450. (c) $800. (d) $1500. 6. For the purpose of calculating GDP, investment is spending on (a) stocks, bonds, and other financial assets. (b) real estate and financial assets such as stocks and bonds. (c) capital equipment, inventories, and structures, including household purchases of new housing. (d) capital equipment, inventories, and structures, excluding household purchases of new housing. 7. Many things that society values, such as good health, high-quality education, enjoyable recreation opportunities, and desirable moral attributes of the population, are not measured as part of GDP. It follows that (a) GDP is not a useful measure of society's welfare. (b) GDP is still a useful measure of society's welfare because providing these other attributes is the responsibility of government. (c) GDP is still a useful measure of society's welfare because it measures a nation's ability to purchase the inputs that can be used to help produce the things that contribute to welfare. (d) GDP is still the best measure of society's welfare because these other values cannot actually be measured. 8. If the CPI was 125 this year and 120 last year, then (a) the cost of the CPI basket of goods and services increased by 4.2 percent this year. (b) the price level increased by 4.2 percent this year. (c) the inflation rate for this year was 4.2 percent. (d) All of the above are correct. 9. The CPI differs from the GDP deflator in that (a) the CPI is an inflation index, while the GDP deflator is a price index. (b) substitution bias is not a problem with the CPI, but it is a problem with the GDP deflator. (c) increases in the prices of foreign produced goods that are sold to U.S. consumers show up in the GDP deflator but not in the CPI. (d) increases in the prices of domestically produced goods that are sold to the U.S. government show up in the GDP deflator but not in the CPI. 10.The key determinant of a the standard of living in a country is (a) the amount of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker's time. (b) the total amount of goods and services produced within the country. (c) the total amount of its physical capital. (d) its growth rate of real GDP. 11.Which of the following is an example of the "brain drain?" (a) A country's most highly educated workers emigrate to rich countries. (b) A country has such a poor educational system that human capital falls over time. (c) The population of a country grows so fast that the educational system can't keep up. (d) A country steals patented technology from another country. 12.In a closed economy, national saving is (a) usually greater than investment. (b) equal to investment. (c) usually less than investment because of the leakage of taxes. (d) always less than investment. 13.Which of the following events could explain a decrease in interest rates together with an increase in investment? (a) The government went from surplus to deficit. (b) The government instituted an investment tax credit. (c) The government reduced the tax rate on savings. (d) None of the above is correct. 14.Who of the following would be included in the Bureau of Labor Statistics' "unemployed" category? (a) Tuuli, who is waiting for her new job to start. (b) Jyri, who worked only 15 hours last week. (c) Panu, who neither has a job nor is looking for one. (d) None of the above is correct. 15.Unemployment insurance (a) reduces search effort and raises unemployment. (b) reduces search effort and lowers unemployment. (c) increases search effort and raises unemployment. (d) increases search effort and decreases unemployment. 二、非選擇題 (55%): 答題時請適當說明你的想法,計算題請說明推理過程,答案內容以讓批改者瞭解為原則。 1. (16%) 台灣的勞動統計將15歲以上民間人口分為非勞動力和勞動力,而勞動力又分為就 業和失業。請說明下列各種情形分別如何影響勞動統計中各個分類的人數,並推論失業 率將如何變動。 (a) (4%) 今年有更多婦女為了結婚或生小孩離開職場,回家做家庭主婦。 (b) (4%) 許多長期失業者因為求職屢遭挫折決定不再找工作了。 (c) (4%) 統計當局決定將志願役軍人改列為勞動力。 (d) (4%) 勞動參與率的定義是什麼?台灣婦女的教育水準越來越高,但勞動參與率成長 速度卻很緩慢,有人解讀這是因為就業市場歧視女性。你認為還有沒有其他可能呢? 2. (14%) 台大國本年度其總產出(Y)為10,000,政府支出(G)為1700,淨稅收(T)為1500。某 經濟學家估計台大國的投資(I)和消費(C)如下:C = 6000 - 100r,I = 3300 - 100r; 其中該經濟體實質利率為r%。 (a) (2%) 請簡要說明:為什麼消費與實質利率為反向關係? (b) (3%) 請計算該國之私部門儲蓄、政府儲蓄、國民儲蓄與利率的關係為何? (c) (4%) 均衡實質利率為何?此時台大國的投資量是多少? (d) (5%) 台大國政府決定要加發老人年金(增加移轉性支付),財源以舉債支應(本年度不 加稅)。假設鄉民拿到老人年金後會將一部分用於消費、一部分用於儲蓄,且此政策 不影響產出。請說明本政策對桃花源民間儲蓄、政府儲蓄、國民儲蓄的影響,並用可 貸資金市場供需說明均衡利率和投資金額將如何變動。 3. (15%) 小全的人生分為兩期,年輕時期與年老時期。令年輕時期的所得為$10000,年老 時期的所得為$5250。年輕時期的消費為C1,年老時期的消費為C2。兩期之間的利率 為r。 (a) (3%) 請寫出小全的跨期預算限制式。 (b) (3%) 如果r為10%,小全選擇年老時消費%5129,此時小全年輕時消費多少? (c) (3%) 如果r為5%,小全選擇年輕時消費%12000,此時小全年老時消費多少? (d) (3%) 由上兩小題可知,小全比較喜歡在哪一個利率水準下生活? (e) (3%) 承(b)(c),利率上漲的替代效果和所得效果會增加或減少小全的C1? 4. (10%) 船長小黃有資金$10000,他想出船到南洋採集香料。船運往返需要一年的時間。 船運有風險存在,已知有α的機率成功,1-α的機率失敗。但不肯定α的大小。成功的 話小黃載回香料,一船香料值$12100,失敗的話什麼都沒有,並損失原本資金的36%。小 黃為風險趨避者,其財富效用為U=√W。其中W小黃的資金。請回答下列問題。 (a) (3%) 請先計算小黃的期望報酬為何? (b) (3%) 對小黃而言,α多大才會使他願意出船? (c) (4%) 小黃現在就將這船一年後的香料以$11025賣給商人大鳥,而大鳥也知道小黃的 期望報酬與效用。如果大鳥答應了,請問大鳥是風險趨避者還是風險喜好者? --

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