NTU-Exam 板


課程名稱︰經濟學原理與實習上 課程性質︰必修兼通識A5 課程教師︰駱明慶 開課學院:社科院 開課系所︰經濟系 考試日期(年月日)︰2012.1.9 考試時限(分鐘):110 是否需發放獎勵金:yes (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : 一、選擇題(45%):不須說明,寫出正確答案即可。 1.When a good is rival in consumption, (a)one person's use of the good diminishes another person's ability to use it. (b)people can be prevented from using the good. (c)no more than one person can use the good at the same time. (d)everyone will be excluded from obtaining the good. 2.Stacy places a $20 value on a bottle of wine, and Andrea places a $17 value on it. The equilibrium price for a bottle of wine is $15. Suppose the government levies a tax of $1 on each bottle of wine, and the equilibrium price of a bottle of wine increases to $16. Because total consumer surplus has (a)fallen by more than the tax revenue, the tax has a deadweight loss. (b)fallen by less than the tax revenue, the tax has no deadweight loss. (c)fallen by exactly the amount of the tax revenue, the tax has no deadweight loss. (d)increased by less than the tax revenue, the tax has a deadweight loss. 3.Which of the following statements is correct? (a)If marginal cost is rising, then average total cost is rising. (b)If marginal cost is rising, then average variable cost is rising. (c)If average variable cost is rising, then marginal cost is minimized. (d)If average total cost is rising, then marginal cost is greater than average total cost. 4.When firms are neither entering nor exiting a perfectly competitive market, (a)total revenue must equal total variable cost for each firm. (b)economic profits must be zero. (c)price must equal total variable cost for each firm. (d)Both (a) and (c) are correct. 5.In the long run (a)monopolistically competitive firms earn a higher profit than perfectly competitive firms because monopolistically competitive firms have some monopoly power. (b)monopolistically competitive firms produce a higher output than perfectly competitive firms because competition drives the perfectly competitive firm'soutput down. (c)both monopolistically competitive and perfectly competitive firms produces where P = MC. (d)both monopolistically competitive and perfectly competitive firms produce where P = ATC. 6.A dominant strategy is one that (a)makes every player better off. (b)makes at least one player better off without hurting the competitiveness of any other player. (c)increases the total payoff for the player. (d)is best for the player, regardless of what strategies other players follow. 7.Monopoly firms have (a)downward-sloping demand curves and they can sell as much output as they desire at the market price. (b)downward-sloping demand curves and they can sell only a limited quantity of output at each price. (c)horizontal demand curves and they can sell as much output as they desire at the market price. (d)horizontal demand curves and they can sell only a limited quantity of output at each price. 8.Which of the following statements is correct? An individual worker's labor supply curve (a)can never be backward sloping. (b)slopes backward if that person responds to a higher wage by taking fewer hours of leisure per week. (c)slopes backward if that person responds to a higher oppportunity cost of leisure by working fewer hours per week. (d)slopes upward if that person works the same number of hours per week, regardless of the opportunity cost of leisure. 9.A difference in wages between a highly-educated worker and a less-educated worker is (a)may be due to a difference in the amounts of human capital between the workers. (b)may be a signal that the market is indifferent to a worker's level of human capital. (c)considered unfair by economists. (d)considered unfair by everyone. 10.If firms are competitive, then labor-market discrimination (a)cannot exist in either the short run or the long run. (b)will be more of a problem than if the market were monopolistic or imperfectly competitive. (c)likely will not be a long-run problem unless customers exhibit discriminatory preferences or government maintains discriminatory policies. (d)likely will be more of a problem in the long run than in the short run due to the zero-profit condition that characterizes long-run equilibrium for competitive firms. 11.When the government redistributes income to achieve greater equality, it (a)distorts incentives. (b)improves efficiency. (c)focuses on middle income brackets. (d)relies on foreign aid to help balance the budget. 12.Which of the following statements is correct? (a)The United States has a more equal distribution of income than other developed countries such as Japan and Germany. (b)The statement "a rising tide lifts all boats" illustrates how economic growth reduces the number of people with income levels below the poverty line. (c)The economic life cycle explains why people base spending decisions on transitory income. (d)The libertarian political philosophy follows the maximin criterion. 13.On hot summer days, electricity-generating capacity is sometimes stretched to the limit. At these times, electric companies may ask people to voluntarily cut back on their use of electricity. An economist would suggest that (a)every electric customer has an incentive to prevent the system from overloading, so this voluntary approach is the most efficient. (b)it would be more efficient if the electric company raised its rates for electricity at peak times. (c)it would be more efficient to have a lottery to dicide who had to cut back their use of electricity at peak times. (d)it would be more efficient to have a lottery to decide who had to cut their usage of electricity by the same amount. 14.When price is below average variable cost, a firm in a competitive market will (a)shut down and incur fixed costs. (b)shut down and incur both variable and fixed costs. (c)continue to operate as long as average revenue exceeds average fixed cost. (d)a regressive tax attempts to achieve horizontal equity. 二、非選擇題(55%): 答題時請適當說明你的想法,計算題請說明推理過程,答案內容以讓批改者瞭解為原則。 1.(15%)請簡要回答以下問題。 (a)(5%)請問以下敘述是否正確? 如果所得稅制為累退稅(regressive tax),則此一稅制必然違反水平公平 (horizontal iquity)和垂直公平(vertical equity)原則。 (b)(5%)假設在某個產業,男性員工不喜歡和女性員工一起工作。假設男性和女性的 生產力皆相同,這種員工歧視行為是否可能造成女性員工的薪資較男性低? (提示:假設這種薪資差距真的存在,追求利潤最大的企業家該怎麼做?) (c)(5%)請根據底下的資料,利用羅倫茲曲線(Lorenz Curve)的觀念,判斷哪一國的 所得分配較不平均? 家戶累積百分比 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% A國所得累積百分比 6% 18% 38% 66% 100% B國所得累積百分比 4% 14% 34% 61% 100% 2.(16%)假設獨佔性競爭(monopolistically competitive)市場中,廠商的長期及短期 成本函數皆為TC = 8 - 4Q + 2Q^2。由成本函數可推出廠商甲的邊際成本函數為 MC = -4 + 4Q。 (a)(4%)短期十該廠商面對的需求函數為P = 20 - 6Q,試求其最適定價及產量。 (b)(3%)承(a),此時廠商甲的利潤為何? (c)(6%)到了長期,其他廠商可自由進出市場,所以該廠商面對的需求線因此平行移動 而變成P = a - 6Q,請問在長期均衡時,a之值為何?廠商甲的訂價、產量 各是多少? (d)(3%)承(c),此時利潤為何? 3.(16%)柯達與富士達製造底片,假設市場上無其他競爭對手,只有此兩大廠。每個年度 兩大廠分別可選擇生產50單位、75單位或100單位三種等級的產出水準。而產業利潤 視兩廠廠量而定,請參考下表。且兩廠利潤依生產量佔產業產量的比率為定,例如: 如柯達生產100單位,而富士康生產75單位,則產業總產量為175單位,此時產業利潤為 $21元,柯達利潤為21*100/176 = $12元,富士為$9元。請回答下列問題: 總供給量 100 125 150 175 200 產業利潤 $32 $35 $30 $21 $10 (a)(%)指襖綠單一年度,請將此問題以報酬矩陣(payoff matrix)表示出來。 (b)(%)承上。各自決策的情況下,請找出Nash equilibrium。 (c)(%)承上。現在柯達與富士有一個合作協商的機會,若由上小題的均衡點出發,請問 雙方合作下的產量各是多少? (d)(%)為了確保對手永遠不會背叛合作協商,雙方宣布以下策略:如果有人背叛,則在 下一年度將不計盈虧生產100單位。請問這樣的策略是否能確保雙方合作。 4.(8%)假設小島上北部和南部生產樟腦的生產函數不同,分別是 QN = 2√LN QS = LS/10 因此勞動邊際生產力(MPL)分別為MPLN = 1/√L以及MPLS = 1/10。其中QN、QS分別 代表北部與南部的樟腦產量。LN、LS代表北部與南部的勞動人口。北部樟腦的價格為%20, 南部樟腦價格為$10。此外,北部的勞動人口為100,南部勞動人口為400。全島樟腦的 勞動人口為500人。 (a)(4%)若人口不能自由移動,請問均衡時北部與南部的工資各為何? (b)(4%)若人口可以自由移動,其他情況不變下,請問均衡時北部與南部的工資各為何? 五十北部與南部的勞動人口是多少? --

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1F:推 miraclecity :已收至:) 01/18 14:01
2F:→ lovehan :柯達聲請破產保護了 QQ 01/24 00:55

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