作者ferygood (兩角菱)
標題[試題] 100下 楊恩誠 神經生物學期中考
時間Mon Apr 2 18:16:44 2012
考試時限(分鐘):2 hr
試題 :
簡答題 (每題2分,共60分)
1. What is the meaning of the term animal model ?
2. What are the different levels of analysis in neuroscience research?
3. What is anxoplasmic transport ?
4. What are the fuctions of glia cells we know so far?
5. What is myelin? What does it do?
6. State the neuron doctrine in a single sentence. To whom is this insight
7. What is the Nernst equation?
8. Explain why increasing extracellular potassium depolarizes neurons?
9. What is patch clamp method for?
10.What is an action potential?
11.What is salutatory conduction?
12.Why spike-initiation zone can produce action potentials?
13.How do you identify gap junction? Describe the methods can be used briefly.
14.Describe the release mechanism of the neurotransmitter by exocytosis.
15.Define the terms: EPSP and IPSP.
16.What are the temporal summation and spatial summation of EPSP?
17.What is shunting inhibition?
18.What are the criteria that must be met for a molecule to be considered a
19.Endocannabinoids is one of the retrograde messengers. How the retrograde
signaling works?
20.What is transmitter-gated channel? Please explain it with example.
21.What is G-protein-coupled channel? Please explain it with example.
22.Describe the meninged.
23.What is cerebrospinal fluid?
24.What is so-called "functional imaging" technique.
25.What are the "two" functional imaging techinques now in widespread use?
26.Are the dorsal root ganglia in the CNS or PNS?
27.Imaging that you are a neurosurgeon, about to remove a tumor lodged deep
inside the brain. The top of the skull has been removed. What now lies
between you and the brain? Which layer(s) must be cut before you reach the
28.What are three features that characterize the structure of cerebral cortex?
29.Define the term of ganglion (pluaral:ganglia).
30.What is neurulation?
問答題 (每題10分,共40分)
1. Why is KCl used for lethal injection?
2. Please design an experiment to identify the different subtyoes of glutamate
3. If you are about to find out the neural pathway between cerebrum and
cerebellum, how do you do for the experiment?
4. How do you identify a molecule as a neurotransmitter? Please design the
necessary experiments for this for this identification.
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