作者ping5350830 (無暱稱)
標題[試題] 100下 胥嘉陵 社會語言學概論二 期中考
時間Sat May 5 10:00:13 2012
試題 :
Essay questions (Answers should be to the point and well-illustrated.)
Choose "One" of the questions between 1a and 1b.
1a.How do men and women differ in their patterns of using language regarding
their "linguistic features," "norms of interactions," and "functions of
interactins?" Provide examples from the patterns of interaction or / and
gossip to illustrate your points. (20%)
1b.What are some of the explanations of women's linguistic behavior provided
by Janet Holme's textbook? Name "Two" of them. Provide evidence to justify
whether they are reasonable based on the clasroom readins. (20%)
1c.How does language reflect sexism? Provide "two" examples for illustration.
1d.When we are faced with the issue that language is claimed to be sexist and
some feminists attempt to eradicate such phenomenon by reinventing the
language such as changing 'history' to 'herstory,' what is your attitude
toward this issue? Do you think that gender differences in language use
are inevitable? What might be some possible solutions to raise the awareness
of this issue so tat sexism in language use may be lessened? (6%)
2. What is Whorfian hypothesis? WHat kinds of evidence support such hypothesis?
What are some of the counterarguments against it? Name "one from each
category." Provide illustrations based on the classroom readings. Do you
personally agree to Whorfian hypothesis based on your own experiences of
foreign language learning? Explain. (24%)
3. Accroding to Bernstein, what are the definitions of 'elaborated code' vs.
'restricted code' and 'position-oriented families language use' vs.
'person-oriented families language use'? Provide three features for each
category. What is the most distinguishing difference between these two sets
of definitions in terms of their theoretical postulations? What is his
proposition regarding the relationship between language and education?
What are the main arguments other sociolinguists employ to criticize
Berstein's theory? You can cite two arguments from Labov or one from Labov
and the other from Trudgill. (32%)
Choose ONE of the questions in the following section.
4a.What are the definitions and functions of a linguistic taboo and euphemism?
Provide illustrations with example. Name "two" of them. (10%)
4b.What is prototype theory? How does it apply to account for lanugage learning
strategies and universal color terminology of different cultures? (10%)
4c.What is verbal hygiene? Provide two examples for illustration. (10%)
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