NTU-Exam 板


課程名稱︰經濟學原理與實習 上 課程性質︰ 課程教師︰駱明慶 開課學院: 開課系所︰ 考試日期(年月日)︰2011.11.11 考試時限(分鐘): 是否需發放獎勵金:是 (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : 一.選擇題(45%) 1. Prices usually reflect (a) only the value of a good society. (b) only the cost to society of making a good. (c) both the value of a good to society and the cost to society of making a good. (d) neither the value of a good to society nor the cost to society of making the good. 2. The term "market failure" (a) means the same thing as "market power". (b) refers to the dissolution of a market when firms decide to quit producing a certain product. (c) refers to the failure of a market to produce an efficient allocation of resources. (d) refers to government's failure to enforce the property rights of households or firms that participate in a certain market. 3. When an economy is operating at a point on its production possibilities frontier,then (a) consumers are content with the mix of goods and services that is being produced. (b) there is no way to produce more of one good without producing less of the other. (c) equal amounts of the two goods are being produced. (d) all of the above are correct. 4. Suppose the United States has a comparative advantage over Mexico in producing pork. The principle of comparative advantage asserts that (a) the United states should produce more pork than what it requires and export some of it to Mexico. (b) the United States should produce a moderate quantity of pork and import the remainder of what it requires from Mexico. (c) the United States should refrain altogether from producing pork and import all fo what it requires from Mexico. (d) Mexico has nothing to gain from inporting United States pork. 5. A movement along the supply curve might be caused by a change in (a) technology. (b) input prices. (c) expectations about future prices. (d) the price of the good or service that is being supplied. 6. When the local used bookstore prices economics books at $15.00 each, it generally sells 70 books per month. If it lowers the price to $7.00, sales increase to 90 books per month. Given this information, we know that the price elasticity of demand for economics books is about (a) 2.91, and an increase in price from $7.00 to $15.00 results in an increase in total revenue. (b) 2.91, and an increase in price from $7.00 to $15.00 results in a decrease in total revenue. (c) 0.34, and an increase in price from $7.00 to $15.00 results in an increase in total revenue. (d) 0.34, and an increase in price from $7.00 to $15.00 results in a decrease in total revenue. 7. A binding price floor will reduce a firm's total revenue (a) always. (b) when demand is elastic. (c) when demand is inelastic. (d) never. 8. Suppose your own demand curve for tomatoes slopes downward. Suppose also that, for the last tomato you bought this week, you paid a price exactly equal to your willingness to pay. Then (a) you should buy more tomatoes before the end of the week. (b) you already have bought too many tomatoes this week. (c) your consumer surplus on the last tomato you bought is zero. (d) your consumer surplus on all of the tomatoes you have bought this week is zero. 9. When a good is taxed, the burden of the tax (a) falls more heavily on the side of the market that is more elastic. (b) falls more heavily on the side of the market that is mor inelastic. (c) falls more heavily on the side of the market that is closer to unit elastic. (d) is distributed independently of relative elasticities of supply and demand. 10. A tariff on a product (a) is a direct quantitative restriction on the amount of a good that can be imported. (b) increases the domestic quantity supplied. (c) increases the domestic quantity supplied. (d) all of the above are correct. 11. When the production of a good results in a positive externality, the social value curve is: (a) below the demand curve, indicating the total value to society is less than the private benefit. (b) above the demanf curve, indicating the total value to society is greater than the private benefit. (c) identical to the demand curve, indicating the total cost to society is the equal to the private benefit. (d) above the supply curve, indicating the total cost to society exceeds the private cost. 12. Which of the following is an example og a normative, as opposed to positive, statement? (a) If the price of a product decreases, peoples's willingness to buy that product will increase. (b) Reducing tax rates on the wealthy would benefit the nation. (c) If the national saving rate were to increase, so would the rate of economic growth. (d) The elimination of trade restrictions would increase an economy's standard of living. 13. When a country allows trade and becomes an importer of steel, (a) the losses of the domestic producers of steel exceed the gains of the domestic consumers of steel. (b) the losses of the domestic consumers of steel exceed the gains of the domestic producers of steel. (c) the gains of the domestic producers of steel exceed the losses of the domestic consumers of steel. (d) the gains of the domestic producers of steel exceed the losses of the domestic producers of steel. 14. Farm programs that pay farmers not to plant crops on all their land (a) hurt farmers by lowering their total revenue and hurt consumers by causing shortages of some food items. (b) help farmers by cutting costs, which helps consumers by lowering food prices. (c) help farmers by increasing total revenue in the market but hurt consumers by raising prices. (d) help farmers directly since they receive government patments but have no real effects on consumers. 15. Which of these consumption activities will most likely impose an external cost? (a) An athlete works out at a gym. (b) A secretary smokes a cigarette in a crowded break room. (c) A young mother pushes her baby in a stroller. (d) A construction worker eats a hotdog during his lunch break. 二.非選擇題(55%) 答題時請適當說明你的想法,計算題請說明推理過程,答案內容以讓批改者瞭解為原則。 1.(15%)請根據下列敘述回答問題 (a) (5%)小島上原本鮮乳市場有很多家鮮乳業者,但經歷激烈競爭後只剩下三家廠商存活下來,這代表這三家廠商最能有效率的生產鮮乳。假設這三家廠商生產鮮乳一樣有效率,邊際成本皆為每盒$30,市場上鮮乳的定價差不多在每盒$31。今因為原物料價格上漲關係,三家廠商的邊際成本皆上升至$35,於是大家看到三家廠商皆把售價調整為每盒$36。請問你認為這是廠商聯合漲價的結果,還是市場競爭的結果? (b) (5%)小明跟小華都是製作西點的師傅。小明每個小時可以製作10個泡芙或5個布丁;小華每個小時可以製作30個泡芙或20個布丁。小明跟小華同時在台大蛋糕工作。請以泡芙為橫軸,布丁為縱軸,畫出兩人合作12小時的生產可能線。 (c) (5%)著名的德國經濟研究所首次以德國人為調查基礎得出結論說,對於男人來說,身高與收入確實有關係,而且是成正比。他們還得出了一個精確的數據:平均身高每高出一公分就等於每月毛收入多出0.6%。假設這個資料正確,我們可以推論,平均來說身高高的人比較會賺錢。請問這樣的推論可能犯了什麼錯誤? 2.(20%)假設生乳的供給為Q^S = P, 需求為 Q^D = 100 - Po。 (a) (2%)均衡價格與數量為何? (b) (4%)若農委會為照顧酪農生計,決定對生乳訂定價格下限為每單位 $70,並收購所有過剩的生乳。請問此時消費者剩餘、生產者剩餘、政府收購支出以及社會總剩餘各是多少。 (c) (4%)若農委會另一套方案是採取價差補貼至%70,意即若市場價格低於 %70, 政府將補貼其中的價差給酪農。在此情況下,請重新回答上題。 (d) (6%)有民間團體認為應該要補貼消費者,只要消費者需求增加,酪農的生活自然也會改善。因此要求政府補貼消費者需求直到均衡價格為$70為止。請問政府需補貼消費者每單位多少元才能使均衡價格達到$70?請問此時消費者剩餘、生產者剩餘、政府補貼支出以及社會總剩餘各是多少。 (e) (4%)請問就照顧酪農的角度來看,上面(b)、(c)、(d)小題中的政策何者比較有效率?若是以整體社會的角度來看,哪一個政策比較有效率? 3.(20%)可成是生產iPhone機殼的大廠。其供給為Q^S = P,市場需求為 Q^D = 300 - P。可成每生產1單位機殼,就會產生1單位的汙染,而每1單位的汙染將對當地村民造成$60的傷害。為了方便,我們稱可成以及它的需求者為"私人部門"。 (a) (2%)如果政府不作任何管制,機殼的均衡價格和均衡數量各為多少?社會總剩餘為何? (b) (2%)考量外部成本後,社會的最適產量應該是多少? (c) (6%)教科書提到:負的外部性會使市場的均衡數量超過對社會整體而言最適當的數量。如果政府為了減少可成的產量決定課從量稅。請問政府應該對可成課每單位多少元從量稅才能使產量達到社會適量?此時政府稅收、社會總剩餘與無謂損失各是多少? (d) (5%)若政府不採取課稅,但將汙染權判給製造汙染者(即私人部門擁有汙染的權力)。請問村民需付多少權利金,可成才願意將產量降低至社會最適?此時社會總剩餘是多少? (e) (5%)若將汙染權判給村民(村民擁有不被汙染的權力)。請問可成需付多少權利金給村民才能生產機殼?此時社會總剩餘是多少? --

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